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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. Not only bad, but shown here once before.... and not that long ago.... who's the seller?
    2. Rough translation: They decorate new Heroes of the Work of Cuba Havana, 2 may (RHC) Jose R. Future Machado, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Cuba, decorated in this capital to 37 workers, of them 15 women, with extraordinary results in the production and the services. Future Machado gave to Loyal Eusebio, Historian of the City, and to Juan J. Maiquez, mechanic of the Company of Maintenance of Construction and Repairs, both of City of Havana, the honorary titles of Heroes of the Work of the Republic of Cuba. Also it placed medals that guarantee that condition in the chests of Mountain, operating Alvaro of cane gatherer of the Company Agropecuaria Trimming Gonz?lez, of Blind person of ?vila, and Jorge War, driver-distributor of Base de Transporte de Bebidas, of the Tunas, reviews ain. Carlos Lage, Ricardo Alarc?n, Jose R. Balaguer and Pedro Sa'ez, members also of the Political Bureau, and other leaders of the Secretaryship of the Central Committee and political organizations and masses participated in outstanding the official recognition of the working class in their day. In a ceremony in the Hall Protocol of the Laguito, after the multitudinal celebration in all the nation of First of May, Day the International of the Workers, five excellent workers received the Order Lazaro Rock of First Degree, eight the one of Second and nine the one of Third. That last one was also given to a representation of the group of 30 people of the Motel of the Provincial Assembly of the Popular Power in Sancti Sp?ritus an operator of industrial equipment, an employee, a journalist, a dock worker and a cook were deserving of the Medal Jesus Men?ndez and six workers plus the one of the Labor Feat. The System of Decorations and Honorary Titles of Cuba is contained in the Law 17 that approved the National Assembly of the Popular Power in its first ordinary period of sessions, from the 28 to the 30 of June of 1978. Its Regulation and Statutes decided the Council to them State in December of 1979.
    3. Hero of Labor notification from the web: Condecoran a nuevos H?roes del Trabajo de Cuba La Habana, 2 may (RHC) Jos? R. Machado Ventura, miembro del Bur? Pol?tico del Partido Comunista de Cuba, condecor? en esta capital a 37 trabajadores, de ellos 15 mujeres, con resultados extraordinarios en la producci?n y los servicios. Machado Ventura entreg? a Eusebio Leal, Historiador de la Ciudad, y a Juan J. Maiquez, mec?nico de la Empresa de Mantenimiento de Construcci?n y Reparaciones, ambos de Ciudad de La Habana, los t?tulos honor?ficos de H?roes del Trabajo de la Rep?blica de Cuba. Tambi?n coloc? medallas que avalan esa condici?n en los pechos de ?lvaro Serrano, operador de alzadora de ca?as de la Empresa Agropecuaria Orlando Gonz?lez, de Ciego de ?vila, y de Jorge Guerra, chofer-distribuidor de la Base de Transporte de Bebidas, de Las Tunas, rese?a la ain. Carlos Lage, Ricardo Alarc?n, Jos? R. Balaguer y Pedro S?ez, integrantes igualmente del Bur? Pol?tico, y otros dirigentes del Secretariado del Comit? Central y de organizaciones pol?ticas y de masas participaron en el reconocimiento oficial a destacados de la clase obrera en su d?a. En una ceremonia en el Sal?n de Protocolo de El Laguito, tras la multitudinaria celebraci?n en toda la naci?n del Primero de Mayo, D?a Internacional de los Trabajadores, cinco obreros sobresalientes recibieron la Orden L?zaro Pe?a de Primer Grado, ocho la de Segundo y nueve la de Tercero. Esa ?ltima fue entregada igualmente a una representaci?n del colectivo de 30 personas del Motel de la Asamblea Provincial del Poder Popular en Sancti Sp?ritus Un operador de equipos industriales, un dependiente, un periodista, un estibador y un cocinero fueron merecedores de la Medalla Jes?s Men?ndez y seis trabajadores m?s la de la Haza?a Laboral. El Sistema de Condecoraciones y T?tulos Honor?ficos de Cuba est? contenido en la Ley 17 que aprob? la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular en su primer per?odo ordinario de sesiones, del 28 al 30 de junio de 1978. Su Reglamento y Estatutos los acord? el Consejo de Estado en diciembre de 1979.
