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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Claudio

    1. Stained Glass with official family crest of Crown Prince Rupprecht Stained Glass of Leutnant Ritter von Steiner, Kemmel 15.04.1918 Stained Glass of Hauptmann Ritter von Scheuring, awarded with the RK of MMJO for actions in Longueval in 14.7.1916 Pour le Mérite (2), first Gold pre-1916 type, second silver gilted post 1916 type Different dinastic/religious orders of Bavaria (St. Georg-Orden complete set, etc.) Im treve Fast... Bavarian Order of St. Michael Bavarian Order of St. Michael, Offizierskreuz/Steckkreuz Detail of Bavarian Order of St. Michael (rv) Another type of St. Michael (rv)
    2. Dear forumites, I am posting here also some pictures taken in the castle of Ingolstadt, also because most of the medals there are pre-1918. I might have already posted some of them years ago in another thread, but since the other two threads I started about Burg Hohenzollern (http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/60287-burg-hohenzollern-in-hechingen/ ) in Hechingen and Schloss Lichtenstein ( http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/60383-castle-of-lichtenstein-herzoege-von-wurttemberg/ ) were so appreciated and I have time to post today, I am more than happy to share with you some interesting pictures. Here the official website of the castle in Ingolstadt: http://www.bayerisches-armeemuseum.de/en/buildings/new-castle.html I do go almost go there once a year or every two years... it's a sort of pilgrimage for my brother and myself. Well let's the pictures talk... Tschako of King Ludwig III as commander of the Bavarian 1st Jäger Battalion Prussian Kürassier Officer Helmet of S.K.H Kronprinz von Bayern, Leib-Kürassier-Regiment "Grosser Kurfürst" (Schlesisches) Nr. 1 Detail of a Bavarian Cerimonial Royal Leib-Garde "Hartschier" in parade attire with medal bar ( Bavarian RK of MMJO Medal bar of MKFO wearer Oberst Kurt Ritter von Scherf (with the bestowal of this order he could put the nobiliar denomination of "Ritter von" before his surname) Oil painting portrait of König Max I Josef of Bavaria Set of MMJO (Grand Cross, Breast star and Neck decoration) Again MMJ
    3. Yes, Daniel, if you read my post I wrote so... I still remember the comment on that of poor Rick! The reason I posted here so much is because I wanted especially him to see such beautiful bars, not only to get some info for free, but because I know quite for sure that he really enjoyed it, especially when I could reunite some pieces of a specific group, like in fact v.Mackensen group. I wish he could see this bar... he would have liked it a lot. ... nevertheless, also without EK1, von Mackensen got some really nice orders... It's interesting to notice that the longest medal bars I have in my collection (bars with more than 10 up to 14 orders and medals) are almost from quite anonymes officers ("mere" Hptm up to Oberstleutnants) or officers without any real front experience.
    4. Thanks Dave for your additional information. I also hardly believed that Exner didn't get the EK1. In fact I consider the HHOX a bit a sort of DKiG for officer in WW1. Also PlM-Träger Ernst Jünger got it if after he was awarded the EK1, for example. Furthermore a Battalion commander being all that time at the front and being wounded, it is almost impossible to believe that he didn't got the EK1. Strangely enough however this guy seems not have been awarded with EK1: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/12795-i-am-after-mackensens-mini-chain/?hl=%2Bvon+%2Bmackensen Very likely because he wasn't directly involved at the front, but more as a mere liaison/aide-de-camp Officer. ciao, C
