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    Everything posted by Hoss

    1. Gents I don't have much in the way of enamel kits anymore in the past I've tended to flip them if I need cash quick here's one that's kind of funky with the painted outside had 25yrs, still use it for camping and war gigs must have boiled hundreds of gallons of coffee over the years German gear lasts forever but never drink from an old enamel canteen you may get shards in your guttiwuts. The cup is one Chip mentions above thanks mate never knew this maker before in fact most are new to me nice list very helpful your tops man write a book I want the first copy my friend for the young kids [Like me ] who will be serious collectors one day.....its important, all right I'll shut up. Eric
    2. Thanks Chip What's a hollow bottom? doesn't sound a pleasurable condition. Eric
    3. Chris Is FCB for maker FC Bellinger? Its been bothering me lately I forget. Cheers
    4. Chris I take back my issue officer thing comment....doesn't match for me anyway. Where's CHIP!!! Eric
    5. Erfurt dated '15 I got it from manions in the good old days then sold it managed to get it back off the dude I'm trying to get my rare 08 interwar cloth/steel change over feedblock back too but he's stubborn. Eric
    6. Looks like a German officer mounted issue greatcoat to me but I know what you mean something seems funky. Eric
    7. Me neither thats why I had to have it if they come flying 'out the woodwork' I'm in big trouble. Pics are the sellers its on its way to Hoss collection.
    8. Lucky devil I'll make a big push for one next year don't forget to post.... love them. Eric
    9. Why would they bother they're not called the fifteen minuters for nothing "we eat and sleep with death" uumm catchy.... think I'll use that in me signature. Eric
    10. Yeeessss Chris but sold it was dated 1914 marked to a Artillery Reg. probably still is stupidity on my part it also had cloth shoulder straps with brass hardware and eyelets. Funky made from that lovely early ochre cloth. Here's a Bing 'frying pan'.
    11. E Love to see it when you have time love Erfurt gear I'd like one myself but mg marked ones are tough. Eric
    12. Got it darn I'm good its bigger and the other dude packs a 98a where as he has a gew, right? Eric
    13. Blimey Looks like I have a pr of one off's I've even been asking some of my TR chums, am going to put them in my collection as matrosen division till or if I'm corrected. Eric
    14. Gents I'd appreciate help on identifying these field hosen particularly the stamp markings they are cut in the marine fatigue style, never seen them before the buttons probably aren't original. Best Eric
    15. Not really infantry is where you see the fighting aaahhhh! Nice pickel thanks Karel something to be aware of. Eric
    16. Agree Richie S. (Schutzpolizei) Op. (Oppeln district) I. (Abshnitt I) regulations 1932 Prussia. The back of the guard probably has the mandatory official 1920 stamp. Eric
    17. Thank you Karel I was beginning to think the gents here thought it a lemon lol! Yes it is a shame maybe it was filthy or rotten and just ripped out, so far I've resisted finding a liner for it, I can't bring myself to do it. Eric
    18. Thank you Chip I find it confusing too, wasn't the 14th & 15th kompanies 'Fortress' ? Joe Lovely Tunic Eric
    19. Terrific Mark I borrowed your picture to ask what's this? its new to me. Eric
    20. My first helm of latest round of collecting a m16 size64 camo from Eisenhüttenwerke Thale A.G unfortunately no liner just a shell, I tried my best to capture the true in hand colours. Eric
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