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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. So, bottom line for me would be enjoy your cross.... it probably left Knauer that way.... even if it might have been in another box once upon a time.
    2. Now for some fun... here's a pair, found within the usual 1.kl. box from Germany
    3. Concur with Mike... not the typical award box for 1.kl. kreuz.... that's not to say it wasn't used, but certainly not the typical one we find.
    4. I also notice he's offering three rather rare documents that appear to be from the same recipient.......... individually...
    5. Thanks Ulsterman! Appreciate the additional information tremendously!!
    6. Medalla "Olo Pantoja" (II) Again two classes, but what for?
    7. Eaxample of first class ribbon. Again, I suspect a second class (silver medal) on first class ribbon...
    8. Example of a medal on this ribbon. I suspect what we are seeing here is the second class, on the first class ribbon....
    9. Medalla "Por la Seguridad del Orden Interior" (I) For Protecting Public Security & Order (?) Police? Secret Police? Two classes given
    10. Medalla "Jos? Tey" What for? Is the ribbon really the same as Eliseo Reyes II?
    11. Medalla "Haza?a Laboral" For a special feat in labor (?)
    12. Medalla "Haydee Santamar?a" Established on April 28, 1989, the medal recognizes individuals and groups that, through intellectual and artistic/cultural work have contributed to the defense and integration of Latin American culture. It is awarded primarliy to artisits, writers and intellectuals and awrdees have included: Gabriel Garcia Coarse Marquez, Mario Benedetti, Augusto Roa Bastos, Robert Matta, Alfonso Tailo,, the ICAIC and the theatre company "The Shed" of Uruguay. Only two Cubans have been given the award to date. Presentations are made in the House of the Americas in Havana, usually on Culture Day (October 20th).
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