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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. Hi Ferg1, are you speaking about the first badge that started the thread? The "silver" one with engraving being sold on eBay?
    2. Reverse. Possibly Juncker/Meybauer. Note content mark. Note very crude, period repair.
    3. I would be careful about the comment regarding "crown & half moon".... Yes, JUNCKER made badges are known to NOT have that mark... However, other badge makers DID use them.... A lack of knowledge can be a very bad thing......
    4. I would go one step further... the marks are consistent with the few silver-marked navy badges I have seen from Schaper. I concur on the pin/hinge. BUT, I would not spend money on a badge based on these photos. An Army one can be determined well, even from crap pictures. A Navy one.... HUGE roll of the dice.
    5. I think every one of the devices look like cast copies and the bar is new... the stitching doesn't look like Godet sewing to me.
    6. There are silver gilt BMVO3... they will also be marked for (appropriate) silver content. Also, 3. Kl. has seperately applied flames..
    7. I agree with Heiko, at least 300- Euro... the opening bid then becomes quite sensible, n'est-ce pas?
    8. Hi Dave, beautiful piece, only the second cased cross I've seen of this grade.
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