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    Everything posted by panzercomander

    1. Dear Collectors and Researchers: I´m searching information about the military career (rank, medals and participation on campaings) of Otto von Buchwald Shoepffer, All information i have, from an internet biographic site, is: Born in Kladow on 9/9/1843, son of Baron Otto von Buchwald von Plessen. Died in Guayaquil on 31/03/1934. My interest is to reconstruct his career, before arriving to Perú and Ecuador. I hope you all can help me with this information. Thanks in advance, Cordial Greetings Carlos E. Montalvo
    2. Frank, Thanks a lot for the info im going to search for this book! CM
    3. It's probable, i mean that they use similar speciality buttons, and i have to add that the guy that was the owner was a marine officer that was also the importer of the insignia for ecuadorian army produced in a us factory on the 80's... then i after that the ecuadorian army started to fabric it in ecuador.
    4. Second one: Unit identification pins ( if im no wrong the enameled ones are for officers and the black ones non officers) two uniform buttons and two medals, the first one is a civilian conmemorative medal of the fundation of a bank, and the second one is the merit order of the civil defense. I hope you like it!
    5. As promised Close ups of the framed awards First one: Ecuadorian Air Force insignia, hat insignia, qualification pilot wings on bronze silver and gold, two uniform buttons, and two shoulder boards ( i think rank is for a major) I hope you like it!
    6. I agree on that,, is easely to find ecuadorian and south american medals in Europe ( 7 months ago i found a national merit order on a medals and jewerly store at rome on via del corso - oviously marked with an super non affordable price-) and on last months i found a couple on some european aution sites. All the things i have on my collection now are gifts from some friends that had military members in his family that passed away - and the civil defense medal is a gift of a passive service colonel...
    7. Hi guys, after a lot of time out of the collecting world, i want to show you some of the stuff i got on past years, i can add that is very hard to find ecuadorian medals in ecuador ( i found some on auction sites but on those times i was foundless ) so i had to pass it... anyway i get back last year and started by re doing the displays, i hope you enjoy it! CM PS. i will post detail pics later.
    8. Matt, Thanks a lot by your answer, i will take in consideration your observation about the chip! Cordial greetings, Carlos
    9. Hi gentlemen, Im planning to buy a Zähringer Lion order, but i have no experience or knowledge on this medal so can i kindly ask you people to advice me on the purchase? i think i find one at good price, but i will appreciate a lot your opinions, thanks a lot by the help. Carlos http://bretzendorfer.com/php/us_neuesfenster.php4?bild=12323vs.jpg&artnr=103850&userid=36e90161065b7fa494082ef3f43c70ea
    10. Hey guys i was surfing on this topic and saw that this chain and possible the medalbar that Claudio posted may be of the same owner,this man was decorated with the ecuadorian merit order, so i want to do a question that goes a little bit out of the argument of the thread but here we goes... is possible that the owner was decorated with one of the three high grades (leaving aside the great collar) by the type of miniature on the chain? and that also will explain why the medal is not on the bar? thanks by the info! Cordial Greetings Carlos
    11. Thanks a lot Komtur!!!! i will check the sites to see and compare prices and decide what to buy thanks a lot!!! Carlos
    12. Hi Dave thanks a lot by the corrections on the grade of hohenzollern house order, just the one that im serching for , and also thanks by the info about the prices. Hi Christophe, thanks a lot by the info if the thread on the dealers, im gonna start reading it!!! Thanks a lot by the info guys! Carlos
    13. Hi guys, After almost 5 years out of the collecting world i want to turn back, in the past i used to concetrate my collecting interest on medal bars and formed a very tiny nucleus of collection, then by studies i decide to quit the hobby. On those days i made a kind of "dream list" decorations to add someday to my collection and now that i have a kind of job that permits me to get back to collecting world im searching some basic information about this orders. Lets start with the "Dream List": 1.The Order of the Zähringer Lion ( lower grade - Kinght's cross 2nd Class) 2.Red Eagle Order (lower grade - 4th Class) 3. House Order of Hohenzollern ( lower grade - Silver Merit Cross?? ( please if wrong correct me) ) 4. Prussia Crown Order (lower grade - 4th class) 5. Iron cross from 1870 or 1813 As im starting im not pointing to the high grades of this awards (maybe in a future i will be able to spend more money on collecting and afford the higher grades) so i have some questions and kindly ask for your help me on this: Where i can find technical information about the fabbrication of this orders. How much can cost the lower grades of this orders ( i know that there are a lot of variations and factors that can condition the prices but i want to have an idea of a medium cost to see how much i can put apart to buy it). Also i kindly ask if possible that you people can reccomend me a trusful dealer or dealers to buy this kind of decorations(i was surfing the web searching on some dealers but i dont know his reputation so i prefer to hear from you some sugests). Thanks a lot by the help and I ask to forgive me if im asking so much. Cordial Greetings, Carlos
    14. Seriusly thinking in getting back to the hobby :)

    15. no a colection... is a museum!!!!!!!!! just superb congratulations!!!!! Regards Carlos
    16. Guys, im actually at my country(Ecuador) at vacations, i heard about a German Colonel called Adolf Klinger, that fought first against Napoleon and then in the south american independence behind Simon Bolivar, please can someone first confirm me this info?, second, can help me with info about his service in Europe and the medals that won? Thanks a lot for the help Regards Carlos Montalvo
    17. Mil gracias fenomenal medalla!!!!!!!!! Saludos Carlos
    18. Incredible info! , one hundred of thanks!!!!!! one question where i can find a pic of this order??? Gracias Antonio valiosisima informacion Saludos cordiales Carlos
    19. Just superb picture!!!!!, thanks a lot to all by the info!!!!!!!!!!, very interesting, if someone can help me with more info about the orden de san lorenzo??? Thanks again to all and regards Carlos
    20. Lets go with the a most difficult question, can someone help me whit the actual prices of this beauties or where i can found one of this for sell? Thanks and regards Carlos
    21. Yes, is very difficult to find info about medals, and that i know is not published an official catalog, the last year that i passed my vacations at Quito, i talked with a friend that is ex-colonel, and asked him if he can find me a book but he cant hehehe, about this one Armed Forces Medal (Medalla Fuerzas Armadas). Est 8 October 1921 as Seniority Medal; known as Medal for Military Service (25 August 1942-22 November 1963). Three classes: First class - gold Second class - silver Third class - bronze this i see the bronze and silver of this friend also with the miniatures realli nice examples! Thanks again by the information!!!!! Regards Carlos
    22. Mr floyd, where i can get the grades of this order, and other ecuadorian orders, can you reccomend me a book or a source? Thanks and Regards Carlos
    23. Thanks!!! superb medals, i never see it!!!, i hope someday i can found this ones!!! Thanks again Carlos
    24. Guys i want to see if someone of you have a ecuadorian militaria piece, a helmet or a medal because i dont see anything.... and obtain info from Ecuador is a litte bit difficult!!, i someone have a piece can post it?? Thanks an regards Carlos
    25. Actually im gonna start in the next purchase!!!, i have now reserved a very nice ek2 doc! Regards Carlos
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