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    1. Chokuninkan, soninkan & hanninkan HI Nick, You had published some time already (2020) see above, very interesting sketches on the uniforms of civilian personnel chokinkan and soninkan. Since that time, all the uniforms I’ve seen on sale are always called chokuninkan or soninkan uniforms and never hanninkan. Does that mean the uniforms for the soninkan and hanninkan are the same? I bought this picture of a chokuninkan a few years ago. I already saw this photo on your site, maybe it’s an old photo from your collection? But do you know who this ambassador is ?, who according to his decoration has probably been stationed in China and Belgium ! in advance, thank you for your answer Patrick
    2. Hi "Paul" Thank you for your answer, it’s also what I think but without certainty Regards Patout
    3. Hello everyone, dear collector friends Here’s another box with medals.... The set (medals and bar) seems to me quite consistent but I wonder about the box ! (really I have a doubt !) Is it made in Japan? what is your opinion ? it is difficult to get a precise idea because there is unfortunately little documentation about these boxes.... and no sign or brand of manufacturer on this one. Your opinion is always welcome very cordially, Patrick
    4. Hi, Thank you Nick, I will continue my search with this name, regards, Patout
    5. Hello everybody, On a uniform .... here are two pictures where is written the name of a captain of IJN inside the collar of the shirt and inside the belt looking. At lists of Japanese names, it seems to me that the name would be "Tsuji" but what is his first name written (I think) inside the belt. Thank you for your help, your answer will allow me to know a little more about this officer, very cordially, Patout
    6. Hello everybody, I have these two set of bicorne/shoulder board of naval officer. Something amaze me : on these two set officer's name is written in hiraganas on the iron and leather boxes and in hentaigana inside the "bicorne". Naturaly I don't think it's hazard... do you know the reason ? tradition in the navy ? or more simply (may be ?) is it easier to embroider in hentaigana ? This is not a isolate case, I found many other examples on the web. Do you have an idea about this specificity. Photo 1 & 2 : Lieutnant Inoué " 井上" Photo 3 & 4 : Captain Hoshino Kurakichi 星野倉吉 Thank you for your involvement for this request. Best regards Patout
    7. Hello everybody, I own this officer's uniform and also I have his service records and translation in French (see below...) We can see on this uniform that he received medals, unfortunately there is no mention of his medals in his service record. Do you know if there is a way, with his name, rank and assignment in the navy to know what medals he got ? Is there a place to go to ask this question ? is there a database ? or archives ? in Japan Thank you for your involvement for this request. 1/ Service records : 星野倉吉 Hoshino Kurakichi (兵36、34/190 東京) 大佐 Hoshino Kurakichi : (36 ème promotion de l'académie impériale navale de Tokyo sorti 34ème / 190 cadets) 大佐 : Capitaine, grade final (équivalent : capitaine de vaisseau - 4 galons) 1908.11/21 少尉候補生 promu cadet (midshipman/enseigne de 1ère classe) 1910.01/15 少尉 promu aspirant (enseigne de vaisseau de 2è classe) 1911.12/1 中尉 promu Junior Lieutenant (sous lieutenant) 1914.12/1 大尉 矢矧水雷長 promu Lieutenant, officier torpilleur 水雷長 sur le croiseur Yahagi 矢矧 1920.01/12 天龍水雷長 officier torpilleur 水雷長 sur le croiseur Tenryū 天龍 1920.12/1 少佐 promu Lieutenant Commander (3 galons) 1923.04/1 呉工廠水雷部検査官 promu officier contrôleur à l'arsenal naval de Kure division torpilles 1925.12/1 中佐 艦政本部造兵監督官 promu junior capitaine 中佐(commandeur-capit.frégate 3 galons) et nommé officier d'ordonnance au département technique de la marine impériale 1928.12/10 佐世保艦船部員 nommé membre du district naval de Sasebo, division des bâtiments 19 30.11/10 早鞆艦長 nommé capitaine du pétrolier ravitailleur Hayatomo 1930.12/1 大佐 nommé capitaine (capitaine de vaisseau - 4 galons) 1931.04/5 名取艦長 nommé capitaine du croiseur léger Natori (名取) 1931/12/1 青葉艦長 nommé capitaine du croiseur lourd Aoba (青葉) 1959.8/31 死去 Décédé le 31 aout 1959 (à 64 ans) Best regards Patout
    8. Ha oui effectivement !!!! now that you’ve put your finger on it... it’s obvious that it wasn’t a professional who did this work. I’m sorry I didn’t notice it earlier CQFD : ce qu'il fallait démontrer Quod erat demonstrandum !!! quod erat demonstrandum
    9. Hi Nick, Thank you for your answer, realy I would have preferred another answer, but anything is possible... too bad, but the content is still interesting ! Regards Patout
    10. Hi dear friends, Today I would like to present to you a beautiful and, I think rare case. Obviously this set belonged to a japanese senior officer for having received the golden kite of 4th class as well as the rising sun and the sacred treasure of 3rd class. About the case it seems to me that the upholstery and the decor look more a Chinese manufacture than a japanese one. ... or may be it is a realization during the period of occupation........... of Manchukuo or Korea ? What is your opinion ?? The case, outer face, what are these flowers ? not orchid, not cherry blossom, not chrysanthemum flower !!! Thanks in advance for your involvement Patout
    11. Hi "Mr Run" & "Lucia" Sorry, these parts are not for sale.. .good luck in your research Patout
    12. Hello "1812overture" thank you for all this informations you were able to translate a part and I thank you very much for that.... it’s a start of track. (NB : I understood what you meant about veterans) It is true that Nick is always ready to help the collectors in their research but I think that he is realy too much solicited. May he bring more information in the coming days Thanks Patout
    13. Hello "922F" thank you for all this additional information and for the links to the photos Patout
    14. Hello Nick Once again thank you for this valuable help.... you are really unavoidable. I am glad to learn that the medal bar "could be !!" original Thanks Patout
    15. I bought this little batch of diplomas that seem to belong to the same soldier, and I’d like to know his name and rank. It was decorated with the order of the sacred treasure of 4th class and the order of the rising sun (5th class?) He was also decorated with the Russo Japanese War Medal of 1904/1905, the Hiro Hito Coronation Medal and the Japan 2600 Years Medal With this diploma was the bar of medals. I am not sure that the bar is vintage because the ribbons look "very fresh" and not faded.... I would like to have Nick’s opinion on this medal bar, it seems to me that it is a reconstruction ? Patout
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