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    Jock Auld

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    Everything posted by Jock Auld

    1. I shall pick them up at the eariest oppertunity, a picture paints a 1000 words. Jock
    2. Love anything handmade/modified with a bit of craftmanship. Cheers jock
    3. Chris, Sorry, I didn't make myself clear, you normally find the Green stuff being sold as surplus but these jackets look 50s in manufacture, material and style. I shall pick them up if I can get him down to €20. All of our local 'coppers' are in there shiny new blue rig now and I haven't seen a green car for a while either! Jock
    4. Paul, It is what it is, I to like anything that has been hand made (or at least well made) which I think the cockade is? I think this would be a good prize for one of Mervins competitions? jock
    5. A bit more research reveals the binos are the A1 version with the addition of the Artillery Graticule (pic 4). When I looked closely next to the designation what appeared to be a scratch was in fact a very small A1 stamped on there! I will try to photograph it. Jock
    6. Guys, I recently bought a Bundswehr Lt Col's jacket (in another post), the bloke had some police jackets that were very similar in cut to WW2 jackets in general. The odd thing for me was they were blue, not the greenish colours you would normaly encounter? Would they be of interest to anyone as I think he had €15 on each, there were two of them with some sort of arm badge? I can take some pictures next time if anyone is interested. cheers Jock
    7. Guys, I thought only war time stuff was neglected, this has had a hard life. Jock
    8. Guys, I don't think this one has been used but it is still a bit oxidised on the front. Jock
    9. We do have the Panzer School at Munster, they, I presume have or had a Recce aspect to their cariculum. I have had a close look and it appears to be unmessed with except for the missing pips on the shoulder boards, perhaps he used them on a new jacket? It looks as if it was always this colour, maybe the name place tag is not his and he removed it from the table for a guest as this is the tradition in British messes if you are hosting a guest as some-one else may take it and write a rude/witty comment on it and it is then read out by the Presiding Member or the PMC at a suitable pause in the event. Just guessing but I doubt we will learn more, just one of them things. Thanks for all of the info. Cheers jock
    10. Paul, I am not up on them either any more than what I have encountered and related on here or other fora. I am not saying they didn't mark them, I am just saying the very cheaply obtained items I have including a nice HJ badged bugle identical in construction to these (I will line them up for a parade shot later), two of which are not even maker marked, have no markings at all. Of 4 fanfares that are similar in construction but not all identical are also not marked. You said your pal is writing a book about these, what does he think? The other thing I have 'thunk' is there was not much call for fanfare trumpets post war as all military pomp and ceromony was actively discouraged. If you were making fakes in the 60-80s I doubt you would be tooling up to churn out obscure items that were not well collected? Lastly I understand a large amount of badges/eqpt were not marked but who wants them now, the books push us to seek the maker marks as some sort of reassurance? The one good spin off is that most fakes now have dodgey markings? I suppose the worry now is that when mine eventually are disposed of they will be marked up by some cheating fraudster to suit whatever any reference pushes as the real deal. Jock
    11. Love the hand written 'scratch ausweis', see she got the proper one just before the game was up! Cheers jock
    12. Larry, About 90% of what I encounter is this maker (see pic) Bauscher Weiden, they were busy bees, also all of the dug stuff from the Officers Mess Bergen that I have are this maker. They went on to do US stuff and presumably Bund stuff post war as I have a few marked for the US Army and US zone? They are faked but tend to be an easy spot in the hand. Jock
    13. Sorry, Yes it is a Brit thing to simply say 'The Colonel' we tend to emphisise the other way like saying hes a 'full Colonel', probably due to the fact most Regimental Commanders are Lt col and you rarely seen a full one around. Do you think the card is a type error or is the combination acceptable? Cheers Jock
    14. Guys, Couple of kantine items yesterday. They look nice now they have been through the dishwasher. Jock
    15. Guys, Found today, liked the arm badge so bought it. Dinner place name card found in pocket. Pips removed from shoulder boards? Otherwise fine! Jock
    16. Guys, Got this badge today, seems quite nice and well made like the other but with a normal looking catch.hinge and pin assembley. I keep geting a reflection from the flash that white out the eagle so a couple of shots are off from about the 5 o clock postion to reduce the glare, sorry! jock
    17. Gordon, Bent in today on the way home sadly all gone now except this police rig, sorry! Jock
    18. Paul, I am only going off the others I have which is the shape and style of manufacture. the best being my early HJ bugle with the eagle badge affixed, none of the brass I have found from various sources (fleemarket, scrap yard to house clearance) are marked. so I am only guessing based on construction methods, quality of the item (the look & finish is just not there with modern stuff), wear and tear, other collectors opinion (a long time collector that knows his stuff) and lastly the price, should be less than scrap value. I would not pay much for these things as they are hard to proove one way or the other as they are not commonly marked for military use? Jock
    19. Guys, Thankyou for that detailed help there. it had not occured to me that they were constantly changing award criteria, I guess it makes sense as the war rumbled on that it would need to be tweeked. I can see now it would be quite a task to find a white ribbon original. Thanks Again. Jock
    20. Thanks for that, it was just I was thinking non combatant too so does that mean the EK ribbon is the wrong sort or is that just for civilains the white ribbon? Thanks again. Jock
    21. Guys, Went to a German pals last night, he turned this up. Nothing fancy but why no swords on the Ehren Ktz? Cheers Jock
    22. I know a bloke that has some female NVA stuff, should I get some pics? Jock
    23. Possibly an new eagle there Normally removed post war then rebadged for sale? They tend to use bullion with bullion? Just a thought though and not for sure, would need a proper look over in the hand? I would have thought about €300 since the local dealer is normally around €400ish. Jock
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