Alan Baird
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Yet more to come. If the majority of the cases which involve Detective Sergeant Herman Bulterman …….relate to foreigners and foreign Governments etc then we can confirm that he is still working in Special Branch. Exactly because he is not investigating or arresting the usual common or serious criminals of London. The problem is that much of his work would have been confidential and the details would never have been released to the press. In June of 1892, Detective Sergeant Bulterman and Craggs went to 34 Portland Road in Tottenham to arrest Otto Hymmen. There was an extradition warrant against him for embezzling money from within the jurisdiction of the German Government. On seeing the officers he jumped from a window to the ground floor which was a drop of 20 feet. As the prisoner was an acrobat he managed to land without injuring himself and ran off. Detective Sergeant Herman Bulterman gave chase and after a quarter of a mile managed to arrest the prisoner. [Scotland Yard always gets their man....if Herman is around.]
Hi, Herman Hendrik Bulterman's story from 1891 onward...…………. On the 7th of January in 1892, at the Extradition Court at Bow Street, a French couple appeared on the charge of murder. Sergeant Herman Bulterman of the Detectives Department at Scotland Yard had taken the prisoners into his custody from a prison in Jersey. Sergeant Herman Bulterman speaking in French cautioned them and explained he had a warrant for their arrest on a ''murder charge'' which had occurred in France. Sergeant Herman Bulterman also recorded their replies to the charge. The prisoners were remanded for a week. We now have confirmation that Herman Bulterman also speaks French and I'm sure he would have been better than ''Del Boy.''
Hi, Herman Hendrik Bulterman's story from 1887 to 1890...…………... Since the history of 'Special Branch' only began in 1883, we can confirm that Detective Herman Bulterman was one of the original group of Policemen to be a member of this elite service. This can be evidenced by Detective Herman Bulterman's assignment to the undercover operation at the Port of Rotterdam ''especially to watch the movements of Fenians and dynamitards in 1884.'' By 1887, Herman Bulterman is now a Detective Police Sergeant in the C.I.D. at Central Office/Scotland Yard. Since Special Branch was imbedded within the Criminal Investigation Branch, it is necessary to examine Detective Sergeant Herman Bulterman's work to evidence his continual presence as a member of Special Branch. Apart from the German Embassy bombing plot in January of 1884, there are no other Old Bailey trial records that mention Herman Bulterman. This is not totally unexpected because if he was still serving in Special Branch, then he would be more likely to be dealing with foreign nationals and Governments etc. There is a newspaper report in June of 1888 of two notorious American burglars being arrested. A number of Scotland Yard detectives arrived at the Café Monaco and served a provisional warrant on the two men. An extradition warrant stated the men were wanted by the German Empire for the burglary of a Munich jewellery shop and the theft of approximately £30,000. Herman Bulterman was one of the arresting officers. In 1890, Herman Hendrick Bulterman applies for ''Naturalisation Certificate and Declaration.'' Herman Bulterman is granted British Citizenship. Herman and his wife are residing at 6 Wellington Street, in the Strand, in Middlesex and he is recorded as being employed as a ''Detective Sergeant in the Metropolitan Police.'' Note...…..Henry Matthews is the Home Secretary at the time of the application. I would suspect that the naturalisation process would have been required, at some point, if you a permanent member of the Special Branch. Herman Bulterman's wife does not apply for citizenship. [Will add more of the story later.]
Hi and many thanks. Here is just some supporting documentation for the first part of the Herman Hendrik Bulterman story. Metropolitan Police records - joining and leaving docs. Court record regarding the 1883 bombing trial. Herman Hendrik Bulterman's birth and marriage certificates. and the medal and its original presentation box. Notice the extremely nice condition of the box which indicates how Herman and his later family etc preserved the items with great care.