    4. And a rough translation of the text: Hero of the Republic of Cuba Agreement of the National Assembly of the Popular Power Inasmuch as: Gerardo Hernandez Nordelo, Ramon Laba?ino Salazar, Fernando Gonz?lez Llort, Ren? Gonz?lez Sehwerert and Antonio Guerrero Rodriguez has fulfilled exemplary dedication, dignity and firmness the sacred mission to defend the Mother country, and to protect it of the terrorism, being run great risks for their lives and supporting enormous sacrifices in average the more hostile, aggressive and corrupt one. Inasmuch as: They knew to infiltrate and to have access to numerous activities of groups of hardened terrorists who with total impunity operate in the territory of the United States, to discover their criminal plans and to warn our country as far as possible to avoid the death and the damages that would cause the people of Cuba, and also the dangers that such actions can carry to the North American population. Inasmuch as: To fulfill and generous work so noble they were catched, they have undergone cruel prison conditions, including long months of solitary confinement, have been vejados and slandered, they were object of an arbitrary and fixed process, in an atmosphere where justice and the fairness are impossible and it tries itself, unfounded legal nor moral, because they have not committed crime some, to impose prison sentences to them that with their irrational immoderation emphasize the monstruosidad that against them is made. Inasmuch as: Their deep, shining and irrefutables pleas, exposed with all clarity and entereza when completing itself the judicial farce, will be in history for always like insurmountable testimonies of personal value, intelligence and dignity. Inasmuch as: Its exemplary conduct constitutes an extraordinary feat that makes creditors to the highest recognition and the gratitude of the Cuban town Therefore: The National Assembly of the Popular Power decides: First Otorgar the Title of "Hero of the Republic of Cuba" to Gerardo Hernandez Nordelo, Ramon Laba?ino Salazar, Fernando Gonz?lez Llort, Ren? Gonz?lez Sehwerert and Antonio Guerrero Rodriguez. Havana, day 29 of the month of December of year 2001. National assembly of the Popular Power
    5. Interesting text of a 2001 declaration of new Hero of Cuba: H?roe de la Rep?blica de Cuba Acuerdo de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular Por cuanto: Gerardo Hern?ndez Nordelo, Ram?n Laba?ino Salazar, Fernando Gonz?lez Llort, Ren? Gonz?lez Sehwerert y Antonio Guerrero Rodr?guez han cumplido con ejemplar dedicaci?n, dignidad y firmeza la sagrada misi?n de defender la Patria, y protegerla del terrorismo, corriendo grandes riesgos para sus vidas y soportando enormes sacrificios en el medio m?s hostil, agresivo y corrupto. Por cuanto: Ellos supieron infiltrarse y tener acceso a numerosas actividades de grupos de terroristas empedernidos que con total impunidad operan en el territorio de Estados Unidos, descubrir sus planes criminales y advertir a nuestro pa?s para evitar en lo posible la muerte y los da?os que ocasionar?an al pueblo de Cuba, y tambi?n los peligros que tales acciones pueden acarrear a la poblaci?n norteamericana. Por cuanto: Por cumplir tan noble y generosa labor fueron apresados, han sufrido condiciones carcelarias inhumanas, incluyendo largos meses de confinamiento solitario, han sido vejados y calumniados, fueron objeto de un proceso arbitrario y ama?ado, en un ambiente donde la justicia y la equidad son imposibles y se pretende, sin fundamento jur?dico ni moral, pues no han cometido delito alguno, imponerles condenas de prisi?n que con su desmesura irracional subrayan la monstruosidad que contra ellos se realiza. Por cuanto: Sus profundos, brillantes e irrefutables alegatos, expuestos con toda claridad y entereza al consumarse la farsa judicial, quedar?n en la historia para siempre como insuperables testimonios de valor personal,inteligencia y dignidad. Por cuanto: Su conducta ejemplar constituye una haza?a extraordinaria que los hace acreedores al m?s alto reconocimiento y la gratitud del pueblo cubano Por tanto: La Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular acuerda: Primero Otorgar el T?tulo de "H?roe de la Rep?blica de Cuba" a Gerardo Hern?ndez Nordelo, Ram?n Laba?ino Salazar, Fernando Gonz?lez Llort, Ren? Gonz?lez Sehwerert y Antonio Guerrero Rodr?guez. La Habana, el d?a 29 del mes de diciembre del a?o 2001. Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular
    6. Distinci?n "Emilio B?rcenas" 25 Years of Service to the Military as a civilian Ribbon example below:
    7. Distinci?n "Ra?l G?mez Garc?a" For 25 Years of Service in Cuban Cultural pursuits Ribbon example below:
    8. Distinci?n "Armando Mestre" 25 Years of Service to the Construction Industry Ribbon Example below:
    9. Distinci?n "?ico L?pez" 25 Years of Service in the Petro-Chemical Industry Ribbon example below:
    10. Distinci?n "Rafael Mar?a de Mendive" For 25 Years of Service in Education. (assume this means at all levels, but there are multiple instances of college-level instructers receiving actual orders) Ribbon example below:
    11. Distinci?n "Jos? Ram?n Mart?nez" For 25 Years of Service to ???? Information is incomplete Ribbon example below:
    12. Distinci?n "Jos? Mar?a P?rez" Foe 25 Years of Service in the Transportation Industry Ribbon example below:
    13. Distinci?n "Alvaro Barba Machado" For 25 Years Service in the Forestry Industry Ribbon example below:
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