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    Everything posted by JimZ

    1. Detail of tunic inside and lining: What was that long pocket used for? Are those holes around the tunic waiste for clipping the belt? The belt as no clips and neither does the tunic....
    2. And now, the part I think many may find interesting..... the tunic. I am looking forward to your comments on this. I would like to know ANY info you can throw my way on this. I gather its not a common material or colour. May I remind you that is probably the uniform that he walked away from the war with (I believe he was a POW of the allies in Italy for a while). I gather its not a common colour (dark green) and I recall the cut fits some tunic pattern or other. It does not appear to ever have been grey or any other colour nor does it seem to have faded. In fact its in a rather excellent condition other than its storage which is regretful.
    3. Close up of belt buckle. I have no doubts that he kept on wearing the belt after the war. The Swastika was filed off.
    4. Belt, bayonet frog, de-nazified Luftwaffe belt buckle and tassle. I believe that the tassle should denote some rank. Any help on this one please? Do these items throw any further light on my guy?
    5. Finally I have managed to get pics of some more stuff of the Oberfeldwebel _______ material..... uniforms, belts, bayonet frogs and tassles.... Of course any further info you can throw my way will be greatly appreciated. Jim
    6. Still hoping to catch a better glimpse of the citation....... any chance of that? Jim
    7. IMHO only one of the 4 or 5 glory trios that were exhibited might have been authentic. And I would have no doubts about it if it was not for the wear and tear. Lots of fake red banners too and lennins too! Jim
    8. Makes it one of a kind then! I'd have posted a different comment at a later stage had I known you would keep on posting more of your awards ... the comment being... Do you consider mounting them professionally as a complete group? Again, Well done indeed on your awards. Jim
    9. Nice bar! Only thing is that in X years time, when this bar may have changed hands (godwilling not!!!), could it be that some collectors may be yelling out that its a "possible" but "fakely put together" medal bar for its lack of "fine tailoring" (not mocking a legionairre's sewing skills bien sur!!), as is so often done with German and Imperial medals. Possible scenario no - or will most medal bars be of similar quality? Jim
    10. And its not just a bunch of originals put together as a group .... but worse, medals which have been tampered with and have also had their serial numbers erased and re-engraved... And by looking at the 'variations', this is going to hurt the buyers big time. What a helpless feeling knowing that you cannot just yell out...."Oi, you there with the green... STAY AWAY!!" Jim
    11. When visiting the CAF Musuem in Moscow, I could not help but ask myself if a number of the medals were actually originals or replicas. Supposedly replicas were labelled. But I got the feeling (or rather I was darn well sure) that there were many more replicas (avoiding the use of stronger words) than advertised. I was explaining some basic issues that I had with some medals to my wife when a young museum attendant came up to me to ask if I needed any help. I was surely not going to be the one to advertise my thoughts on these orders and medals that openly. Why rock the boat when you can never be fully certain without seeing the reverse...and its not like its going to change anything anyways. However I did walk away with the feeling that it was possible.... more likely probably, that for display purposes, not everything in the spectacular groups is what it seemed to be! Did anyone else walk away with the same feeling.... or could I have been overwhelmed by the sheer volume of orders and medals that my perception become clouded? Jim
    12. Does anyone else have any issues with this medal and its suspension? Or is it only me? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...bayphotohosting You can look through the 'group' and find other issues - Amongst some other things I find myself not liking what seems to be the machine polished reverse of the ORS, OGPW and Glory 3, (or maybe its bad photography) as well as the sword hilt on the Bravery medal. Patination also smells to me. Which makes me wonder if this is really a case of group splitting or a fake group being auctioned off as individual medals to sucker buyers into paying more...... Opinions welcome. Jim
    13. Hi Kristof, I had posted a thread with info how to contact the translator that I sometimes use on <a href="http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=21507" target="_blank">http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=21507</a>. Of course there are several others who offer this service as not everyone collector/researcher reads russian. Alternatively, I would suggest that you post a larger scan that will allow us to read the citation. On my laptop I can hardly make out the letters let alone read it! Or is it just my eyesight that is failing! All the best! Jim
    14. True! But since the incident on May 1st 1960 sparked off a whole new conflict between the US and the USSR in already cold war, our friend Gary Powers is a relatively well known person far beyond the walls of any museum (museums) in Russia. As for hard questions .... There are a few in store too But we are just out of the festive season, and I am feeling genorous.... .... and Ed has not unleashed any of his bone crunching questions....yet!! (yet being the operative word). I am sure he has a few already lined up Jim
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