Hi, ''''Herman Hendrick Bulterman.'''' Herman Hendrick [originally spelt Hendrik] Bulterman was born in Rotterdam, in the Netherlands, in 1854. Herman's parents were Jesaia and Elizabeth Adriana Bulterman [nee Staats]. On the 7th of August in 1878, Herman Hendrik Bulterman [24] marries Goverdina Demmenie [38] and the marriage took place in Rotterdam. Herman and Goverdina Bulterman who are both citizens of the Netherlands, move to and reside in London. On the 4th of October in 1880 Herman H Bulterman joins the Metropolitan Police and is assigned to 'D' or Marylebone division and is also given the warrant number of 64955. On the 12th of April in 1883, the Home Secretary authorised more than 560 uniformed officers to protect important buildings in London against the terrorist threats and bombings.This action indicates how serious the Government took the dangers from the dynamite war and Fenian attacks etc. On the 22nd of November in 1883, William Woolf [24] who is recorded as being a chemist and Edward Bondurand [24] who is a baker were arrested and later indicated for possessing a large quantity of explosives for illegal purposes under the 'Explosives Act of 1883.' The plot was to blow up the German Embassy but the real reason for the plot was to fraudulently obtain large sums of money from the Metropolitan Police by providing them with false information regarding the bombing. Leon Ferrall purchased the 14lbs of gunpowder but later Leon Ferrall and Louis Bondurand, the brother of one of the prisoners, made a statement on the 20th of November in 1883 to Chief Inspector George Greenham of the Criminal Investigation Department, relating to the intended criminal action and which resulted in the arrest of the above prisoners and finding the bomb making equipment. Police Constable 109C Herman Bulterman who is now serving in 'C' or St. James's division gave evidence at the trial that he witnessed Leon Ferrall entering the German Embassy. Police Constable109C Herman Bulterman was on Special Duties guarding the German Embassy and his testimony was backed up by embassy staff who also spoke to Leon Ferrall on that particular evening. The jury, after more than five hours of deliberations still could not agree on the prisoners guilt and so the case was adjourned and later dismissed. I would suspect that Detective Chief Inspector George Greenham was impressed with Police Constable 109C Herman Bulterman's keen powers of observation while guarding the German Embassy and his effective testimony at the Old Bailey trial. It is known that prior to the creation of the Criminal Investigation Department in 1878, Detective Chief Inspector George Greenham at the Commissioner's Office was responsible for keeping track of foreign criminals operating in London. He supervised a staff of only three other Senior Detectives who all had the ability to speak German or French. Detective Chief Inspector George Greenham could speak both of these languages and also Italian. In 1883, when he met Police Constable 109C Herman Bulterman who was actually a citizen of the Netherlands and could speak English and Dutch and could probably speak some German or French, then it is easy to understand why Herman Bulterman was soon to become part of the Criminal Investigation Department and Special Branch at Scotland Yard. The Government was very unhappy about the level and quality of the intelligence that they were receiving and more resources were supplied to the C.I.D. within the Central Office/Scotland Yard. It was decided that more information should be acquired at the British ports of entry and even from European Ports feeding into the British ports. The purpose was 'to watch the movements of Fenians and dynamitards' - HO144/133/A34848 refers. Therefore on the 10th of April in 1884, five officers were posted abroad :- Sergeant Melville and Constable Durham at Havre. Constable Bann at Antwerp. Constable Bulterman at Rotterdam. Sergeant Froest at Paris. [Later since Paris is not a port, Froest was withdrawn and Hamburg was included.] Therefore we see that Police Constable Herman Hendrick Bulterman is now deep in the undercover operations to tackle the terrorist threats coming from Europe. It was not unusual for American Fenians etc to use a European port as their entry point into the United Kingdom, rather than proceeding directly to a United Kingdom port of entry. [Section 'C' Special Branch would later relate to ports etc] Thus these Metropolitan Police Detectives stationed at the European ports were extremely important as the British front line to identify the terrorist threats. Detective Herman H Bulterman has only been in the Metropolitan Police for approximately two and a half years by this stage in his career. Everything then goes dark and we next find he had been awarded the Queen Victoria Metropolitan Police Jubilee medal for 1887 as a Police Sergeant [Detective/C.I.D.] with the Commissioner's Office at Scotland Yard. The medal appears to have been professionally gilded or else it is the most perfect example of this medal I have ever seen and it has always been kept in its original period medal presentation box. If it is gilded, then that is quite a continental thing to do but Herman Hendrik Bulterman was a continental man from the Netherlands. Either way this is a stunning medal. I will write up the next stage in his career over the next few days.
