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    E Williams

    Past Contributor
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    Everything posted by E Williams

    1. Both the brits and the germans had them. They were sometimes referred to as a signaling holster.
    2. My long lost twin brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How's it feel to be a good looking ladies man as me???????????????
    3. Where are they headed.........through the roof !!!!!!!!!!!!! With the 100 year anniversary approaching, every Tommy, Yank, Johann and Andre is wanting a part of the action, driving up the price. You can do one of two things.............sell out at a nice profit or wait till it's all over and buy at a nice price from those who paid too much for an interest soon gone. Well, there is a third thing you could do, box it all up and send it to a museum. If you decide to go that route, let me know and I'll send you my address.
    4. As General Nathan Bedford Forrest use to say on winning battles: "Ya git ther furst wi' da mostest".
    5. You put your trust in a site who's owner is on the run from US Federal Law? The brits called the germans, Jerrys and we yanks picked it up on our way through Britain to win the war, a second time. I think adopting the slang 'Jerry' from our british cousins for the Huns and bringing home 60,000+ british war brides was payment enough!!!!!! :) :)
    6. I've heard of that term also when it came to an unfair decision but "jeri' was common during WWII like the 'Hun' was in WWI. When I was in, a five gallon can of gasoline came in a 'jeri-can', we temporaly fix things as in using wire to hold something together as 'jeri-rigging'.
    7. I'm on good terms with the local police and when it arrives, I'm taking it to the crime lab and see what those stains are......catch my drift??? (OK!!!!!! who's playing with the on/off smilie control again)
    8. Could this be where "jeri-rig" came into existence? 'AHHH!!!! just jeri-rig it for now"
    9. Moved them here where they belong..................Acquired this one today, what can be said about the stamp? I think I know but I'm not the expert. http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_11_2013/post-16240-0-45465000-1385084918.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_11_2013/post-16240-0-18532300-1385084922.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_11_2013/post-16240-0-51116300-1385084923.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_11_2013/post-16240-0-82510700-1385084924.jpg
    10. I was unaware that the bones of the two executed had been taken from the grave. Shameful!!!!
    11. Really, I can't remember. I didn't pay any attention to it because it didn't interest me. You have no idea how many different sites I visit daily. If I do find it, I'll (whisper) send it by PM.
    12. If I could remember, I'd tell ya but it wasn't a site that I daily check. I don't need one.
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