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    Everything posted by lazyschnauzer

    1. Many thanks for posting the shakos! All the best, Dan
    2. I've loaded most of my collection of color uniform, equipment and weapons references for the Great War on www.Planetfigure.com Uniform Reference pages. They're broken down by combatant nation, in some cases the year of the war represented. If you are looking for a specific reference, let me know and I'll see what I can find. All the best, Dan
    3. Larry T - Can't tell you how much I've enjoyed your colorizing the posted photos! Really neat! Do you consider suggestions for photos to colorize? If yes, do any of these WW1 Germans provoke an interest? If you don't have uniform color references, I can provide them. All the best, Dan
    4. Yes...you should do more of them! All the best, Dan
    5. Many thanks! Glad you liked it! I'm attaching some reference photos used to complete the project. All the best, Dan
    6. I've recently done a series of 8 lancers of the combatant nations of the First World War. As the title says, this one is a Russian lancer from 1914. I started with a Verlinden Napoleonic kit horse, removed all the saddle and equipment molded on the casting and then re-sculpted the correct saddle and equipment, including the bridle. The sculpting media I typically use is a mix of Kneadatite and MagicSculpt, both of the air-drying two part putties. To build the horseman, I used a kit head, but modified it heavily. The boots and rifle came from kits. Just about everything else was sculpted. Eduardo Lopes, a multiple gold medal winning Spanish painter, completed the model for me. I'm sure you'll agree with me that his skill is definitely on display with this piece. Hope you like it! All the best, Dan
    7. Very nice commemorative! Beautifully painted! All the best, Dan
    8. The original (if memory serves) is life size or maybe larger and I'd estimate about 12 feet from the bottom of the scout's boots to the top of the horse's ears. Of course the original is also mounted on a base which is 5 or 6 feet off the pavement. 1/4th scale! So - 2.5 or 3.0 feet in height for 1/4th scale, not counting the base! Do you recall who purchased the 1/4th scale model? All the best, Dan
    9. The idea for this figure came from seeing George W. Hill's Boer War monument to the Canadian Mounted Rifles and Strathcona Horse in Montreal, Dorchester Square. This figure of a frightened, rearing horse and a dismounted CMR trooper with field glasses is in 1/16th scale and was made using a Verlinden horse. The horse was modified, all hair and saddle and related horse furniture removed and re-sculpted. I sculpted a western saddle, but otherwise what I think is Canadian military cavalry kit. Head, hands and other resin kit parts were used. The hands were slightly altered to fit. A DJParkin metal SMLE rifle was converted to a Long Lee Rifle. The terrain is combinations of a resin base, MS, rocks and pumice paste with various green and brown grass, moss, shrubs and flowers. The terrain has been washed with various acrylics. The model sold unpainted as you see it and I've never seen photos of the painted version. Hope you like it! All the best, Dan
    10. Many thanks Peter! All the best, Dan
    11. Thanks very much Mervyn! The piece is in Australia now because it was a gift for Tony. I could possibly put you in touch with him if you want to pursue putting it in a museum. I would be most honored. All the best, Dan Morton, Maj, USAF, BSC, CIH (Retired)
    12. Thank you Chris! I've enjoyed your posts! This piece is actually several years old now, but I thought why not post it? All the best, Dan
    13. This is a 1/16th mostly scratch built model of an Australian infantryman saying goodbye to a fallen comrade. It was inspired by e-mail conversations with Tony Dawe, a medal-winning Australian painter, whose relatives fought in Gallipoli and on the Western Front during WW1. Tony painted the model both with attention to historical accuracy and detail and a marvelous eye for color and took all the photos. Hope you like it! All the best, Dan
    14. Remarkable! I thoroughly enjoyed the colorized photos! All the best, Dan
    15. This is the first of six 1/16th scale mounted lancers to be completed. All of them have been sculpted and assembled and are just waiting for painting. [I don't paint!] This was also the first one I sculpted started last October. The horse, head and hands came from various kits. The horse came from a Verlinden Napoleonic kit. I removed all the Napoleonic saddle, blanket, bridle, etc. and cut out all the interior of the horse to reduce weight on the back legs. Then I resculpted the appropriate saddle and other equipment on the horse piece by piece. Basically I finished almost all of the horse before even starting the figure. The Verlinden Napoleonic dragoon's head was modified a bit. The rest was sculpted using a mix of air-drying Kneadatite and MagicSculpt. The lance is a piece of brass with a sculpted blade on one end and a sculpted holder bit on the other. I added a holder for the lance on one of the stirrups and modified a kit rifle to made the Berthier carbine fitted into the rifle bucket. When assembled, the horse and figure were painted by Luis G. Ibanez, a very talented Spanish painter. He regularly posts to and is a forum member on www.Planetfigure.com. Finally I added the groundwork over the past three days. Hope you like it! All the best, Dan