Hi. 'Not probably Timothy Enright but almost certainly Timothy Enright.'...…………………………. The publication by 'Orsam Books - Special Branch,' stated that it was probably Police Constable Timothy Enright in 'K' or Bow division that was assigned to the, 'New Irish Unit' in 1883. We know the individual's surname was 'Enright' and that he was a 'Police Constable in 'K' or Bow division.' Further research has only identified one Police Constable with the surname of Enright within 'K' or Bow division and that is Police Constable Timothy Enright. This would appear to definitely confirm that we do have the right man. Police Constable Patrick Enright completed his time with New Irish Unit and then returned to 'H' or Whitechapel division in the Summer of 1883. On the 7th of January in 1884, in a case involving robbery and theft, we find that Patrick Enright is giving evidence at that Old Bailey trial and is now a Detective Sergeant with 'H' or Whitechapel division. It would appear that successfully and professionally completing his time assigned to this New Irish Unit, did probably assist Police Constable Patrick Enright in his Metropolitan career. The only other Policeman that has been found with the 'Enright' surname in 'K' or Bow division around this time, is that of Detective Sergeant James Enright. I know he was transferred from 'H' or Whitechapel division to 'K' or Bow division and I believe he was transferred due to his promotion to the rank of Police Sergeant. Obviously this man can be ruled out because he is a Police Sergeant and therefore he is the wrong rank. An Old Bailey trial record also confirms James Enright as being a Police Sergeant only a few months after Police Constable Enright's service with the New Irish Unit was terminated and he was returned to 'K' or Bow division because of having been disciplined and punished. Police Constable Timothy Enright has served with the unit for approximately 2 months before his downfall. This would have been a serious blow to Police Constable Timothy Enright's career for some considerable time, I would suspect
Hi, Glad you like it Gordon but the original medal I was researching...…....I know you will like that story even better than Timothy Enright's story. It relates to the early days of ''Special Branch'' and covers a period of over a decade within the C.I.D. at Scotland Yard. I will add it onto this thread but it might take me some time to complete. Unfortunately I am struggling to get it started. Anyway sometimes we wonder what happened to individuals after they have retired from the Police so here is just a few basic details relating to Timothy Enright and family. England Census 1891. Timothy [49] and his wife Harriet [46] and family are residing at 3 Caxton Street, Bow & Bromley of Tower Hamlets and he is listed as, 'living on his own means.' England Census of 1901. Timothy and Harriet and family are residing at 27 Tomlin Grove, Bromley, Bow & Bromley division of Tower Hamlets. They also have two lodgers residing with them. Timothy is employed as a ''waiter at the stock exchange and is also recorded as being a 'retired policeman.' England Census of 1911. Timothy [69] and Harriet [65] with some of the family are still residing at 27 Tomlin Grove but he is now just recorded as a 'police pensioner' Timothy seems to have done OK. Alan.
