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    Brian Wolfe

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    Everything posted by Brian Wolfe

    1. Hi Hardy, Here are some closer views. The obverse is actually nicer than the photo shows. As I was cropping it up I started to lose definition so I stopped short of what I would have liked. Is there a chance of finding a ribbon for this medal? There is a dealer I purchase ribbons from but his web site does not list photos of the medals only the medal's name and what the ribbon looks like. So, if this medal has a name I would be most interested in knowing it. Regards Brian
    2. The reverse of the Bulgarian Medal. I really like the medals that have a crown affixed to their tops it gives them a very Imperial look. Regards Brian
    3. Hello Everyone, This Imperial German Medal group consists of the 1914 EK2, 1914/18 Honour Cross, the 25 Year Membership Medal and a Bulgarian Merit Medal 3rd class. The ribbons all look "good" and are not something that was thrown on last week. I know that Bulgaria played an improtant role in the beginning of the First World War in that the conflict pretty well started there. The dealer listed this Bulgarian Medal as a Second World War issue. However, I have found during my research that this medal was issued from 1887 until the death of Ferbinand I in 1918. There was different medal issued after 1918. If my research is correct then would this mean that the recipient served in that area of the war (Bulgaria)? If the group is authentic then the recipient saw a lot of service including WWI and as a member of the party for 25 years. What are the opinions of the members regarding this group? Regards Brian
    4. Hello Everyone, Here is another group of Imperial German medals that I just purchased. The group consists of the 1914 EK2, 1939 War Merit Cross with crossed swords (in bronze), the 1914/18 Honour Cross and the Prussian 25 Year Long Service Cross. The group comes with the Garbow and Matthes,Kiel tag so I am fairly confident about this group being authentic. This is where you jump in and pull the rug out from under me. Actually making mistakes is the way I learn, though by that thinking I should be a very wise man! By the way, while I am learning I am adding to my "junk" box quite frequently. I do have a question regarding the Prussian L.S. Cross though. I have seen this offered as the officer's Long Service Cross. Is this accurate or just another ploy by the dealer to sell his groups? I was under the impression that the officers L.S. Cross had an enameled centre. Thanks for your comments, as always they are welcomed. Regards Brian
    5. Hi Matt, Well, that's a relief in that it is an easy medal to switch. There seems to be a lot of this medal switching around with the Imperial bars. I have a couple of more I'll try to post today that may not be as easy to "fix", that is, if they prove to be incorrect. Many thanks Regards Brian
    6. Hi Matt, I never thought about the single Oldenburg Cross as being a reproduction. However, now you mention it there are some differences between the two. Perhaps this is due to a different manufacturer and/or because it is not made of a ferrous metal (iron). I guess that last statement is really a question. I am interested in knowing your thoughts on these two crosses. Regards Brian
    7. Here's the reverse. Sorry that the photos seem to be coming through on the small size. It must have been an error on my part when sizing them. Regards Brian
    8. Hello Everyone, In the past few days I've added a few Imperial German groups to my collection and have been too busy to post them, so here's one of them. The group consists of the Bavarian War Merit Cross with crossed swords, the 1914 EK2, a veteran's association medal and the Bavarian Long Service Medal for 9 years od service. I think this is a authentic group but if anyone has a different view please share it. The membership's opinions are always appreciated. Regards Brian
    9. Hello Matt, Yes the FA cross is iron, the one on the newly-made replacement ribbon is not. Would that one be a later made specimen and possibly made of zinc? Or am I looking at a reproduction? Regards Brian
    10. This shows the vast difference in the colour between the original and modern replacement ribbon. For a while it drove me crazy looking for a ribbon of the same colour as the original, thinking that this was the wrong medal and I was in for a search for a replacement. This has happened to me before and I thank the membership for their advice on that matter. Regards Brian
    11. Here is a photo of the reverse of the group. I feel pretty confident that this is an original group, but being new to Imperial German collecting I'm always a bit nervous about my purchases.
