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    Everything posted by orden_master

    1. Hello riley1965 perfect description except one detail which is wrong. There are absolutely NO hints or proves that the order of the Yugoslav crown was manufactured in Paris by Arthus-Bertrand. In my own collection and in all the others known to me there are not one original AB box preserved. The order was mainly manufactured by Huguenin Le Locle, in the late 30's Huguenin was delivering unfinished parts for the order and the order was assembled by a Yugoslavian manufactury called SORLINI and situated in a town named Varazdin. The Sorlini items have very small differnces to the original Huguenin parts and a distinction is very often impossible, your only chance is to get the order with the original box and to distinuish them this way. I attach some pictures to illustrate: Best regards Milan
    2. I think there is another thread dealing with this subject anyways. this medal is one of the secrets to be discovered, there are very few informations to obtain from existing books, again most of my phaleristic library is situated in my office, some of the books I have double and those I keep at home. Again you will have to wait until tuesday, Sorry regards Milan
    3. Hi Waldemar Thanks for the nice words about my collection ! Looking at the pictures from ebay I would say that it is a perfect original medal, for being 100% sure I would have to take it in my hands. Yes I switched to Kingdom only after I had a almost complete "communistic" collection, I was missing only the order of freedom and 2 or 3 varieties of the other orders otherwise I WAS complete, most of them boxed and some documents. About 2 years ago I have sold the complete lot. I was looking at all my documentation I had with me at home and could not find anything else than the number of all contributed orders. There could be one more book which I have in my office where maybe it could have some details of the pre 63 period. I will be back in my office by tuesday and will have a look then. regards Milan PS joining a picture from my former collection
    4. perfect buy !!! congrats I was observing Milan
    5. Hello Chris could you please give me some explanations about "Tavannes" as the village were I grove up in Switzerland has the same name! Thanks Best regards Milan
    6. Here an other Serbian award from the Obrenovic dynasty period The order of the Takovo cross the pics show a GC set made by Rothe in Vienna: regards M
    7. Hi Paul yes the monograph is perfect but as it was published long time ago there are very few good copies turning arround. The last I saw on sale was more than 4 years ago. I have the whole monograph scaned and in pdf format. I am working on it to correct some errors in the original text and to put new pictures in it. But as always ........ times goes by . My dad who died 7 years ago always told me there are two things in your life you will always have the impression that you do not have enough its time and money and you will never have both togheter, maybe one or the other, maybe !! And he was SO RIGHT !!! Best regards Milan
    8. IKOM which is the abreviation of "Industriskij Kombinat Maro Oreskovic" took birth after WWII and after the big confiscations or robberys of private businesses by the comunist leaders and party. IKOM infrastructure is mainly based on the old "Griesbach&Knaus" workers and know-how with some other manufacturys centralized on one location Will look what I can found more on pics and facts ! Cheers M
    9. Badge of the womens society of the Dutchess Zorka (sorry it was the only pic I found, I will have to take a better one someday ...)