Hi, I have to be honest, this post refers to a medal I did not really appreciate and I was going to sell, on several occasions. The medal is the Queen Victoria Metropolitan Police Jubilee medal for 1887 and was awarded to ''PC Timothy Enright.'' Timothy Enright was born at Ballylongford, Co Kerry, Ireland, on the 7th of June in 1841. Timothy Enright joined the Metropolitan Police on the 24th of April in 1865 and was assigned to 'K' or Bow division and was given the warrant number of 45995. Police Constable Timothy Enright was on duty for Queen Victoria's Jubilee Parade and was therefore awarded the Metropolitan Police Jubilee medal for 1887 whilst serving as a Police Constable with 'K' or Bow division. This is his only medal entitlement. On the 26th of July in 1890, Police Constable Timothy Enright retired from the Metropolitan Police and 'K' or Bow division. The one unusual fact about the medal was that it was engraved and in the correct style with the details, ''PC T Enright K R divn.'' Only the one divisional letter should be engraved on these medals and that is the divisional letter referring to the division they are in at the time of the Jubilee. Therefore I believe the letter ''R'' refers to Timothy Enright having been placed on the 'Reserve Duty List,'' during 1887. Just like his collar number would be followed by ''K R''....the medal was engraved following the same rule. It may have been that he had suffered some temporary health problems etc. The official engravers did make the occasional mistakes but they would have been engraving hundreds, if not thousands of medals so they did know what basic details that were required to be engraved on the medals. This is the only reason I kept the medal because I have never seen another example of such a thing happening. Recently I was researching another individual who was attached to the early formation of ''Special Branch'' at the C.I.D. Central Office/Scotland Yard and therefore I read ''David Orsam's'' published account of ''Special Branch.'' This is an extremely informative account and provides excellent reference material on the subject. Obviously there are other publications you can also read but it was the David Orsam's account I used :- '''Police Constable Timothy Enright in the ''New Irish Unit, attached to C.I.D. Central Office/Scotland Yard''...………………………………………..The Fenian Brotherhood and bombing campaign in London resulted in the issuing of ''Police Order dated the 19/3/1883'' which ordered the transfer of 8 uniformed Metropolitan Police personnel to the C.I.D. Central Office, as part of a temporary ''New Unit.'' This new unit was to be the front-line in the fight against the Fenian attacks etc. These eight uniformed officers of ''Irish descent'' would be working in plain clothes and carry out undercover work within the new unit. I have listed the eight officers involved :- Inspector Pope 'C' division. Inspector Ahern 'R' division. PC O'Sullivan 'D' division. PC Walsh 'E' division. PC McIntyre 'L' division. PC Foy 'M' division. PC Jenkins 'V' division and PC Thorpe 'Y' division. The New Unit was under the supervision of ''Chief Superintendent Williamson'' and who had 4 local detectives also within this New Unit and who were also tasked with tackling the Fenian threats and bombings and they were :- Sergeant Melville 'W' division. Sergeant Regan 'TA' division and Police Constable Enright [believed to be Patrick Enright from 'H' or Whitechapel division] ………………………………………………………………………….....and Police Constable Enright [believed to be Timothy Enright from 'K' or Bow division]. So we now know that Police Constable Timothy Enright had served in the local C.I.D. of Bow division. Unfortunately Detective Timothy Enright, after a disciplinary hearing was reprimanded and cautioned and returned to 'K' or Bow division, on the 24th of May in 1883. Therefore after approximately one months service with the New Unit and which it had been a great honour to be selected for........he gets returned to his division under a cloud. I did some research on the division and I must agree that PC Enright definitely appears to be Timothy Enright. Detective Patrick Enright was returned to 'H' or Whitechapel division in the summer of 1883 because as the threat from the Fenian terrorists was reduced, then the individuals from the New Unit were returned to their previous divisions. The moral of the story, is that you never know what the future might turn-up on the individual Policemen within your collection.
Hi, I know there was an explosion at 3.20am on the 11th of February in 1907 which destroyed the Chemical Research Department and a Gas Holder, at the Magazine, at Plumstead Marshes. But I don't know if he was employed there at that specific time. Amazingly nobody was killed...…...30,000 windows were shattered in the surrounding area and the explosion was heard from 40 miles away. At that time, in the early morning, I believe the streets started to fill up with people all wondering what had just happened, dogs barking, people crying and lots of confusion on what had just occurred and what to do. During the day, I believe approximately 400 men would have been working in the danger area. Alan.
Hi, I have added some photographs of the engraving to Police Constable 122 Charley Packman's 1897 medal and who was attached to the 1st or Woolwich [Dockyard/Arsenal] division. Unfortunately, it is a dull day and my camera is getting old so they are the best photographs that I can do at the present time. He was awarded the Queen Victoria Metropolitan Police Jubilee medal for 1897 and the Coronation medals for 1902 and 1911 and served his whole service in 1st or Woolwich division. Joined the Metropolitan Police on the 2/7/1888, warrant number 73743 and was therefore serving in the Metropolitan Police just prior to the start of the JTR murders. Retired on the 14th of September in 1914. Metropolitan Police pension records will only tell you if that individual has served on 'Special Duties' ……..if they were on 'Special Duties' at the time of their retirement. Police Constable 122 Charley Packman is one such example because he was attached to ''Plumstead Marshes Magazine and the cost of this 'Special Duty' was paid for by the War Department. It would be interesting to show a Metropolitan Police 1887 medal for somebody serving in 1st or Woolwich division and compare the details/engravings.
