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Hi Rick and Wild Card! Many thanks for your replies. My last posting was done with frustration , not expecting responses ... but I am very glad both of you did. The chain was an "impulse" purchase ( you would think I would know better ).... gee it looks great ... oh well, it is all part of the cost of an education. Actually, I am still glad to include it with my other "finds" as I do feel satisfied in that I have correct knowledge thanks to both of you of what it really is (if that makes any sense). Rod
I know I am beating this one to death BUT I still need help. You will note my chain is missing the pin!!!! (and probably some of the links). I would like to add at least the pin!!! Can someone direct me to a source????? I have checked the jewelers gold "findings" sites but cannot find what seems to be a good replacement. Rod
I am hesitant to comment further.. but I must say this: The combination of german (austrian) with the french colonial, I do agree that on the surface this combination does not make sense.... BUT if I wanted to mislead someone ... if I knew enough to place the awards in a logical manner... would I not then be a little smarter if my intent was to mislead? It does not make sense to me. Granted I do have a financial interest in my chain! Perhaps I do not appreciate how DUMB some may be. BUT even with my extremely limited knowledge in this area, I am sure I would be much more shrewed. My statement is retorical and not asking for a reply. Rod
Hello , I am sure many of you have watched my floundering around with chains and minis. See the Austro Hungary forum for my experience with an FJ chain and minis which also appears to be a "frankenstein". I would greatly appreciate contact with someone who collects chains and minis to get better direction and advice. Rod
Ohhh well.............. The seller referred to it as belonging to a "diplomat". I did not want to give this information as I did not want to influence anyone's statement. But... in any event it is pretty and the minis (with the exception of the french lifesaving award... ugh) are well made as is the chain. Thanks guys!! I really do appreciate your help. Rod
Jacky, Thanks so very much!!! I recognized the "Franz Joseph" but I thought since there appeared to be some medals from other countries I did not know which forum to post under. I am hoping others will comment too. Now that I know some order names to lookup perhaps it will shed more light on the kind of person this was. Again I thank you, Rod
Gentlemen!! At the risk of testing your patience with me... I need help!!! I just received this mini label chain. I would greatly like to know what these individually medals are and what sort of a person wore it and during what period of time. I have gone over every item with a 10X loupe and have tried to copy the following. I know I have done a very poor job of it, but I hope (pray too) that it gives you enough information to give me an idea of what these babies are. There are fourteen of them .... sigh .... my eyes are sooooo tired right now. Starting from the "button": 1. Silver - Obverse ? Carolvs D. G. Imp.A vst. Rex boh.etc.et rex apost.hvng. Reverse ? fortitvdini 2. same as 1. BUT in bronze. 3. Bronze cross ? Obverse ? (2 crowns) G ? vitem et sangvinem ? mdcccxv1 Reverse ? grati ? princeps et patria ? carolus impet rex 4. Gold ? Obverse ? franc. Ios.1.dg.imp.avstst.rex boh.ftc.et rex ap.hvng. Reverse - signum memoriae 5. Gold ? Obverse ? franz joseph1 kaiser osterriech konig v. bohmen etc. apost. Konig v. ungara * Reverse ? 2. December 1873 6. Gold ? Obverse ? fur osterreich Reverse ? 1914- 1918 7. Gold ? Reverse - das land tirol den verteidigern des vaterland 1914- 1918 8. Silver ? Reverse ? pro deo et patria1914 ?1918 9. Gold ? Reverse 1915-1918 10. Enameled cross ? Obverse - repubctque f ancaies 1870 green wreath around center and on jump ring. Reverse ? honneur et patrie with crossed french? Flags red, white and blue horizontal strips. 11. Enameled cross ? blue and white maltese cross with star in the center ..green wreath on jump ring. Obverse and reverse identical. 12. Silver ? Obverse - looks like a roman mythology guy with sword being hugged by the really sexy gal!! Reverse ? reconnaissance francaise 13. Gold enameled cross with crown..Obverse ? gold lion in center - cunion rait l rorce 14. Bronze ? looks like Hindenburg cross with swords ? Obverse 1914 -1918 All comments and information would be gratefully appreciated. Rod
I just opened my limited edition (Number 13) and it is magnificent!!!!! Still has the pic of the reverse of the 1870 EK1 (Lotig 14) on page 119 I bought vis a vis Stephen a few years ago which pleases me. Rod
I made a posting to the "Wanted" forum asking for a mini FJ Cross of Merit with Crown in gold (not gilt silver). For those of you that may not have seen that posting I just want to let you know here that I am still very interested in this mini!!! Please email me or send me a message here if you have one that you might part with. Thanks Rod
Hello Jacky, I just returned from a thorough exam with a 10X loupe, but I can't be sure if medals have been switched or not. There is a good deal of patina so it is really hard to tell. The swords on the signum laudis are so delicate I thought I had better take my chubby fingers off and just leave well enough alone. Now the chain is nicely displayed in a glass front wall case along with a full size knights cross with its case. I did closely lay my separate mini knights cross under the chain in a way it looks attached. I think it looks great. I will leave further investigation to the next owner!! Regards, Rod
