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    Herr General

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    Everything posted by Herr General

    1. His miniature and ribbonbar ( My camera appears to be broken. I can't focus with it. I will try to make better photo's in the following days! )
    2. His medal bar. Made before he received his British medals. He also choose not to wear his Nijmegen Marching Cross in this set.
    3. Ofcourse your right, it is the War Medal. Yes this is the group we talked about. Here's our man before the war:
    4. Today I received various items from Dutch Colonel J. van Golen including his medals. Carrier: 1917 Born on 18-08-1917 in Rotterdam 1937 ? 1940 Royal Military Academy in Breda 1940 ? 1941 Police inspector in 's-Gravenhage 1941 Escape to Great Britain 1942 - 1943 Activities concerning Contra intelligence services in Western Europe, Occupied France, Belgium, Switzerland, Spain and Portugal. 1943 Officer in the Dutch Princess Irene Brigade. Landed in Normandy 1945 British Higher Military school 1946 ?1950 Brigade Major in Indonesia. 1st and 2nd Politionel actions in West Java 1950 ? 1952 Dutch Higher Military school 1952 ? 1955 Head of operations ? 1st army Corps 1955 ? 1958 Nato staff ? Northern army group 1958 ? 1960 Head of personnel ? 4th Division 1960 ? 1966 Commander of the Infantry School. Chearman of the Nato task force "Armored Infantry" in Paris 1966 Chief of Staff ? Mobile Corps 1967 ? 1968 Government representative during the build of AFCENT in Limburg 1968 ? 1969 Territorial Commander South 1970 ? retirement Head of civil ? military cooperation AFCENT Promotions: 1937 Cadet 1940 2e lieutenant 1942 1e lieutenant 1948 Captain 1953 Major 1958 Lieutenant Colonel 1963 Colonel Medals: Colonel J. van Golen was entitled to the following medals: Cross of Merit War remembrance cross with the following clasps: - Netherlands may 1940 - Normandie 1944 - War on land 1940 ? 1945 Resistance memorial cross Cross for Order and Peace with the following clasps: - 1946 - 1947 - 1948 - 1949 Officer?s Long Service Decoration with the number XXXV Nijmegen Marching Cross Proficiency medal from the Dutch Olympic Comit? in Bronze 1939 ? 1945 Star (United Kingdom) France and Germany Star (United Kingdom) Defence Medal (United Kingdom) War Medal (United Kingdom) Photo's will follow soon
    5. In a Dutch newspaper from 1937 I find a mention of two Dutch citizens who received the following awards ( translated ) the Order of the Jade from China 4th classe White neckribbon with red/blue edges in the Order of the Jade of China (commandeurs grade ? ) Who can give me more information about this Order and his grades?
    6. Hi Hugh and Erik, Yesterday I got in contact with a collector of KNIL photo's. I showed him this photo and he replied that it must be an medal from Sultan Soesoehoenan, Pakoe Boewono X.
    7. Thank you all for your reactions. Turns out to be an interesting photo!
    8. Here's te total carte de visite ( scanned add 150 dpi ), Thank you all for your opinions. Could it be a French Diplomat? The photo house is Rochat, Rue de L'Hopital Bourbonne Haute Marne
    9. The second one looks like the Colonial ; Ordre de Nichan-Iftikhar and the third as the Italian Crownorder?
    10. There is also the story that the Fairburn & Sykes commando knife for a part was based on these "Stormdaggers"
    11. Somehow they always remind me of the Roman Gladius. I most have an article somewhere telling exactly where this design was based on.
    12. I just posted this as aditional information, not to say that someone is wrong or right. Sorry Hugh for note posting a translation. I felt that my english wasn't good enough to translate this piece!
    13. Maybe someone on this forum has an interest in this medalbar: http://cgi.ebay.com/RARE-Old-Cuba-Militari...1QQcmdZViewItem
    14. Hello Eric, Here is some info from the Museum Bronbeek about the Gele Soeng ( in Dutch ) Het zou wel eens zo kunnen zijn dat met de gele soeng het zonnescherm of de pajoeng bedoeld wordt. Deze pajoeng heeft immers de vorm van een paddestoel (soeng) en is bovendien vaak geel van kleur. En het Hoog-Javaaanse woord voor dit zonnescherm "songsong" (de Javaanse o-klank is in het Maleis vaak een oe en het songsong is een gebruikelijke verdubbeling) is gemakkelijk tot soeng te herleiden. De pajoeng was het voornaamste onderscheidingsteken voor inlandse ambtenaren. Door de daarop in het veld aangebrachte kleuren en strepen of circels werd de rang van de ambtenaar aangeduid. Elke pajoeng heeft een veld (latar), met een knop, pentol, waaraan een stervormig uitgeknipt aanhangsel met puntige uitlopers (tlatjak) zit. De beide laatste onderdelen zijn in de regel verguld. De stok (garan) is bij de pajoengs der regenten verguld, bij die van de andere ambtenaren wit of zwart geverfd met of zonder versierselen in de vorm van bloemslingers, terwijl de dunne stokjes die het scherm open moeten houden, mneestal geel of wit geverfd zijn en door een netwerk van geel of wit garen zijn omgeven. Voor 1904 voerden ook de residenten en assisitent-residenten op Java en Madoera de ambtspajoeng: voor de residenten een vergulden en een halfvergulden/halfwitte voor de assistent-residenten. Gouverneur-Generaal Van Heutsz schafte dit gebruik in de zogeheten "pajoengcirculaire" van 1904 af.