    5. Wow! Now I know where Major a.D. got all his medals with the 14 FAR... they fought the whole war with 13 ID on the Western front in the most bloody battle fields of France (Verdun among others). It would be nice to be able to see his Kriegsrangliste, if there's still one on him.. it could tell quite interesting tales... 13. Infanterie-Division (1914-18 nur an der Westfront): 9.-16.8.1914 Eroberung von Lüttich 13.8.1914 Fleron 14.8.1914 Einnahme des Forts Chaudfontaine 16.8.1914 Einnahme des Forts Hollogne und Flemalle 21.8.1914 Gefecht bei Obaiz 22.8.1914 Gefecht bei Peronnes-Mont Ste.-Adelgonde 23.-24.8.1914 Schlacht bei Namur 25.8.-7.9.1914 Belagerung und Einnahme von Meubeuge (Teile) 29.-30.8.1914 Schlacht bei St.-Quentin 4.9.1914 Gefecht bei Montmacon 6.-9.9.1914 Schlacht am Petit-Morin 12.9.-4.10.1914 Kämpfe bei Reims 5.-13.10.1914 Schlacht bei Arras 13.10.-13.12.1914 Stellungskämpfe in Flandern und Artois 15.-28.10.1914 Schlacht bei Lille 31.10.-11.11.1914 Gefechte um die Loretto-Kapelle bei Ablain 1.-9.11.1914 Neuve-Chapelle 14.-24.12.1914 Dezemberschlacht in Französisch-Flandern 25.12.1914-8.5.1915 Stellungskämpfe in Flandern und Artois 25.1.1915 Gefecht bei Givenchy-les-La Bassee 10.-14.3.1915 Schlacht bei Neuve-Chapelle 9.5.-23.7.1915 Schlacht bei La Bassee und Arras 24.7.-24.9.1915 Stellungskämpfe in Flandern und Artois 25.9.-13.10.1915 Herbstschlacht bei La Bassee und Arras 14.10.1915-27.3.1916 Stellungskämpfe in Flandern und Artois 27.3.-4.6.1916 Reserve der O. H.-L. bei Tournai 5.6.-8.9.1916 Schlacht bei Verdun 15.-18.6.1916 Kämpfe am Toten Mann 9.-22.9.1916 Schlacht an der Somme 23.9.1916-31.3.1917 Stellungskämpfe vor Verdun 6.12.1917 Kämpfe auf der Höhe 304 28.12.1917 Kämpfe auf dem "Toten Mann" 25.-28.1.1917 Kämpfe auf der Höhe 304 18.-29.3.1917 Kämpfe am Wald von Malancourt und auf Höhe 304 1.4.-10.5.1917 Stellungskämpfe vor Verdun 10.-27.5.1917 Doppelschlacht Aisne-Champagne 28.5.-23.10.1917 Stellungskämpfe am Chemin des Dames 8. und 10.6.1917 Kämpfe östlich Cerny 28.6.-3.7.1917 Erstürmung der Höhenlinie des Chemin des Dames südöstlich Cerny 25.-26.7.1917 Erstürmung der französischen Stellung auf dem Chemin des Dames von Cerny bis zur Hurtebise-Ferme 31.7.-2.8.1917 Erstürmung der Höhenlinie des Chemin des Dames südöstlich Cerny 23.10.1917 Gefecht bei Chavignon 24.-26.10.1917 Nachhutkämpfe an und südlich der Ailette 26.10.-20.11.1917 Reserve der Heeresgruppe deutscher Kronprinz 20.11.1917-5.2.1918 Stellungskämpfe vor Verdun 5.2.-20.3.1918 Reserve der O. H.-L. 15.2.-20.3.1918 Kämpfe in der Siegfriedstellung und Vorbereitungszeit für die "Große Schlacht in Frankreich" 21.-22.3.1918 Durchbruch zwischen Gouzeaucourt und Vermand 21.3.-6.4.1918 Große Schlacht in Frankreich 23.-26.3.1918 Verfolgungskämpfe im Sommegebiet 25.3.1918 Erstürmung der Höhen bei Maurepas 7.4.-7.8.1918 Kämpfe an der Ancre, Somme und Avre 24.-26.4.1918 Schlacht vei Villers-Bretonneux, an Luce und Avre 8.-20.8.1918 Abwehrschlacht zwischen Somme und Avre 8.-9.8.1918 Tankschlacht zwischen Ancre und Avre 10.-12.8.1918 Schlacht an der Römerstraße 22.8.-2.9.1918 Schlacht Albert-Peronne 9.-28.9.1918 Stellungskämpfe in Lothringen und den Vogesen 29.9.-9.10.1918 Abwehrschlacht in der Champagne und an der Maas 10.-12.10.1918 Kämpfe vor der Hunding- und Brunhildfront 13.-31.10.1918 Abwehrkämpfe zwischen Argonnen und Maas 1.-4.11.1918 Kämpfe zwischen Aisne und Maas 5.-11.11.1918 Abwehrschlacht in der Champagne und an der Maas 12.11.1918 Räumung des besetzten Gebietes und Marsch in die Heimat
    6. The best (at least for us collectors) for last! ;-) The guide, quite competent, but ignorant of phaleristics, as I pointed out the beautiful painting of the count of Württemberg in the uniform of a Major of the 1. Württembergisches Dragoner Regiment "Königin Olga" (See: Please feel free to add your pictures or comments, which are always most appreciated! ciao, Claudio