Hi Haynau, Thanks for the comments. All this can get so darn confusing. At least my basic chain is ok. Oh well, I will keep looking for miniatures as I really do like them. I am looking for a cross of merit in gold with crown, but they seem scarcer than hen's teeth. Regards, Rod
Rick.. I think (ohhhhh I am treading on dangerous ground ) the St. Henry medals were for non-officers. I think (again ) an officer would be awarded the St. Henry knights cross. I bought the bar from Detlev Niemann who observed the EK is an "awarded" one and in talks with Stephen Previtera he agrees it looks like an awarded Wagner. The original owner may well have departed this world long before 1895 as it appears he was a real chance taker . Certainly a very brave one!! Sorry to go on and on, but like I said at the start this is my favorite item. Rod
Just one last question: Am I correct in saying that there is a heirarchy (sp?) of mounting minis the same as medal bars? If so, then is this would be the proper order for my chain going from top (closest to the button) and then descending down to the (missing) pin? Note I am also including an Order of the Iron Crown mini I separately have in addition to the FJO knight I noted above. I am not going to change my chain, but I am curious. 1. Order of the Iron Crown - 3d class (closest to the button) 2. FJO knight 3. Signum Laudis 4. Jubilee Cross 5. (Prussian) EK (closest to the pin) Many thanks, Rod
Austria-Hungary AH Medal Bar that I 'saved'
Rod replied to hunyadi's topic in Austro-Hungarian Empire
Hunyadi, It's called honor and integrity ...... and I do salute you!!! Rod -
Guess I should add I do have a mini of the knights cross that I could easily add to the chain.... but then I will leave it to someone (%$###*%@#$) else to play with things. I just wish that collectors or whoever would leave things ALONE!!!! HUmppp, Rod
Many thanks Hunyadi and Rick. This chain really "talked" to me, but I understand they are easily altered by those that delete and trade the minis back and forth. I would think (gets me into lots of trouble ) that the original owner would delight in showing the FJO cross mini, but then again, the chain does nicely speak for itself. Maybe the original owner was just a low key unpretenious kind of guy. Rod
As usual I have something I know little about!! I understand it is a lapel chain. Humm .. does the "button" fit into the flower hole in the lapel and draped down with the lower end of the chain pinned to the lapel? (pin is missing along with maybe some links). The "button" is said to have an 18kt gold hallmark and the makers mark for V. Mayer but they are very, very hard to see. The chain is said to be for the Franz Joseph Order. Should it have the knights cross minature attached? The medals are: 1. 1914 EK 2. 1908 Jubilee for Franz Joseph. 3. Franz Joseph Signum Laudis with swords. All and all it seems to be in what I would consider fine condition with the possible missing links and pin as its only fault. Would this is an officer's chain? Any information or comments would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much, Rod
Is it possible to get Austrian style triangle ribbons for minis??? Original would be wonderful and repros would be ... well ... ok. I am looking for: 1. The war red and white striped for the FJO knight. and.... 2. The orange with blue stripe Order of the Iron Crown knight, third class. I have seen some full size repro ribbons, but no mini ribbons.... Sigh Rod
Please excuse me for posting a pic of my very favorite possession that I posted about a year or so ago, but it seems a perfect match to this topic. Note the Saxon Silver St. Henry medal (Rothe) and the war medal both of 1866 (fighting with Austria against Prussia).... then the Prussian EK2 and the 1870-1871 war medal (fighting with Prussian against France). This guy must have been quite a fighter ... just point him in the right direction. I plan on being buried with this medal bar in my pocket!! ha ha Rod
Hi Jim, This comes in a very small shallow container. Very inexpensive. Sort of reminds me of a ladies make up item. It is a cream not meant for a filler but a touch-up to a nicked or scratched gilt finish or to cover small stain marks. Application with a finger tip works well. As I said .. to be used sparingly and applied in a very thin coat. Dries quickly but I think should be left to full dry overnight with maybe some help from a hair dryer before light buffing. Sorry I have no pics. Hope this helps, Rod
Well this may offend the purists, but when I buy an item I don't have any intent to resale and so far I have kept to that. I would never sell without fully explaining the history as I know it of my item. I have had a few situations in the case of gold medals where they have been damaged or stained. I have found a really great product called "Treasure Gold" at my local craft shop. It is some sort of wax (I think) that if used sparingly really does a fantasic job. It is a touch up and not really a restoration. My intent is not to deceive by faking but rather to preserve. Just a suggestion.... Rod
Well now I have the knights cross in first class with swords with roman hilts in gold (in transit to me), the knights cross in second class with swords with french hilts in silver with gold center, the commanders cross (sans swords) in gold with neck ribbon, and the sash badge (sans swords) in gilt silver and gold center with sash........ BUT!!! ... I am broke for awhile!!! HUMMMM ... I am looking at the pooch and wonder if I can sell her Nawww ...... I think I will keep her!!! ha ha Rod