    16. Thank you so much Peter! I haven't posted much to GMIC for a bit, but not because I haven't been busy. I have one French Colonial Spahi and six Lancers - British, German, French Dragoon, Russian 4th Don Cossack Rgt, Ottoman Turk and a Belgian - all mounted and in various stages of painting. Incidentally, credit where credit is due - the painter for the Australian is Eduardo Lope and for the French Dragoon, Luis Ibanez. Rafaelaga Gonzalez Aguayo is now painting the Spahi and Eduardo has started on the Russian. I'll post each of them as they get finished. All the best, Dan
    17. 1/16th scale model of an Australian Light Horseman and horse in Palestine ca. 1916 or 17. I started with a Verlinden Napoleonic horse converted to suit. The saddle and other horse bits, bags, blankets, etc., are sculpted. The figure uses a head, hands, boots, stirrups and rifle from kits. The hands were modified to fit. Just about everything else was sculpted using a mix of Magic Sculpt and Kneadatite. This piece is intended as an homage to the Ron Marshall illustration attached. Hope you like it! All the best, Dan
    18. Quite nice! Haven't posted here in quite a while. This is my latest. 1/16th scale. The rifle, head, hands, canteen, first aid pouch are kit parts, but the rest is sculpted using MagicSculpt and Kneadatite. I'm posting the photos in b x w because the figure hasn't been painted yet. I'm not a painter. My Yorkshire friend, Roger Newsome, will be painting this 1917 US infantryman armed with a Springfield M1903A4 with sniper scope. All the best, Dan
    19. Why don't you go to Planetfigure.com and contact Andy via the private message part of that forum? In the states, Andy's kits are carried by Military Miniatures Warehouse and others. Good luck! All the best, Dan
    20. Extraordinarily well done!!! All the best, Dan
    21. More photos... This is the completed kit!!! All the best, Dan
    22. With this kit, my New Zealand friend Andy Cairns has outdone himself! The soldier is in a nice half-crouched and shouting action pose ringing a makeshift gas gong hung on a broken wagon wheel. The kit consists of the following parts, mostly cast in grey resin: 1 - wheel 2 - circular base 3 - mounting pole for wheel 4 - figure lower half with canteen (aka 'water bottle' for the UK folks) buckled to the M1908 cotton webbing belt on one hip and slung haversack on the other hip, M1902 putties secured by tape at the top, M1902 service dress trousers and hobnailed 'ammunition boots' 5 - figure upper half including head, again with M1908 webbing equipment, M1914 variant ammunition holders, M1902 service dress tunic, M1917 'small box' respirator in the partly deployed position 6 - small ribbed tube that links the respirator canister to the mask 7 - steel 'Brodie' helmet with torn canvas cover 8 - Short Magazine Lee Enfield (SMLE) rifle, caliber 0.303 inch 9 - left arm 10 - right arm 11 - two shell casings - one to be fitted as the gas 'gong', the other to be fitted into slot on base and four metal parts - 12 - M 1907 bayonet with quillon 13 - copper wire 14 - copper wire braid 15 - brass chain All of this is packed securely in two plastic bags surrounded by foam in a carboard box. The casting is generally very good. There were a couple of small holes that would need filling on my kit and couple of partly filled holes that would need opening. The flash is limited and easily dealt with. The parts go together easily and fit with no need of filler. Overall quality of the kit is superior, on par with the best! Although Andy offers the figure as an ANZAC soldier, since all the same equipment and weapons were worn by British soldiers (even some of the US) ca. 1917 - 1918, the figure could just as easily be completed that way. More photos to follow! ENJOY! All the best, Dan
    23. Quite right, Joe. Artistic license... All the best, Dan
    24. Many thanks for your compliment, Lorenzo! You are too kind. After an online critique on another site, I made some changes which I believe improve both the dog and the figure. One of the original errors I made was in the pose. I had the arms swinging contrary to the way they should have been, so I fixed that. Also had a small hump on the dog's back which I had not noticed. So I hope you agree that the corrections make an improvement. HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU AND YOURS!~ Dan and Pam Morton
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