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    Everything posted by JimZ

    1. Rick, There is no cropping on my end. I know better than that. Its the original scans that need to be done properly. I also have research that came with some orders that has some info cropped out. I think that when a researcher (if it is his fault) provides cropped data a complaint may be in order. If it is however cropped by whoever scans, then this person needs to be more careful. Simple! As for the size, they were a touch larger but I scaled them down to fit within upload limitations. Jim
    2. NOOOOO!!!!! Post pics of these specific conquests. They were good enough to spark off this question, they must be good enough to share!! Jim
    3. Mmm - I somehow thought we had to find the Russian Regiment to know where that belt came from. Guess I let myself get misled! Jim
    4. Your first line reflects my thoughts.... as for aquamarine.... gay indeed. I'd love to see the proposals though! Any links? Starting to sound like a Jean Paul Gaultier fashion show from hell! I once got grilled by a Militia man on red square for momentarily looking at his cap badge. Think of what will happen to anyone caught staring at the aquamarine lumps in their leggings! Jim
    5. Luna, I suggest that you open a separate thread for Iraqi militaria as we will otherwise go :offtopic: on this one. My idea is to draw out photos of WW2 and cold war vessels that other members may be keeping to themselves. As for your post interesting to see ex soviet block vessels. Now if someone had 1950s and 1960s black and whites of Soviet vessels that would be oneheckuv an interesting thread. Jim
    6. I take it that Frank may be referring to one of the duty trains - possibly the "Berlin Duty Train" http://www.transchool.eustis.army.mil/Museum/BerTrain.htm and http://home.att.net/~rw.rynerson/conduct.htm explaining that: quothe: 1. In accordance with USAREUR Circular 550-180, the following actions are prohibited aboard military trains: a. Purchase or drinking of intoxicating liquour. b. Jumping on or off moving trains. c. Pulling emergency brakes (Notbremse) except in case of actual emergency. d. Extending the head or limbs out of windows. e. Throwing lighted cigarettes, cigars, matches or any dangerous or unsightly articles from trains. f. Taking pictures between Berlin and Helmstedt. g. Speaking to or attempting to converse with East German nationals or Soviet personnel while train is in the Soviet Zone of Germany. h. Inconsiderate littering of compartments with refuse or food particles. 2. The privacy of an individual's compartment does not exempt him from compliance with the above directions. R E M I N D E R S All passengers must be processed by the train commander prior to boarding the train. The train commander is located in the processing booth inside the RTO [Rail Transportation Office]. Please have your tickets, ID cards, passports and flag orders ready. Do not board the train until authorized to do so by a military policeman or the train commander. On arrival at your destination, you must check and re-confirm your return booking with the local Berlin Booking Office. If you are traveling on a "space-available" (non-duty) status, there is no guarantee regarding the type of accommodations you will be furnished on your return trip. Duty travelers have priority. The military crew on board each passenger train is responsible for your safe passage throughout the entire trip. Your cooperation and compliance with the pertinent rules and regulations will insure you a safe and comfortable journey. For those of you who are coming to Berlin, we of the Berlin Brigade wish you a pleasant stay in the "divided city". [Note use of the German style for quote marks inside the sentence-ending period.] For those of you leaving, "Auf Wiedersehn" and "Good Luck". unquothe As for the sod who exchanged his uniform belt for a few packs of smokes and his unit, I confess myself baffled. (I wonder how you explained losing your belt! And I wonder what the charge, if any, was) I myself underwent similar treatment to that on these trains when visiting Hungary via Austria in the very early nineties, also being hassled because my passport was not readily available! Anyways, if I manage to figure out the unit I'll add it on! Jim
    7. Bet its a return to pre revolution couture. And it makes you wonder why.... or does it?
    8. I can show you german stamps from my collection!!! Just not EXACTLY what you are thinking http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=18349 Jim
    9. At least the ball is rolling again. However 'everyone' is just a bit too socialist for my likings as it does not define clearly who should take over. The supreme soviet would not have approved But let see how it goes. After all this is the Soviet and Eastern Block Quiz! Jim
    10. I am not one to comment as we did wait 2 weeks for me to come back from Russia to start the 2008 quiz. However, there was talk of taking a holiday recess so that was kinda different But.... ... Should there perhaps be a new rule that following 'x' days (max) the question will pass on to (say) the member previously asking the question. Or are we ok with waiting? Christophe.... your game.... your rules. Your decision. Its fine by me either way but we may have saved Frank a few bucks and some brain cells from keeping with us instead of letting him hit the downtown watering holes Jim
    11. Partially conceded. I however do not consider Umalatova to have any real acceptable political basis to make any claims at being the continuation of the Soviet regime. I think that the Eastern block and particularly the countries in the ex USSR have gone their own ways with their own "democracies" (pardon my quothe marks!) without paying her too much attention. But then again I confess myself not being well versed enough in her real raison d'etre and I may be missing her point. But then again, aren't all the ex USSR countries also missing her point? At least with Royal families there were blood lines ... an arguable but somehow acceptable (at the time and even nowadays) way of carrying and transferring power throughout generations. Revolutions may interrupt the flow of power but the bloodlines (for better or for worse) remain. And how would we feel about a self appointed successor of any other deposed regime (and I will not mention specific ones as this should not spiral into a political discussion) dishing out orders and awards of the former regime? And that is why I also conceded that: Jim
    12. http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=13214 Further to your comment above and the one from the OOL thread where you are clearly promoting a seller of fakes, I will not waste any further time replying to your comments on this area and indulging in any possible hidden agendas that you may have. Jim
    13. That's all folks. I got a few more tucked away somewhere. Firstly, should any of you have contributions to make these will (as always) be accepted gracefully Secondly, should any of you have sailed on any of these ladies .... do drop us a line. And finally should any of you have other pics to add on.... please do. Jim
    14. DDG4 USS Lawrence 01/06/1962 DDG2 Class, Guided missle destroyer
    15. SSBN 655 USS HENRY L. STIMSON 20/08/1966 FLEET BALLISTIC MISSILE SUBMARINE, POLARIS FLEET (this one is my absolute favourite one of them all... daily rekindling my love affair with the world of submarines)
    18. LST1162 USS Wakkiakum County 16/08/1953 Tank Landing Ship (Troop and equipment and other amphibious support)
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