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    Jock Auld

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    Everything posted by Jock Auld

    1. Guys, I like this a lot as the folder is in very good order as is the enclosed document, I include two pictures of each to try and show the gold leaf detail.
    2. Guys, Thought it would be Norway when seen them as a pair but hay ho! The new part for me is the 'merkblatt' in the event of capture, my first! Of note, army book but not that unusual. couple more.
    3. Guys, Looks to be of the period but could be post war or East German I suppose? Any thoughts?
    4. Perhaps you could do a close up of the ribbon as I just loose resolution when I zoom in. There is a dark patch center that might indicate where an eagle may have been or is that just how it looks on my screen?
    5. I don't know is the answer, I will venture into the cellar during the week if I get time and check against what I have, I have learned there are no 'musts' or it 'can't' be. It looks to be of the period so it probably is? It would be a lot of effort for not a lot of gain to make it as a copy so we have to just try to interpret what info we have. Have you found any other rubberized items produced by this firm? Perhaps KM stuff, gas stuff or Krad stuff? It could also be early East German as another option as many of the factories both sides were just started back up?
    6. I have seen similar rubberized coats that are something that could be bought privately or at least that was the opinion at he time?
    7. A brave man, I think I am correct in stating that within the British Army our medics have won the most VCs, it must be a common trait for medics all round. Glad the group is pretty well intact! Thanks for posting it.
    8. Bernhard, Must just be a happy coincidence then, one that they no doubt played on to the young minds? Thanks for your thoughts. I had just shy of 50 soldiers in my Tac Gp for Telic with our US Marine pals and a British Tac P as well but I think I will still have first day nerves. Back to the bottom of the pile but it should be challenging and interesting. The challenge will be of course Der, Die and Das. I get fitted for my new clothing on Monday, its green so nothing new then! Best Regards
    9. Guys, This one fills a gap, I left a 'Kampf Im Westen' for some other collector, hopefully, as that would have been a double or triple? It is complete with it 120 pictures, usually there are only 100 in other books?
    10. Guys, Nothing fancy but I do like the adverts in these sort of magazines. Obviously aimed at the target reader they are industrial and auto mechanical, there are loads more but these are the most interesting.
    11. Guys, A couple of bits among the chaos of changing job, on the dole tomorrow until the 1st. I like the comments on attendance quite a range. I assume the unit number is taken from the local infantry unit the 77ers?
    12. Eric, Thanks for that, thought so, the carrier is a bit cheeky since it is identical to the second war, they must have moves the belt loops down later in production.
    13. Tony, No that is what is on the liner visible in the last picture. I shall strip it down later and see if it has some shell markings, The colour looks to me, as it was applied, on the inside it is still rough like something was added to it but still pale green. As you know the friendly forces are not really my bag. I will do some better pics and remove the new scrim.
    14. Guys, I think it is the same bloke on the medic shots (1914) and the patriotic card is marked to MG on reverse.
    15. Guys, A couple of pals I would think as I can't see any family resemblance, two different career paths, I wonder if they both survived.
    16. Guys, One of my old pals Rick whom I have not seen for a while bent in for a beer at the Stadtfest and dropped me off some brass he had that he did not want. There is a WW1 6 pdr case, two 40mm Boffers from WW2 one of which has been made into some sort of lighter or lamp and a 30mm from the first Gulf War that he picked up himself. I think he said the others are what his old man picked up over the years.
    17. Guys, From today, it was pretty slim pickings today as it was raining. Can't make out the year I would assume it is 1945 but the last digit is not legible and it is a post war scrim net.
    18. Guys, Pretty quiet at the moment, I was given this yesterday by a bloke I met at the old timers treff, you know when you get talking and someone says I have one of those, you can have it if you want and you expect to never see them again well he came through. It is well used missing a few grommets and most of the buttons, I could replace them but I shall leave it as is. He states it came from a neighbor that was in the Waffen SS as a boy, he used this in captivity and this was pretty well all he had left from his time serving. I can#t find any stampings just a penned name at the apex of he sheet.
    19. Nice pass, enjoyed the picture of the 'sneaky fag', perhaps before some sort of visit?
    20. Eric, I may give it a go, I once tried out my Karbide Lamp and it went ok. Some better pics.
    21. Few more pics now I have had time to look at it, only one stamping visible and it appears to be maker or issue 38.
    22. Guys, These are all private pictures annotated on the reverse place and date of taking. They are all from August 36. I kind of like the Flag tower thing that is going on. The others remind me of the film 'Fatherland', the book was better though.
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