The Incident...………………… At approximately 4 to 5pm on the 28th of November in 1903, William Theodore Males enters the Magpie Public House which is located at 12 New Street, Bishopsgate Street. William has a strong build and is over five feet and ten inches in height. He is known to the manager of the Public House because he lives nearby. William is very drunk and therefore they refused to sell him any more drink. William becomes very abusive and uses obscene language and then refused to leave the premises. At approximately 5.40pm District Inspector Chapman is informed of the situation and attends the Magpie Public House. District Inspector Chapman with the assistance of the Public House manager, manages to remove William from the premises. The Inspector then accompanies William home and tells him to, ''go upstairs to his wife/home.'' Being of unsound drunk mind, William then abuses his wife when she opens the front door and then returns to the Magpie Public House. This time District Inspector Chapman brings along a Police Sergeant with him to the Magpie Public House and with great difficulty and much violence and swearing they take William Theodore Males back to the Police Station. A doctor is called to confirm that William is indeed suffering from intoxication. William Theodore Males fate is sealed and he is later formally ''required to resign.'' But there is a happy ending to the story because in the England Census of 1911, William Theodore Males is employed as a, ''Persian carpet salesman'' and he is still living with his wife and family. The funny thing is that they are still residing at the family home at 3/4 New Street, near the Magpie Public House and so the question would be ''does he still frequent the Magpie Public House.'' Alan.
William Theodore Males. Discipline and Punishment Records...……………….. 5/1/1899. 2 minutes late for the 7.45am muster and using improper language to his sergeant. [Forfeit 3 days leave.] 22/2/1899. Late 19 minutes at the 5.40am muster. [Promotion retarded during the Commissioner's pleasure.] I sure they would only have had a pocket watch available, to ensure they woke up on time, to prepare and then get to their work. Maybe neighbours also knocked on each others doors to ensure individuals were awake. No radio alarm clocks in those days so it is understandable that mistakes are going to be made but discipline is discipline. These are more minor offences. 22/2/1902. Being inside the Girlder's Arms Public House for the purposes of drinking whilst on duty. [Fined 5 shillings.] Rather silly and Police Constable 881 Edward Watkins also suffered a similar fate on several occasions. 5/7/1903. Quarrelling and fighting with Police Constable 115 Gough whilst on duty and in plain clothes. [Not to be employed on plain clothes duty.] This appears to be the start of more serious offences. It would be interesting to know if Police Constable 115 Gough had the same punishment placed in his record. This offence seems to be a much more serious. It would obviously effect his chances of promotion and I believe there were additional allowances for those Policemen serving on plain clothes duties. 28/11/1903.Drunk and disorderly in the Magpie Public House, 12 New Street whilst in plain clothes and off duty. [Required to Resign.] There is much more to this story but I will add it in separately. I have attached both the discipline record sheets of both William T Males and Edward Watkins.
Hi Mike, With the City of London Police medals you often have their rank, collar number, initials and surname, engraved around the rim of the medal. Therefore when you contact the ''Enquiry Team at the London Metropolitan Archives,'' you already possess a lot of information to identify that particular individual. If you are making an enquiry regarding ''George Horne'' I would suspect you would need to include a time-frame from within which they could then search. But ''George Horne'' must have been a senior member of the City of London Police and this could help to narrow the search because you are only looking at those in this higher level. If ''George Horne'' was given the tipstaff, then again this was probably awarded in the latter part of his career and this fact may help you to narrow down the search period a little. If their computer records throw up a number of ''George Horne's'' I think your man might stand out quite well. Alan.
