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    Everything posted by bigjarofwasps

    1. Not the police version granted, but I thought it might be of interest? First example I’ve seen of someone wearing both the new 30 year and 40 year bars, on their LSGC. Which I think you’ll agree is some achievement! Look forward to seeing police versions, in the hopefully near future!!
    2. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/sep/29/police-chief-nick-adderley--investigated-falklands-medal Without wishing to get into the ins and outs of stolen valour, etc. My question is thus, surely as an ex servicemen, he would have known it’s not normal practice to mount someone else’s medals along side your own? One would also assume that he didn’t wear the South Atlantic Medal, when he was in the navy, so what made him start wearing it when he joined the police? Would also be interesting to learn exactly when, during his police he started to wear it?
    3. Happened across this petition, on social media. Thought it might be of interest? https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/644677?fbclid=IwAR0sR6MGOgpUVTpGr-wH275va2x7yU3GfP7DbsEGh7XUzEA4QUG5ix3alxY_aem_AWODQLuSHiKwEMXKTaUJ7loV7W6ULhfF0o4qgJWE7yP-GSttr5T6Ey8CRmOz1aF95zU
    4. Recent example to the Metropolitan Police. Recipient qualified for their medal in May this year, but given the delays has opted to go for a blank gap filler in the meantime.
    5. Recent example to the Metropolitan Police. Recipient qualified for their medal in May this year, but given the delays has opted to go for a blank gap filler in the meantime.
    6. Totally missed the order of St John 😂. C has been stumped as well, can’t think what that one could be, given they didn’t get any WW2 medals? Am certain that that Le Lievre’s medals are the BWM & Victory with his KPM last, having looked more closely. You can just about make out the angle on the victory medal. Would be interested, in seeing any others you have, especially ones including the LSGC 👍👍👍.
    7. Thanks Dave, these are GREAT 👍👍 Forgive my ignorance, but what’s the medal between Lievre’s LSGC and KPM? Or am I miss identifying the WW1 BWM with the LSGC, and the middle medal is in fact the WW1 Victory medal? Also struggling with Lamy’s medals? A -BEM B- QPM C - appears to have ribbon but no medal? D- ? E- LSGC
    8. Thanks Dave, that’s very interesting. Found this additional information, which I thought might also be of interest. On 12 January 1940 Sergeant Charles Le Lievre was awarded the King's Police Medalfor gallantry in relation to an assault on 9 June 1939. On 11 December 1945, Mr A Lamy was awarded the British Empire Medal for services rendered during the Occupation. On 1 January 1957 the Queen's Police Medalwas awarded to the Chief Officer Mr A Lamy. It appears that Albert Lamy was also awarded the QPM. I assume he got the LSGC as well. Would be very interested, to see any examples of Gv1R or E11R (first version), LSGC’s to Officers who would have been serving during WW1. Particularly any that still have the white cardboard box of issue. Further reading about Lamy… https://history.gg/albert-lamy-appointed-guernsey-police-chief-officer/
    9. In answer to my own question, found this…. “Police Constable Clifford Henry Bougourd, who was killed in the line of duty at the Clock Tower near the Harbour of St. Peter Port, Guernsey. He was on duty assisting and attending those wounded from the same raid, he then receive a Luffwaffe gunners bullet direct to the head through his Police helmet, effectively shot and killed “at action stations on 28th June 1940”, 2 days before the Official Occupation on the of 30th June 1940. This raid was the pre-cursor to Occupation, No qualification for the Defence medal or War medal, to any of those who gave their lives that day. He died almost immediately where he fell being pronounced dead shortly later in Guernsey Hospital, Channel Islands, two days before the Island was officially occupied. Nobody on the Islands were eligible for the Defence medal, however he did died on duty before any occupying German forces had even landed on the Island. Approx 41 Civilians were killed (Jersey = 9, Guernsey = 32) as a result of these bombing raids on this day, some of these died of wounds shortly after, there may be others who died a few more days or weeks later, and certainly were many more who died during the Occupation. No Defence Medal, no medal entitlement around.”
    10. Curious to learn, whether the Channel Islands Police, qualified for the WW2 Defence Medal? Would also be interested, to learn if anyone has in their collections or is aware of any LSGC medal likely or confirmed to have been issued to a Channel Islands Bobby who would have been serving there during WW2. I assume that any such medal would have been issued in, a white cardboard box labelled as such. Has anyone ever see one?
    11. Nice group, mounted by Mckay’s Kilts and Medals 👍. Hopefully we’ll now start seeing these bars, included in groups on a more regular basis. Especially looking forward to seeing a double bar example 👍.
    12. First miniature medals being the King’s effigy now available. Looking forward to seeing the first ones mounted in groups 👍.
    13. Miniature version now available 👍
    14. Update from the Home Office (via the Fed), with regards Police LSGC’s is that the effigy was being decided on for both the late Queen and the King. But now it is almost ready. This is something outside of the Home Office and will sit with the Cabinet Office and the Royal Household. Hopefully, the Home Office will be giving advice to forces shortly that the new medals are ready once they hear that the effigy has been decided.
    15. Additional information has come to light re the recent awards (none bars), that these medals still bear the E11R effigy, despite be qualified for 12 months into C111R’s reign.
    16. London Gazette for the Cadet Forces LSGC - 12th September 2023 https://www.thegazette.co.uk/London/issue/64168/supplement/18194
    17. With the impending introduction of the C111R version, coupled with the fact that Gwent, Dyfed Powys and SWP have not previously been giving their Officers the option to have their medals engraved in Welsh. Means that any E11R examples seen would be unique to NWP.
    18. The floods in Libya are looking like another contender as well 😱! https://neighbourhood-enlargement.ec.europa.eu/news/libya-floods-eu-mobilises-emergency-assistance-its-civil-protection-mechanism-2023-09-13_en
    19. Latest information suggestions that the delays in the production and issuing of medals, is in fact not at the feet of the Royal Mint. But it is in fact the Home Office, that are causing the backlog? The exact reason for this, is still to be established. It is also unclear at this time whether the formal effigy to be used as in fact been finalised? Which suggests that it may in fact, perhaps be different from the one used for the recent Nuclear Test & Humanitarian medals.
    20. This tragic set of circumstances, would certainly appear to fit the criteria, wouldn’t it.
    21. Dave, thought this might be of interest? By pure coincidence, the aforementioned medal. Would appear he qualified for it as as Dep Chief Con. Although to be fair, this is still the highest rank on a modern LSGC, that I’m aware of!
    22. During a recent trip to the Western Front, I visited Thiepval memorial. I found a piece of glass which, appears to be a shard from a broken beer bottle (not unusual for a German trench I assume?). I could just make out a design on it. I have roughly pinned pointed were I was as the red “X” in the middle of the blue circle on the Google map. I believe this to be the area of the German third line support trench called Hohenzollern Street that leads into the Wunderworks, see red “X” in blue circle on trench map. I have been able to ascertain, that this part of the front was held by the 26th Reserve Division (between 1914-1916). This division was formed from men recruitedfrom Württemberg. The design on the bottle appears to be the Wurttemberg coat of arms? It would be interesting to ascertain whether the division, supplied it’s men with local beer from home? Or someone had brought it up to the line themselves or had it sent to them by loved ones, perhaps? Not sure whether it’s a coincidence or not. But out of the 11 breweries listed on the internet that I could find, still in existence in Württemberg only one, the Stuttgarter Hofbräu brewery appears to use the Württemberg coat of arms. Could this bottle have come from there? Can anyone, shine any more light on this for me?
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