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    Everything posted by dante

    1. I have these gloves named to "Oberst Von Roeder", would anyone have any idea on which von Roeder....... Hope you can help, many thanks, Paul
    2. New photo, cannot find in 1914 Ranglist....any help appreciated, thanks, Paul
    3. Can anyone identify this blood order recipient, thanks, Paul
    4. Welcome your thoughts on this and help with signature..........has anyone come across Josef Weiss, thanks, Paul
    5. I have seen black BD worn by the MOJOs serving with 17 tank transporter regiment http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mixed_Service_Organisation also UK Civil Defence
    6. Thanks guys........if you ever turn up anything please let me know, regards, Paul
    7. 2/ Franz Friedrich Philipp Walter von Chelius Killed in Action 6 March 1942 in Near Kolmowo,Russia
    8. I have two documents to Wehrmacht soldiers killed in action........but cannot find out what units, can this be researched?, first......... 1/ French Foreign Legionaire Eduard Eck
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