    10. Order of the Yugoslav crown 4th class
    11. Here is order of St. Sava 5th class pre 1903 , we call this type 1
    12. Hi Jim I understand and I apreciate that you got some old papers as souvenirs from Serbia. Whenever you got hold on them let me know if you remember and do not forget to make finer scans. I will send you in the following posts the according orders to some of your documents ! Best regards Milan
    13. Before I start some more pictures regards M
    14. Oooh, its me again as far as my memory serves me I think that I can remember that it was a discussion to enlarge the order of Brotherhood an Unity to 3 classes, even some of the boxes have been prepared but the proposal was never adopted and never took place. As the turbulencec went high in the 1991 and later period, many things happend and more things disapeard from IKOM in Zagreb. There was so much "garbagge" in the cellers of IKOM that even the responsables never will know what was in there. Some of the more interestin stuff shoewd up, probably like this box and order. I had some great probe items of many medals if the period in all differnt kind of metal, things which never get to production. But a 100% anser I cound not give. regards Milan
    15. Hallo Christian, Guten Abend Yes you are absolutely right the most beautiful work of the 1860-1914 are from Vienna jewelers as they have been a lot of well known names from that period like Scheid, Rothe, Fischmeister, Resch, V. Meyer and other, even partially unkown even by hard research. None of the new jewelers in the moment is producing Serbian orders (as far as I know). They certainly would do the job but they would have to build new dies. Rothe was the last one selling his dies about 10 years ago the others are or disapeard or distructed. The same with Huguenin in the process of a hous keeping they have distructed the old Serbian dies . Only a few (3 or 4 medal dies survived by surprise). The quality of French or Swiss production is also pretty high and the items are well done but they never came approximatively near the FULL hand made piceces from Vienna. The manual craftmanship, (finish) in Vienna was unique you just have to look to the detail of the orders. As the grade of rarety is not varying to much between the periods there are not too high price differences beetwen the A, CH or F made orders. Nevertheless the very early piecec thius 1860-1903 period (Obrrenovic) are higher priced than the other ones. You are always welcome ! M
    16. Hi Paul as mentioned earlier most of the Serbian medals and awards befor WWi have been made in Vienna and are of the most beautiful orders in the world. During and after WWi most of manufactury of orders and medals are given to Arthus Bertrand in Paris. It was in 1921 when Alexander Karadjordjevic took the reign from his father that he switched to Swiss production and most of the orders (spec. White Eagle, St. Sava and The Karadjordje star) have been made by Huguenin. Most of us beleive that this was Alexanders affinity to Switzerland as he passed a big part of his education time in Switzerland. Best regards from Switzerland M
    17. Hi Jim a very impressive collection of very nice Serbian documents and diplomas. Too bad that I missed the thread until now and that all those beauties have to wait sooo long to get out of storage. I would have liked to get some better scans of some items (if possible ), specially 1 and 4 . How did it come that you collected Serbian diplomas ?? Best regards Milan
    18. found ! I found a picture of my variant Obilic medal . The pic is rather small, a biger one will follow next week, lets see if you can find out where the difference is to the other two types (not regarding the size) ! Cheers M
    19. Hello YES both medals exist in both sizes. The smaller ones are from Huguenin and the bigger ones are from Arthus Bertrand. There exists a third variant which is very very rare and I know only for a couple of collections having those variants. I will have to take a picture of this one next week and post it here. What I have for proving the according of the sizes to the two different manufactury is the attached pic. This is a picture from Hueguenins original books from their archive where they stocked prints (in hard carton paper) of the newly finished dies. All in perfectly chronological order, most of them with the date when the dies have been destructed . I was taking pictures of all Serbian orders and medals I have found in this book a couple of years ago when I was doing some research for an article in a phaleristic journal about the Huguenin manufactury. Best regards from Switzerland M
    20. nice group Luka, specialy the box for the heroism medal !! greets M
    21. Hi Luka have a look here : different threads different threads greets M
    22. should already have some pics on some other thread in the forum, I will look in which one M
    23. Hello Christian the mind is willing the flesh is weak!! I would like to help as much as I can but my time resources are very low, sorry! AS you already know I HAD a complete YU orders and medals collection most of my items have been boxed. The only item I was missing have been the order of freedom and a couple of variants, otherwise the rest I had. I have sold the complete collection 2 years ago. Some of the pictures I have still with me. Regarding books one of the most complete references on Montenegro, Serbian an Yu awards is the third part of the Malinar exibition in Zagreb. Boris Priester as author and responsable of the auction prepared a 3 book series on the famous Malinar collection which was gifted to the National museum in Zagreb. The third book is the best done out of the series and is fully in colour ilustrating all the orders and medals. Unfortunately the edition is already long time ago sold out and I have not seen any copies turning around on ebay or other auctions for at least two years. Best regards Milan
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