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    El Ninja

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    1. Which photos? If you are referring to the photos of award ceremonies, those bear the wathermark MIJ Muzej istorije Jugoslavije - Museum of history of Yugoslavia.
    2. It is also found on Partisan memorial (Spomenica 1941).
    3. As I said, if you need help with translation, feel free to contact me.
    4. https://www.slvesnik.com.mk/besplaten-pristap-do-izdanija.nspx Most of the laws, dates and issues are listed above. https://znaci.org/zb/4_2_1.htm Newsletters of Supreme headquarters.
    5. I have hard copies, but most of it is available online. I wil post a link.
    6. Then, various laws, listed in more or less chronological order: 1. Decree on decorations in struggle for national liberation, 15.8.1943. Newsletter of supreme headquarters no. 29-31 june, july, august 1943. 2. Instructions on the proposal and awarding of the orders, J.B. Tito, 14. october 1944 3. Law on the orders and medals, 12. june 1945. Official gazette of DFJ no. 40/45 4. Law on the establishment of the order of labour, 1. may 1945. Official gazette of DFJ no. 28/45 5. Statutes of the orders and medals, 3. september 1946. Official gazette of FNRJ no. 71/46 6.Law on confirmation and changes of the law on orders and medals, 1. November 1946. Official gazette of FNRJ no. 88/46 7. Law on decorations, 14. December 1955. Official gazette of FNRJ no. 55/55 8. Statutes of the orders and medals of FNRJ, 13. november 1957. Official gazette of FNRJ no. 47/57 9. Law on changes and supplements of the law on orders and medals, 15. march 1961. Official gazette of FNRJ no. 10/61 10. Law on changes and supplements to the law on orders and medals, 15. april 1964. official gazette of SFRJ no. 16/64 11. Law on decorations of the SFRJ, july 1973. Official gazette of SFRJ no. 40/73 12. Statutes of the orders and medals of SFRJ, 28. december 1973 Official gazette of SFRJ no. 71/73 13. Law on changes and supplements to the law on orders and medals 1976 Official gazette of SFRJ no. 58/76 14. Law on changes an supplements to the law on decorations, 14. may 1985. Official gazette of SFRJ no. 25/85 15. Law on decorations of the SFRJ 24. october 1986 Official gazette of SFRJ no. 10/86 If I missed something, please fill in the gaps.
    7. A theme where we can list and/or upload literature and sources pertaining to decorations of socialist Yugoslavia. I will start with what I have or know of. Also, due to the language barrier, I will try to translate some of the more important stuff. 1. Odlikovanja SFRJ, Milorad Erceg, Belgrade, 1978 2. Odlikovanja SFRJ, Stojan Rudež, Belgrade, 1987 3. Odlikovanja zbirke dr. Veljka Malinara III, Boris Prister, Zagreb, 2000 4. Odlikovanja, Boris Prister, Zagreb, 1984 5. Variants of the order and medal of merit to the people, Yuri A. Danilov, Moscow, 2008 6. Orders and medals of communist Yugoslavia, Alexander Velichko, Minsk, 2007
    8. We went way off topic here. Before we incur the wrath of admin, may I suggest that we open a new theme where we can list all the literature and sources for Yugo socialist awards?
    9. Yes, there is hardly any professional research being done on Yugo awards. I mean, there is interest, but with archives being hardly accesible, we can only work with what we have. That means sifting through the awailable data, and cross referencing with what we see being done in practice. Many authors just rewrite something, taking it for a fact. Then again, there is information that is hard to come by, for example, IKOM product catalogues and such. It would be extremely useful to get a hold of their work orders and similar documents. If those have not been fed to some fireplace in the '90s.
    10. Rudež Stojan Odlikovanja SFRJ Službeni list SFRJ, Beograd, 1987. Only source with reliable data. To be sincere, it does not state explicitly that these were of IKOM manufacture, simply that those were awarded after the war. All other authors simply asume that those were IKOM. Also, having refreshed the memory, author also states that IKOM made PS 2 were manufactured without serial numbers. As for the IKOM PS 2 not having been seen awarded, with such a small number of total awards, how much of them would have been seen if they did not find their way out of the depot? 15 years ago, PS 2 in general was extremely rare and expensive. I am sure that there are some who still remember this.
    11. There is a backstory to the numbering system in Yugoslavia. As we all know, numbering was at one point completely abandoned. That was an attempt at restoring the prestige of the award. That is also why the naming was changed in the '60s, from first class to "with golden wreath" or similar. In the '80s the ranking of the orders was removed. Also, there were only around 650 PS 2 of IKOM manufacture awarded, all others came from the depot. And they were randomly awarded, so the numbers are all over the place.
    12. Not all of the awards that Tito wore were actually awarded to him. By law, and by his function as the president, he had the right to wear any and all yugoslavian orders and medals. He was awarded 8 of the yugo orders, 10 individual, being the triple recipient of the Order of the peoples hero. And 101 foreign award. As for the numbers on IKOM made Partisan stars, that data has not yet been researched, as far as I am aware. It would be interesting to see the numbers range on those.
    13. Well, we are here to share knowledge. 🙂
    14. Sadly, no. Those numbers are quited in a book. Although, I would have to dig through the archive and books. They might be somewhere.
    15. Many Soviets were awarded yugoslavian orders and medals, but after the 1948 Tito-Stalin split, many were returned or destroyed. Notable case is the Panchevo bridge medal, which was awarded mostly to Soviets, and today is extremely rare. Same thing happened in Albania, Enver Hoxha returned all of his yugoslavian awards to Tito. Edit: Highest known number for this type of the Order of merit to the people is 2834. Lovest known for the second type is 2155. Production of types was most likely concurrent.
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