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    Everything posted by bigjarofwasps

    1. The naming certainly appears to be the modern laser type, as apposed to the engraved type that one would expect on a medal of this vintage? But having said that, replacement medals have a little R on them to denote them as replacements. Perhaps these are in fact copy medals that have been privately engraved?
    2. That's interesting why was this medal authorised for wear, when so many others have been refused?
    3. I've heard talk of a new GSM `08, which is supposed to run along side the OSM. It appears bars for the new GSM have already been authorised and yet I can find no information or pictures about this new medal on the internet (other than a New Zealand one). Has anyone else heard of this or is my information incorrect?
    4. Can anyone identify the first medal the Gurkha on the right is wearing? Don't recognise it the ribbon. ' alt='' class='ipsImage' > ' alt='' class='ipsImage' >
    5. Found this on another forum, thought it might be of interest? It appears that the medal is being produced? http://www.usmilitariaforum.com/forums/index.php?/topic/232167-an-example-of-the-iraq-commitment-medal/ ' alt='' class='ipsImage' > ' alt='' class='ipsImage' > ' alt='' class='ipsImage' > ' alt='' class='ipsImage' >
    6. ​Thanks Craig, that's exactly what I'd always been led to believe. Do you know where I could obtain this is writing? As I'm aware of examples were this hasn't been the case.....
    7. Ladies/Gents, I've surfed the net, but failed to find the answer I'm looking for. To that end can anyone out there answer my question. Its well documented that you have to now do 20 years to qualify for the Police LSGC, but does anyone know whether, previous military service counts towards it? BJOW.
    8. Hi M, Thanks for your reply. I've discovered that my guy was only in Egypt for about 6 months and was back home by 1883ish. So didn't take part in any of the later campaign. It is interesting to see both battalions deployed at the same time, I always thought they tried to avoid this sort of thing following the Zulu War? Gordon.
    9. Many thanks guys for all your replies. I've managed to discover a lot of information about this guy, once I've completed it, I'll post my findings on the forum as it does make interesting reading.... One thing I would like to throw out to you in the interim is can anyone shine any light on the 57th involvement in the Battle of Gingindlovu? They were certainly present, but they don't appear in any of the accounts that I've been able to find?
    10. Ladies/Gents, Can anyone help me? It's 1876 and I'm 19 years old and I'm joining the army. Would I be asked where I was born or where I'm from? The reason I ask is that I'm trying to research a soldier, who appears have said he was from Spitalfields, Middlesex, but this has been spelt as Spittlefields, which would suggest that the recruiter didn't know how to spell it. Further to this I was born in 1857, but there's no one of my name on the 1861 census from Spitalfields, there are however two possibilities one in Bethnal Green and one in Shoreditch? Over the next couple of censuses, the year of birth for the only matching name changes to 1858 in(Whitechapel), missing in 1881 when I'm in the army, but returning in 1891 when I've been discharged. Is this me who knows? My question is thus, why would my service papers say Spitalfields? When I wasn't born there and don't appear to have lived there ever according to the 1871 census, I MIGHT be the 1858 Whitechapel option if my year of birth was incorrectly documented? I've also joined the 57th West Middlesex Regiment, which would suggest that I'm joining my local Regiment? Has anyone got any thoughts? BJOW.
    11. I believe I've answered my own question. I've done a bit more digging and believe they were in Preston by 1888, having landed in Portsmouth in 1885, but if anyone can fill that 3 year gap for me, that would be great!
    12. That's cracking!!!!!! Thanks for sharing this with us!!!!!!!
    13. Ladies/Gents, Can anyone tell me where the 1st battalion was stationed in 1888. I believe the regimental depot was in North Camp and the 2nd Battalion were in India. But am curious to know where the 1st Battalion was in that year? Can anyone assist me? BJOW.
    14. Ladies/Gents, Can anyone confirm for me which numbered Divisions equate to which area? I believe that the numbered Divisions are related to the various London docks, but which is which?
    15. Mervyn, sadly the medals location is unknown, HOWEVER, I do have his WW2 medals and Police LSGC. Interestingly the documentation with which the ribbon is attached makes no mention of the St John's medal, but refers to his LSGC. So it's unclear whether the wrong medal ribbon was attached to the document? I have various other documents relating to his military and police service and there is no mention of the St John's medal contained therein either. Have you any idea whether this medal would have been worn alongside his WW2 medals and LSGC or is it a sort of keep sake type affair I wonder? From the way his medals were mounted it appears that he never mounted or wore his LSGC. Not uncommon I suppose given the costs involved in getting your medals mounted professional... Gordon.
    16. At last I've been able to identify the medal ribbon!! It's the St. John Ambulance Railway Centre 15 years Service Medal.
    17. Name: Albert Henry Joseph Daniels Record Type: Baptism Baptism Date: 9 Dec 1902 Father's Name: Joseph Daniels Mother's name: Louisa Daniels Parish or Poor Law Union: St Paul, Westminster Bridge Road Borough: Southwark Register Type: Parish Registers Lived at 102 or 109 Jubilee Buildings (handwriting to difficult to read).
