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    Posts posted by Bayern

    1. 22 hours ago, The Prussian said:

      Yes! Like I wrote: 8) Post-war.

      I´d like to know something about the cap and breast badge of the man in the middle...

      Any ideas?


      Perhaps he is a bergfuhrer , a civilian one . The Weimar Army officially not was permitted Mountain units , but  in practice these units existed . one was a Infantry Bataillon located in Goslar whose chief one time resulted to be certain Erwin Rommel .

    2. On 6/5/2017 at 02:04, The Prussian said:

      I´d like to show my mountain-photos

      1) bavarian Mountain-Artillery (GA = Gebirgsartillerie)

      2) Schneeschuh-Bataillon Nr.3 (collar numnber!)

      3) Musiscians of Schneeschuh-Bataillon 3

      4) Schneeschuh-Ersatz-Abteilung with Windjacke (Windcheater)

      5) unknown unit

      6) württemberg. Ersatz-Gebirgs-MG-Zug

      7) württemberg. Gebirgs-Regiment

      8) Post-War

      b. Gebirgsartillerie (Stab, Schulterklappe, Bayernborte).jpg

      Schneeschuh-Bataillon 3 (Kragenabzeichen).jpg

      Schneeschuh-Bataillon III (Musiker).JPG

      Schneeschuh-Ers.Abt. (Windjacke).jpg



      württ. Gebirgs-Regiment.jpg

      Reichswehr (2).JPG

      The men in this photo are soldiers of the Weimar Reichswehr.

    3. Reviving a theme : The Austro Hungarian Army was something not current , Bruzelius was not the only foreigner serving . In the list showed appeared two brothers of Empress Zita , technically enemies as Italian born , other two brothers were officers serving in the Belgian Army, A duke of Braganza was cavalry general , Slatin Pasha , Rudolf von Slatin , was an Anglo Austrian officer and administrator when the WW1 broke out he was in Egypt serving as inspector of the Sudan with military rank of british general . he resigned his high position an returned to Austria and worked into the Red Cross . 

    4. Flyingdutchman : Many thanks for share, a sad story indeed , one more of the thousands that take place those terrible days of the late summer of 1914. The french emigration to Prussia and other countries was produced by the revocation of the Nantes Edict the year 1685 by Louis xiv .over 200 000 Frenchs emigrated , peasants , artisans , bourgeois , tradesmen , and nobles . Later the French Revolution produced another emigration . the aristocracy in first place . to escape of the massacre. many of the emigrants were soldiers .whose talent was greatly appreciated . Trooper : The document is the reproduction of a marriage certificate , emited in 1941 by the French Community Church ,  

    5. Boris : thanks for the links , in the last site http mundomilitaria a forist stares clearly that Serrano in Hendaya weared El uniforme del Movimiento . that is of Falange . coincides with me .As minister Serrano weared always the uniform of a Jerarca , of Falange . in summer and winter versions . normally with peaked cap . perhaps he disliked the red beret of Carlist origin.

    6. Farkas : My pleasure , the new photo posted is interesting ,Austria troops in the western front says over the pic . Nancy Toul Verdun France .Well , in the year 1914 the only Austrian soldiers serving in France were artillerymen . with the heavy Skoda mortars .used against the belgian fortresses . The uniforms of the men appears to be pike grey . one of the men holds a carbine . a weapon for artillerymen 

    7. Boris : The shoulder boards ARE Policial . I dont said that Serrano Suñer wears the same type of shoulderboards . Falange shoulderboards were of rectangular form ,pointed ,of black cloth piped red silver or gold , and after the unification of falangists jonsists and carlists carried on the st Andrew cross and one two or three red silver or gold yokes .most commonly the  SBs carried in place of the cross the yoke and arrows emblem in red . The breast insignia of Serrano denotes his rank , over all the yoke and arrows then two four pointed silver stars (luceros ) and finally three yokes . Only Franco carried three luceros . as Caudillo and Jefe Nacional

    8. On 28/11/2013 at 13:36, IrishGunner said:

      On the left: Zugsführer (unknown regiment/branch) with a FJ bronze Tapferkeitsmedaille. And a bayonet.


      On the right: Zugsführer (unknown regiment/branch) with a Silbernes Verdienstkreuz mit Krone and a Militär-Jubiläumskreuz 1908. And a sword.




      Hello : I believe that the man of the right is a feldwebel . the lace on the collar patch is barely visible , and he carries a officers sword. the two men probably belongs to a unit of sappers . they wears jackboots , without spurs . 

    9. On 3/6/2016 at 21:16, WJT said:


      I too was a sailor and a submariner. Thank for the info. I would like to know what awards my Great Opa received and any other information there might be about him.

      Von Thronstahl

      My Grandfather served from 1913 to 1918 but was on the U-4 from 1913 to 1916. He went to a surface ship in 1917 due to poor health. If you search "submarine" or "WJT" in this forum you will see his submarine badge. I see you are in Croatia. I was in Dubrovnik and Montenegro a few years back being interviewed for a documentary for Czech TV on the wreck of the Giuseppe Garibaldi and was able to walk in my Grand Opa's footsteps. 


      Here is another photo of an officer a acquaintance of mine knew. He gave me the photo with a small cup from the KuK Kriegsmarine:


      this officer belongs to a non executive branch. no curl over the top lace ring and colour cloth background to the lace rings . appears to be either the grey of engineering officers or the light blue of the accountants , the colour was crimson for technical , black for doctors and brown for clerks, 

    10. On 5/6/2016 at 05:18, The Prussian said:

      Das ist das Kaffehaferl des k.u.k. Marineoberstleutnant Rudolf Slezak, meines Großvaters

      That´s the coffee-cup of the k.u.k. Naval-Lt.Col. Rudolf Slezak, my grandfather

      A Kaffehaferl is an austrian word for coffee-cup

      Inside of this book you´ll find him. Unfortunately the names-index ends with "Sch", so I couldn´t find him.

      You´ll have to read the entire book...


      Marineoberstleutnant implies a technical officer 

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