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    Everything posted by JimZ

    1. Wow guys! Thanks! There is already enough to see for the next two trips here It is indeed funny how I've been to Moscow so many times and other than the Kremlin and the Bolshoi I have not really indulged in my passion for militaria and phaleristics (well ahem ahem! Like I said one avenue of the hobby has now been closed by russian authorities!) Living outside of Moscow does not allow the best access to museums but apart from a 3 day skiing breakthis time I'll be sure to make the time for at least some of those museums! Those phone numbers are also a blessing as I can call in to make sure they are open before trekking around Moscow. Last Xmas my wife dragged me for a 10 Km walk in sub zero temperatures.... just for the fun of walking around! Brrr! And I was almost tempted to knock on the doors of Padolsk while I am there. Although of course, blatantly saying that I am a "researcher" (collector is a no no!) and would like to look up some "random" serial numbers might not be the best way to go about it. I hear Russian jails are not the friendliest place. Thanks alot guys! If there are more keep them coming.... if not for only me, also for other interested members. Jim.
    2. Yes please Geoff! Do keep us updated on what these people come back to you with. Its good to know what and who is out there, what they do, how much it costs and whether you were happy with their service! We are indeed watching this space! Jim
    3. I nominate this medal for the most bland medal thread!!!! What were they thinking really!! I have seen Euro coins that look better than that!!!! And its true that sometimes politics dictate otherwise - as leigh mentioned - let's not glorify war. But then again, lets show respect to those who put their lives on the line for others. This is a cheap looking and cheaply produced medal that does no honour to its recipients. Jim
    4. Again Christian - if you think that its Karl Marx (and I am not saying it is!) then answer the remaining questions. Of course if you cannot answer them then you will realise its not him (and I am not saying it isn't!) Like I said - No potshots at names as I will neither confirm or deny - its either the full monty or nothing! Jim
    5. Well - it will get easier as you desperately start to beg me for hints. But then again lets be realistic.... how many people could really deserve having their eye portrayed on the red star.....? Darn... guess that's a hint of sorts.....! Jim
    6. Another childhood fascination of mine which I could never indulge in. WOW indeed!! Very interesting post gents! Jim
    7. Nope. Remember that you will get credit for the FULL set of answers as it is the image that is the hardest to find. Once you find it all else will unfold as painlessly as Rachmaninoff's second piano concerto So whereas it is not Iron Felix, I think I will not be confirming any further potshots at names! Work at it ..... Jim
    8. Erm okay! This may be my 5th or 6th time going to Russia where I have previously been to Moscow and St. Pete. But as I usually stay outside the centre in a village (very close to Padolsk ), and as I am more often than not there in Winter when the food is heavy and the snows are piled so high that traffic is at a near standstill and getting into Moscow sometimes takes 4 hours, I have of course missed out on some of the best Moscow museums. So for you guys who have been there and lived in a more central part of the region (where temperatures are -15 as opposed to -30!!) and have, of course had better access to museums than yours truly, particularly (but not restricted to) those connected to the Great Patriotic War and to our area of phaleristics (and I know.... I KNOW that from the photos that have already been posted on GMIC .... SOME OF YOU HAVE REALLY BEEN AROUND! ), I kindly ask you.... no I implore you ..... to oblige me with a shortlist of the BETTER museums that are an ABSOLUTE must see. This especially coming in the wake of the notion that taking anything out of the country is....no longer a notion.... and the next best thing to hunting stuff that can be touched and felt and smelled is of course, drooling after what has been cased in glass and locked behing austere looking doors! Thanks! Jim (Of course trusting my luck many of these may be closed around that period - I have for example visited Venice three times in past each time hoping to see the museum of contemporary art right next to the also very highly recommended Marco Polo museum and as sod would have it, this has been closed for different reasons each of the three times I have visited!)