It will be easier to deal with his ''Rewards & Commendation'' first and then later list his punishments. These actions give an insight into the man himself...…... 24/6/1896. Awarded ten shillings for courageous conduct in stopping a runaway horse. [always a very dangerous situation - well done William Theodore Males] 23/7/1900. Commended for intelligence shown in bringing to justice a man who had committed a robbery on G.N.Ry. [Great Northern Railway]
Here are some general details about Police Constable William Theodore Males directly from his City of London records. William Theodore Males was born in Hitchin, in Hertfordshire, in 1874. William also served in the 1st Hertfordshire Volunteer from August of 1888 to March in 1893. There is a previous entry on this thread that also gives his family details etc. Later I will include his commendations/punishments records because it might be interesting to examine them against the commendations/punishments records of Police Constable 881 Edward Watkins.
Hi, I always thought that both the City of London Police and the Metropolitan Police would have done many things in a similar fashion/manner. For example, when Police Constable 881 Edward Watkins joined the City of London Police, he started as a Police Constable Class 3...…..and obviously by gaining experience and over time he became a Police Constable Class 2 and finally a Police Constable Class 1. This is the same rank/pay structure that was also used by the Metropolitan Police. After each increase in the individuals Class within the rank of Police Constable, this would result in an increase in the weekly pay of that Police Constable. Police Constable 108 William Theodore Males joined the City of London Police on the 22nd of June in 1894 and was ''forced to resign'' on the 30th of November in 1903. Therefore Police Constable 881 Edward Watkins and Police Constable 108 William Theodore Males careers overlapped for approximately 2 years, from 1894 to 1896. It is interesting to note that when Police Constable 108 William Theodore Males joined the City of London Police in 1894, there were now 7 levels of pay within the rank of Police Constable. The initial joining level and then advancing to level 6 and then eventually up to level 1. It took Police Constable 108 William Theodore Males approximately 6 years to reach the level 1 pay scale. I have included two photographs which highlight the above.
Hi, Because I love history, the great thing for me...…...is that I now know what kind of truncheon this is and when and what it was used for. It is already back in a plastic box, under a bed, in a spare bedroom. My wife hates history and if she found it in the electrical cupboard, she would throw it out. [ha, ha.] I much appreciate your assistance. Alan.
Hi, Many thanks for the information, much appreciated. It does have, what appears to be, very old bumps and bruises at the head of the truncheon. I could imagine somebody hitting the wooden boarding within the trench with the truncheon especially if they were frustrated etc. That is obviously, just speculation. I found a picture of a WW1 trench truncheon so I will add it on to this entry. Again many thanks, Alan.
Hi, I know absolutely nothing about truncheons but the post, ''earliest Metropolitan Police truncheons,'' gives examples of how stunning the Police truncheons can be - very impressive. That post made me think, ''what might a truncheon look like...……. that was potentially used for criminal purposes.'' A truncheon that is designed to inflict serious damage to anybody, it is used against. If you carry such a weapon, then obviously, you are probably prepared to use such a weapon. This is an evil looking truncheon, simple design, cheap and extremely effective. The truncheon I have photographed is approximately 18'' long, has a lead filled centre and to ensure maximum damage has been fitted with groups of three metal studs around the head of the truncheon. I can't remember any history of this item but I must have an information sheet somewhere in the house.
Hi, Here are two more photographs :- The first one is of ''Bessidge having shot the rogue elephant.'' I am not sure of the initials...…. is it '' J & C.'' If anybody can help with his initials, I would be grateful. It might just be possible to find him in the records, if I can work out his initials. The second photograph relates to the Police on Parade in 1917.
The crocodiles were at an animal sanctuary near Cape Town in South Africa. You had to cross over a pond/pool by a narrow bridge and the crocodiles were often underneath the structure. Usually they would wait until a few women were crossing and then they would suddenly shake the bridge mechanically. They were never in danger of falling into the pool but you were in danger of going deaf because of their screams. It was a cruel trick but it did appeal to my sense of humour. [ha, ha]. They had a café there and served various unusual meats but definitely not elephant. Alan.