    12. Hello Everyone, Here is a pair of medals that just arrived the other day. I was a bit apprehensive about the colour of the Friedrick-August Cross ribbon as it so so much different in colour compaired with the ribbon I have on a single Oldenburg Cross. After some interenet research and just simple "surfing" I found several other examples of fading that was close to this colour. Is this a common occurrence with the Oldenburg Cross ribbon? I have included an examle of a modern replacement ribbon to show the vast difference in colour. Regards Brian
    13. About a year ago I was surfing eBay and came onto a medal I was interested in listed as a "Buy It Now". Fearing it would be gone quickly I hit the "key" and made the purchase. A good friend of mine sent me an email at almost the same time as I was making arrangements to pay for the medal through Pay Pal asking if I had seen it and did I think it was priced too high. I'll admit that it was indeed a "little" over market, I am so bad with money. I had mixed feelings as, while I wanted it, I felt bad at the same time for having purchsed it. My friend thought it was a good joke and ever since he has laughed about it, not letting me forget of course that the Gods of collecting had favoured me that day. I offered it to him for what I had invested in it but he declined. Since that day he had added one to his collection at a much better price and probably one of better quality. So the story has a happy ending. Point is that you win some, you lose some. As I learn about Imperial German medals, as an example, I have been making purchases without the mentoring of one of our members, who has been most helpful. While I have these bars at home now I have trepidations about posting them on the GMIC. I will do so soon but there is a chance I have blundered and that is something that I'll just have to deal, with provided they prove to be recently made up. At least I secured them for my collection and good or bad they are mine. Regards Brian
    14. As or society heads toward an atmosphere of intolerance and self absorbed interests to depend on legislation to deal with such issues as claiming to have served and or the wearing of medals and decorations won by others is to give up a certain amount of freedom. To say that freedom of speech should be regulated is to support censorship. I think we tend to get caught up in the currect fervour of support for the military and actions abroad. To speak out aginst to this action would be most unpopular indeed and would be met, as it has in the past, with public distain and stong rebuttal. This is where I am expected to say, "But not me, I support the military, look at what a good person I am". That's not going to happen as I trust the membership is intelligent enough to realize my views, after all, I am a member of a military interest forum. My point is that while we would argue against any anti-militaristic comments we would not, or at least have not as yet, passed legislation against the "ranting" or those who seek peace at any cost. We would probably bring up the history of pre-World War Two in our argument against peace at any cost, brand the author of such statements as the village idiot and tell him (or her) to sit down and shut up. I noticed, dare I say it, that many members supported the Stolen Valor Act with enthusiasm until the full impact hit home. That could just be my imagination but that was the way it seemed to me. If my interpretation of those posts is accurate then it serves as a good example of expecting legislation to deal with those things we disagree with yet expect the scope of that same legislation to have no impact our personal lives. Do we really need legislation to discourage those who would make claims and wear decorations they did not earn? If we do then we may be on the path to an Orwellian society paved with the bricks of apthay. Respectfully sibmitted Brian
    15. A beautiful medal, this was one time going against your "grain" was a good thing. Regards Brian
    16. Hello James, I too find it an unique artifact. It will be interesting to hear fron the other members. Regards Brian
    17. That's such an odd grouping of ribbons, to my thinking, as to make me wonder if it is authentic. The Canadian Volunteer Service Medal with Overseas Maple Leaf seems an odd medal to have been awarded to this recipient, considering the other medals. I always thought the MVSM was only awarded to Canadian citizens who volunteered, the British Defense Medal seems just randomly thrown in as well. Is this made up of awarded medals etc. or something someone just threw together (with good intentions) to commemorate the war? Regards Brian
    18. Thanks for the information Hugh. Re: Ed. I was thinking that ever same thought as well. Regards Brian
    19. Hi Lorenzo, I can find no mention of this Civil Award in any of my material, however, it may very well be newer than my data which is quite dated. The decorations and medals of Pakistan are not all that well documented, at least not here in the West. I know there is a new book in the works but when it will be published is not know at this time. Regards Brian
    20. That's an exceptionally nice order, congratulations on adding it to your collection. This is me turning green with envy Cheers Brian
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