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    Eric K.

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Eric K.

    1. I think in July it starts back to 12 months so you should be good. I didn't know you were a DAT!!!!! Eric
    2. One last thing then I'll shut up. If the Saya and all the "furniture" is Tachi, thats fine but I still think the blade is a Katana. Who knows when or why everything else was put on. I've seen what appeared at first glance to be a Gunto WW2 blade but once taken out of the Saya and taken apart it was actually a very nice and very old Koto blade which no one would ever call a Gunto even tho the furniture sure was. regardless it seems to be a very nice blade and thats what really matters anyway. Eric
    3. Good deal just name it "Nihonto" and that will cover all your bases it means "the sword of Japan" and everyone will be happy whether it's a Katana,Tashi,Wakizashi and actually with the date given the name would be even more appropriate since this name was given in the late Edo period Eric
    4. a Tachi has more of a curve than a Katana and your right they're usually a little longer also. It also describes a way a sword is worn. so if you wear it blade down in your belt/sash its a Tachi, wear the same sword blade up.......now it's a Katana cool huh?!? hahahaha Actually 74.5cm is a little long but from the curve I would say Katana Eric
    5. It seems theres more engraving near the Mekugi-ana (top hole in tang) Also because there IS 2 holes in the tang this means this blade is suriage (cut down) or even O-suriage (greatly cut down) which i don't think it was seeing how the tang is cut on the bottom edge, The engraving looks a little sloppy to be made by a sword smith but could have been made by a soldier????? Basically it's not a samurai sword but probably a Gunto blade,maybe chinese?? I would have to see the actual blade. The handles is no problem to fix, unlike TR and Imperial it is 100% acceptable to fix these swords with new parts whether it's a $100 Gunto or a $50,000.00 Koto Eric
    6. Chris Looks like your getting some good info already!!!! hmmmm I wonder what the story is with the TR medals if he bought the farm in WW1? family maybe? I'm glad it's in a good home for years to come and keep us informed..oh yeah thank for the beers!!! Eric
    7. The Feldposts are great lots of info on them 21 FEB 1915 (eastern Front) for 3 days now we get a well earned silence from the the front, I hope all is well at home May 1915, this feldpost is on a piece of bark from a birch tree... I guess paper was in short supply!!!!!
    8. Rick You wouldn't believe the documentation!!! I mean every little thing you can imagine..shooting records, ALOT of feldpost, and pages of that beautiful script that gives me a headache, His little leather wallet with family photo's and notes he carried during the war. plus pictures of his unit with some pretty hefty medalbars!!!!!! I'll be picking it up this weekend. Oh yeah his feldposts say "Leutnant company commander" does this make sense???? Eric
    9. last pic!!!!! some of the feldpost units are Comp.2 Nass. Inf. Rgt. 88 Mainz 39. res inf. 78th 12th 258 res. inf.
    10. Heres the back side of the Jacket with the black lining, I didn't get a front shot for some stupid reason,
    11. Also included are ALL his posts from the war!!! most are from France he was also a POW in Russia theres TONS of documents, letters etc..... he also has an EK1 and 2 with docs. but the family wants to keep these for some reason, they will part with all the photos but wants to keep the medals?????? Thanks for looking Eric
    12. I have a chance to get 3 jackets all from the same guy. they're in outstanding condition!!!! The only problem is I don't collect uniforms I can get 2 of these types, one has print on the inside the other is a black silk like material.
    13. You know Chris one of these days I'm coming over to your place!!!! I saw a 08 for sale at stuttgart with ALOT of spare parts and gadgets, you should have called in sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eric
    14. I've had this photo for ages and I don't think I ever posted it. I got this and a Unterseebootschule tally from a family that said their Grandfather(photo) was on a sub in WW1. Now for a few questions: What is the chevron on his sleeve for? and also whats the white cross on the knot of his cape (is it called a cape???) and last but not least is there anyway to tell if indeed he was on a sub from this photo. Very nice Family, I have the name and the tally in the basement and will post those here as soon as I can thanks Eric
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