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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. Played with images, to try and up contrast. here's an additional image. Thanks much for all the help, we really appreciate the input!
    2. additional image first part of inscription
    3. better image of left end (bottom?)
    4. The Kanji do not match that signature. here's some better images from daylight
    5. But what is the translation please?
    6. That's all for now, the picture taking took place after the consumption of adult beverages. We'll try and get some better pictures today in the daylight sans adult beverage.
    7. here's part of the leather covered scabbard
    8. In addition to having the scabbard fully covered in leather, the entire handle had this leather cover that cinches up with a tie and leather knot
    9. here's the handle, some of the fittings, part of the blade and the tip of the leather knot attached
    10. A very good friend of mine is down for the holiday and he has brought a recent acquisition with him. Can anyone help with the signature on the tang?
    11. Back on track.... Farkas, so what you are saying is the Association membership number has nothing to do with the badges themselves. That only the award card has the badge number typed on it. So, safe to assume that award cards with no numbers typed on them correspond to UN-numbered badges? Thanks for your help!
    12. Booklet for Badge # 03412 is on eBay right now for $49.95, or best offer. Badge is not on our list as a known one.
    13. This was in the Tatras Mountains, my Mom Thinks..... The family name is Andras. We also have Oleksak and Mochak in the family
    14. My Great Grandparents were both from Tszair (Tzair), they met on the boat on the way over. This was close to Poprad (??). Now my Mom is combing through old stuff trying to glean more details!
    15. Closed 5/5/13, $39.99. It was up for a week. i didn't bid as I assumed it was you!
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