    7. Pictures of the castle outside... amazing! The main castle is staying on the brink of a rock with a estonishingly beautiful panorama of the valley. Incredible! Too bad the weather was so cloudy and foggy, typical fall weather... but the lady at the entrance was so kind to let us inside at 5 PM (wasn't quite easy to find it) the castle and joining the last guided tourist group. So we could admire this castle until 6 PM... we could have stayed there much longer... :-(
    8. My brother staying next a partially ruined mirror with a bullet hole... that was still original. Apparently in the end of WW2 in April 1945, many German retraiting soldiers of different disbanded units were taking refuge in the valleys of the Swabian alps. The Americans were pursuing them and in the process, bombing and shooting everything they found on their way. The castle evidently was on their path and therefore was quite heavely damaged... like more of the old and medioeval German cities, that nowadays would proudly bear the badge of "protected by the UNESCO" sites (most still are, see Dresden, Lübeck, Magdeburg, Danzig, Königsberg, Breslau, ecc...) Most of the destruction of such beautiful sites happened in the last weeks of WW2, when war was already won. What you see today (like Nürnberg or Munich) is not old but re-build in the 50ies... it is still beautiful, but as we collector would say.... a mere fake! What a shame that such war had to be... for all beautiful old Europe!!!
    9. Dear Forumites, I promised in my previous thread about the Burg of Hohenzollern (Hechingen), that I would show another beautiful castle that I found almost by coincidence on the internet. I wanted to visit because it is located just about 40 km North East from Hechingen and was on our way. I am talking about the castle of Lichtenstein, bearing the name of a respectable and noble family which owned the castle until the 17th century. The castle was then in the 1st half of the 19th century being bought by Count Wilhelm of Württemberg (cousin of King Wilhelm of Württemberg). Here is the link : http://www.schloss-lichtenstein.de/english/ Not only the architecture, evoking such most beautiful example of German romantic neo-Gothic knight's castle, I had the the pleasure to be surprisingly amazed by a little but fine collection of period paintings and quite most importantly, a very nice collection of mid 19th century German orders owned by one of the family members of the counts . The castle has been competely being restored in more phases since the 80ies, culminating in the last works of late 90ies-beginning of 2000, being quite significantly sponsored by public and private funds (of the count's dinasty still going on today). Here is an overview of the castle: http://www.schloss-lichtenstein.de/english/galerie.php Here below pictures of some totally renovated halls and painstakingly painted walls. More to follow...
    10. I totally agree... these weren't so uncommon and besides the OEK catalogue price estimate on these is not expensive (I don't have it right now in my hands). C
    11. Thanks Daniel... ;-) What I don't understand is why then this bar wasn't sold with a name. Maybe because the original wearer of the bar was not so interesting? If I would ever sell my bars they would come with their names and research details. C
    12. Thanks for all your comments and nice words. Not to speak of all German and Foreign orders Wilhelm I had (almost only Grand Crosses, 1st class awards with sash and grand Cross) on display there... amazing. Plus lots of Iron Crosses of 1813 and 1870... and if I remember correctly also the PlM breast star... well... you got the picture... ;-) There are so many cool fortresses (Burg) and castles (Schloss) in Germany. Next thread I will show another castle I almost found by coincidence browsing on internet... The castle of the counts of Württemberg... but that it will be another thread... :-) ciao, C