    15. Here are some images http://www.medals.org.uk/liberia/liberia004.htm
    16. I have an ( incomplete ) list of Dutch persons who received the Order of African Redemption. Among them some persons who became "Ridder" , Knight. Al sources I can find on this Order mention only three grades, Grand Commander, Knight Commander, Officer. Does anyone know if there was a Knight grade ? Also there are some police officers who received a medal in a Liberian Order. What kind of medal could this be?
    17. Four Royal Marines flew into a battle zone clinging to the outside of helicopter gunships in a bid to rescue a fallen comrade, the Ministry of Defence has revealed. L/Cpl Ford: Comrades did not know he had been killed Unwilling to leave behind one of their number following a retreat, the commandos strapped themselves to the small stabiliser wings of two Apache helicopters and returned into the midst of a fierce gunfight with the Taliban in southern Afghanistan. Details of the unprecedented rescue attempt were revealed as the MoD pieced together the final hours of fallen hero L/Cpl Matthew Ford. L/Cpl Ford, 30, of 45 Commando Royal Marines, took part in a 200-soldier assault on a Taliban fort in Helmand province. Following an intense gun and mortar battle, the commandos were forced back. When they realised L/Cpl Ford was missing, four soldiers volunteered to return. Three Apaches were available for the mission, but the 200mph helicopters have no room inside for passengers. The soldiers made the snap decision to travel on the outside of two of the armour-plated aircraft, with a third helicopter providing covering fire. The men flew right back into the gun battle, landing both inside and outside the enemy fort in the search for L/Cpl Ford. They eventually found and retrieved the body of the section leader who had been killed by enemy fire. The unnamed soldiers won high praise for the rescue attempt and for managing to return L/Cpl Ford?s body to base. L/Col Rory Bruce, a UK Task Force spokesman, said the heroic mission had been a ?leap into the unknown?. ?This is believed to be the first time UK forces have ever tried this type of rescue mission,? he said. An Apache helicopter similar to the ones used in the rescue mission in Helmand ?It was an extraordinary tale of heroism and bravery of our airmen, soldiers and marines who were all prepared to put themselves back into the line of fire to rescue a fallen comrade. ?And it was with great sadness they later found their brother-in-arms had been killed in action.? L/Cpl Ford was the only fatality sustained by the UK Task Force during the battle on Monday. Four men were injured and are in a stable condition. Friends and family yesterday paid tribute to ?gentle giant? L/Cpl Ford, who had recently been thinking about leaving the service to settle down with a family. His mother Joan, who lives at the family home in Immingham, Lincolnshire, said: ?We are all devastated by the news of Mathew?s death. He was a larger than life character who lived his life to the full. ?He was a wonderful son to me and brother to Thomas and Scott and was looking forward to his future with Ina [his fiancee]. His love for life and his ability to make everyone laugh will always be with us.? L/Cpl Ford joined the Royal Marines in 2001. After training in Lympstone, Devon, where he earned the coveted Green Beret. L/Cpl Ford's commanding officer Lt Col Duncan Dewar RM said the serviceman?s ?professionalism, reliability, and selflessness as well as his sharp wit marked him out from the crowd?. http://www.telegraph.co.u What a heroic action! May he rest in peace!
    18. Thanks for your reply Rick. I make it sound so easy "can this one be named", I forgot the ammount of work it takes to name a piece. Sorry Would this be the bar of a lower person working at a Royal Court?
    19. I just found a great Ordenspange in an old Carsten Zeige catalogue. Lippe-Detmold / Denkmunze an der erstrittenen Thronanspruch 1905 Schaumburg / Goldene Verdienstmedaille 1893-1905 Detmold / Goldene Verdienstmedaille 1905-1918 Leopold-Orden Silbernes Verdienstkreuz Sachsen / Silberne Friedrich-August-Medaille Sachsen-Meiningen / Silberen medaille Hausorden Herzog Georg von Sachsen-Meiningen Schaumburg / Silberen Verdienstmedaille Niederlande / Silberen Verdienstmedaille des Hausorden von Oranien Is it possible to name this bar? I would like to know why he got the Dutch award! I will post a scan tomorrow!
    20. I can agree on the swords between the cross and the crown. Could it be an imperial German decoration ?
    21. I am surprised by the quality of these pieces
    22. Thank you all for the detailed info !
    23. I found a reference to a Dutch Consul in Cuba who earnt the "Knight in the Merit Order Carlos Manuel de Cespedes from Cuba in 1939. Does anyone know what kind of decoration this is?
    24. I made a mistake, nr in the top row isn't the Dutch Lombokkruis, way to early! It is something foreign.
    25. I think that the medal last in the top row is the Dutch Houseorder, ( also because of its possition between two dutch medals ) No, I think your right! So that makes the first medal in the second row not Dutch ?
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