    9. Nothing yet!? Wow... I thought you'd have me within 5 minutes of the post! Maybe not as uninspired a question as I thought it might be after all. Jim
    10. Alas a very uninspired question 166 as tonight I am preoccupied with something else!!! But here goes - for better or for worse! Good Luck! Question Most of us know the following eye as it portrayed on American currency: ......BUT...... .....according to some it seems that not only the American had their all seeing eye! 1) Who is this eye associated with? 2) Where and when was the person associated with this eye born and when did he die? 3) What date is associated with this portrayal? 4) What is the full text associated with it? Enjoy! Jim
    11. Hi Gents! Thanks for your congratulations. This question was indeed a tough one! I managed to find our friend on a number of sites other than the wiki link and I was compiling the reply for a good half hour. When at the end i searched him through wiki, I of course found the photo and knew he was our man. I was then too lazy to fill in all the details especially after having really worked at finding an answer for quite a few days!!! Indeed a tough one.... especially as I was looking for a Georgian gentleman in the beginning! In any case... I'll be up with the next question shortly. You see.... its becoming such a torturous thread that I have in mind to dish some suffering back as it were! Lets see if I change my mind You'll be hearing from me soon! Jim
    12. Hi Dan Its was a tough one but I think I got there in the end. Who was I? Mammad Amin Rasulzade What was my involvement with youth? He received his primary education at the Russian-Moslem Secondary School and continued his studies at the Technical College (now Petroleum College) in Baku. From 1903, beginning as a student and continuing onward, Rasulzade began writing articles in various opposition magazines. In his years of study he created "Muslim Youth Organisation Musavat",[1] first secret organisation in Azerbaijan's contemporary history. Who did I help and how? Rasulzade and Stalin had met for the first time in Baku when they were both in their twenties, around 1907. At the time, Rasulzade was working as a journalist, writing articles for various opposition magazines and working with the Musavat Azerbaijani National Party. Stalin, a Georgian, was in Baku organizing the oil workers against the authorities and the Czar. When officials tried to arrest Stalin, it was Rasulzade who had saved him by hiding him in his apartment. How did my helping him help save me later... and from what? Rasulzade was eager to be rid of the Czar too, but he differed from Stalin in that he wanted the government to be based on democratic principles, not socialistic. Rasulzade wanted his country to be independent from the Russian Empire. This time, it was Stalin's turn to save Rasulzade. In the end, he accepted Stalin's offer and went to Moscow I could be called a founder... name some things I founded or helped to found. While in Iran, Rasulzade became one of the founders of "Iran-e No" (New Iran) Democratic Party. When did I die? March 6th 1955 Where am I buried? Ankara, Turkey What expression of mine became the motto of a movement? "Bir kere yukselen bayraq, bir daha enmez!" or "The banner of liberty once hoisted will never be lowered again." This famous phrase by Rasulzade would later become one of the most popular Azerbaijani slogans during the demonstrations of the 1990s, said on the eve of the collapse of the Soviet Union. This become the motto of the independence movement in Azerbaijan in the 20th century. Name one of my plays His first dramatic play was entitled "The Light in the Darkness," and was staged in Baku in 1908. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mammed_Amin_Rasulzade
    13. A very in your face picture of Mr. Stalin himself!! What can I say...... .....De gutibus non disputandem est! (or in simple words.... lets not argue about taste!!!) Of course - one cannot help but admire the artwork.... and the engine! ......Am I forgetting Russian automobile engineering? Oops! Jim
    14. That's a tough one as I read it! Sure enough - nothing hasty! Apart from scanning the photo as Rick suggests, you can actually take it to a photography shop where they can take a photo of it and I can assure you this will look just like the original photo with the tape and all as part of it. However, you are preserving actual photo quality there. I think that needs to be done in any case to preserve what you have and 'back it up' as it were! What Brian suggests is another very viable option. Do not touch the photo itself, but scan it and send it to a photoshop artist who can touch it up and really work miracles. My brother in law is quite the expert on photoshop and he had managed to turn a very damaged photo of my grandmother into a more or less clean one which could then be printed by professionals on photographic paper. I would really recommend this course of action. Of course you can also do what redcross suggests and I am sure that there are some conservation mavericks out there. But it all depends on how important to you it is to have the original photo itself repaired, or a copy of it to preserve the sentimental and historical aspects captured in your father's photo. Regards Jim
    15. I wonder if the text (handwritten or stamped!!) was written by an 80 year old shell shocked vet of the patriotic war who never wrote a word of cyrillic in his life. Guess its my way of saying I do not like the looks of it!! Although having said that, I cannot put my finger on anything in particular (as probably some may) other than the fact that it looks odd! Guess this may need moving over into the fakes section! Jim
    16. Mmm! This thread is 'metamorphing' with almost Kafkian proportion into a torture chamber as the standard of questions being set is getting higher and harder. BUT - this is a good thing indeed as I believe, the salvos of questions that we fire at the various search engines are returning information that is oft not that which we seek, but is ever-interesting and ever-informative. By seeking to find the answer to one question (or one set of questions) we are all (at least I belive) finding the answers to so many more questions that are yet unasked. Jim
    17. Ferdinand, Rick, You did it all without me when I initially offerred to help (but slept since!!) What can I say .... this is evidence yet again of the team work between GMIC members! Make us all glad to be part of GMIC! Kudos and more!! Jim
    18. Roeland, Why not post the russian lists and we'll see how we can help change what reads like russian into english. Regards Jim
    19. A slow starter but this question really had us going in the end!!! Well done.
    20. Hey hey hey Christophe! What else can we say about that comment I guess a WELL DONE is in order on this tough one (although with last hints you just beat me to it)!! Let's wait for charles to come back Jim
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