    18. This is interesting to, Name: Albert Henry Joseph Daniels Gender: Male Residence Place: 9 Hayles Mausins, St Georges Rd Southwark Document Year: 1914 Regimental Number: 1650 Regiment Name: Honourable Artillery Company Number of Images: 12 Form Title: Territorial Force Attestation AHJ Daniels got the Silver War Badge no.425959 discharged "sick" 4th July 1918 (enlisted 26.8.14)SWB his rank is "A/L/Cpl." To France 29/12/14 and he was awarded the usual three: British, Victory and 1914/15 Star. Medal Roll Card confirming his address as 50 St. Georges' Road, London. SE1. Albert married Ada Bloxham on 28th Sep 1916 at St. Jude, Southwark. (Both their addresses were 50 St. George's Road, S.E.) He was a "Sargeant HAC" and cert confirms father Joseph deceased. National Probate Calendar record that states he died 20th June 1941. Living 11 Beauval Road, East Dulwich. (Ada is his widow.)
    19. Joseph married Louisa Beatrice Ridley second quarter 1885, at Camberwell. Their daughter - Name: Florence Ellen Daniels Gender: Female Birth Date: 5 Dec 1886 Birth Place: Saint Peter-great Windmill St , Westminster, London, England Baptism Date: 20 Apr 1887 Baptism Place: St Peter's, Westminster, Middlesex, England Father: Joseph Daniels Mother: Louisa Beatrice FHL Film Number: 1468962 It also appears that they lived at 107 Lefevre Rd, Bow between 1888 -1890, but had moved from there in 1891.
    20. New information appears to have come to light, with the help of another researcher whom has been a great help to my research. We found what we believe to be Joseph and Louisa in the 1891 census in Southwark. We looked at the electoral entries for a Joseph Daniels for the relevant period, and then tried to eliminate them using the 1891 electorals, and the 81 and 91 censuses. We seem to be left with only one possibility, and that is 107 Lefevre Rd, Bow. We tried using Lefevre Rd on address search Find My Past for 1891 but it wouldn't come up. We clicked through the list of Joseph Daniels for 1891 but didn't see any one of them living there. We did find 107 Lefevre in 1881 but no Joseph Daniels there at that time. We looked for baptisms to see if I could get an address from that but the only one I could get was for his daughter Florence, who was born too soon. However, the birth certificate of his first son Albert Henry Joseph Daniels, reveals born December 1888 but registered first quarter 1889, Bethnal Green. We have also confirmed that Joseph married Louisa Beatrice Ridley second quarter 1885, at Camberwell.Their first child was a daughter- Name: Florence Ellen Daniels Gender: Female Birth Date: 5 Dec 1886 Birth Place: Saint Peter-great Windmill St , Westminster, London, England Baptism Date: 20 Apr 1887 Baptism Place: St Peter's, Westminster, Middlesex, England Father: Joseph Daniels Mother: Louisa Beatrice FHL Film Number: 1468962 My conclusion.... Assuming I'm putting the facts together correctly and we've got the right Joseph Daniels that is, but this seems to be the case. Further and putting aside my getting Bow and Bow Street mixed up. Jubilee Buildings would appear to be were he lived with his family in 1892. Which is in or near to Southwark, Waterloo Road is certainly within walking distance to Bow Street the HQ of E Division and I know he died taking a prisoner there so I assume he was based at Bow Street station during his time with E Division. Now we know he was living at 107 Lefevre Rd, Bow in 1889 (was there 1888-1890), but wasn't in 1891 which fits, his service history. We also know that he wasn't living at 107 Lefevre Rd, Bow in 1881. We also know that he joined the Met in 1886 and started his service in C Division. So assuming 107 was the martial home and hence the reason for his posting from C to J. We also now that his son was registered in 1889 in Bethnal Green. This further adds the possibility to the fact that he more than likely was stationed at Bethnal Green nick. Hackney,Homerton & Dalston are options, but Bethnal Green is the nearest to his home address. Number 107 would have been near to the southern end of the road. On the 1894 map this appears to be smaller terraced dwellings. The present number 107 Lefevre Walk could well be near or even on the footprint of his dwelling. Was he on duty the night Polly Nichols was killed, on another beat perhaps, who knows? Was he involved in any follow up enquires or patrols, almost certainly. I am more than happy with this evidence, unless anyone can find any caveats in our evidence?
    21. Had a little mess about for my own amusement and converted my modern medal entitlement into what I might have had as a Victorian.
    22. Cheers Zeb, it appears to be out of print as I can't find a copy from the usual sources? But thanks for the info re H & Divisions!!
    23. You can see all Met Jubilee and coronations awards in Jim Kemp's wonderful book. That includes all H Div awards. Hope it helps. Zeb Zeb what's the title of the book, sounds like something I should have in my collection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gordon.
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