    13. Yep, I thought about it Chris... but then I will have to pay the ticket 4-5 times!
    14. Thank you Glenn and Pierce! I am wondering how a German Officer of the Artillery or Infantry could get Decorations from Chile... Maybe he was never in Chile but as Chris said, it could have been an exchange of "favours"... ciao, C
    15. According to the above-mentioned link the story of their nickname is different: WOLFGANG GULT Reservistenandenken mit dem Maikäfer-Motiv sind dem Garde-Füsilier-Regiment in Berlin zuzuordnen. Hinter dem „Maikäfer“ verbirgt sich eine witzige Geschichte – und ein interessantes Teilsammelgebiet. Das Regiment „Es lebe der König und seine Maikäfer“: Diesen Spruch findet man auf einem Reservistenbild des Garde-Füsilier-Regiments in Berlin aus dem Jahre 1913. Aber was hat das Garde-Füsilier-Regiment mit den Maikäfern zu tun? In der Regimentsgeschichte findet man hierüber die entsprechende Erläuterung. Das Garde-Füsilier-Regiment führt seine Entstehung auf das Jahr 1826 zurück. König Friedrich Wilhelm III. befahl am 30. März 1826 die Errichtung des Garde-Reserve-Infanterie (Landwehr-) Regiments mit zwei Bataillonen. Am 1. Juli 1826 trat das neu gegründete Regiment zusammen; Regimentsstab und das I. Bataillon erhielten als Garnison Potsdam, das II. Bataillon Spandau. 1847 zogen auch der Regimentsstab und das I. Bataillon nach Spandau. 1851 nach den Herbstübungen wurde dem Regiment als Garnisonsstandort Berlin zugewiesen, wo es sich in den damals neu erbauten Kasernen in der Chausseestraße einquartierte. Dort blieb es dann bis zu seiner Auflösung. Im gleichen Jahr erhielt das Regiment die Bezeichnung „Garde-Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment“ und 1860 – unter Bildung eines dritten Bataillons – den Namen „Garde-Füsilier-Regiment“.
    16. Hi Vince, it isn't a miniature bar, but a full sized bar, but with some half sized decorations, like the crosses... you can compare the EK2 1813 and the next medal, which is a KDM (1813) for the Befreiungskriege (war of liberation). C
    17. Last but not least (therefore I posted this thread in this forum), a detailed picture of the original medal bar of Wilhelm I, most of his decorations are in "Prinzengrösse"... Amazing!
    18. Now comes the interesting part, at least for me... the Schatzkammer (or also the Treasure Hall or Crown all): First of all, lots of highlights for Prussia's fans: the crown of Prussia (1.5 kg of Gold), the tobacco boxes, the original uniform and hat of "der alte Fritz" (Federick II, King of Prussia aka Frederick the Great) with the tobacco box which saved the king's live in the battle of Kunesdorf (although this fact it is quite debated by historians) ... Unfortunately I couldn't take many pictures, because it was forbidden, but I could manage to take some pictures of the amazing order collection, most of them were the original orders and medals of the first Emperor of the 2nd Reich, Wilhelm I "der Grosse". The bad thing about the guided tour is that, when you arrive at the end of the tour in the treasure hall, you are allowed to stay there just 5-10 minutes time.
    19. Dear forumites, I just wanted to show a couple of pictures of my visit of the "Burg Hohenzollern" in Hechingen (see also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hohenzollern_Castle and their official website http://www.burg-hohenzollern.com/startpage.html ). It is highly recommendable for all military and history enthusiasts and students. Enjoy the pictures... ciao, Claudio
    20. Dear forumites, Here I'd like to show a pretty surely less known commemorative medal for the Centenary of the Garde Füsilier Regiment's foundation, which their nickname (Spitzname) was "Maikäfer" (in English "Maybug, Melolontha melolontha"). see also: http://wiki-de.genealogy.net/G_FR ; http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garde-Füsilier-Regiment ; http://www.diekrugsammler.de/html/maikafer.html ; http://www.deutsche-kriegsgeschichte.de/maikfreg.html Please feel free to post pictures of soldiers of this regiment in this thread! ;-) ciao, Claudio
    21. Wow Glenn, that was quick... Thanks! Also thank you Paul for your confirmation... Any information on his pre-1914 or WWI service? C
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