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    Craig Cocks

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    1. Thank you Jan I will contact them, I appreciate your help. Regards, Craig
    2. Hi Nick, Yes that is the one I mean. Do you know of any company which makes that ribbon or sells it to medal mounting businesses? If I do a remount of a client's medals I would need a minimum length of 250mm of that ribbon to properly mount the medal in the way Australians wear them when I include it in their medal group, so I would like to buy at least a 2 metre length of the ribbon if I can. Do you have any of those medals you could sell? If so, what length of ribbon would come with the medal please? Also, I expect the bar which is on the ribbon must be bought separately, can you tell me where I could buy those if needed? Craig
    3. Hi TacHel, I believe Keith has a leather belt under his suit jacket which the medal group is secured to, as the weight of the set would tear the jacket or at least pull it crooked. That set of medals is for display only - not for wearing. When Keith wears a set of medals the ribbons are much more overlapped, and the set is not as wide. It is still a huge group, but not as bad as that.
    4. Hi, Sorry I am a late entry to this topic, I have just joined recently. The situation currently for Australian Military is that they can accept awards from foreign countries, but are not permitted to wear them on uniform unless the award is officially approved and appears on their personnel record. There is a list of medals which have been authorised after formal offer to the Australian Government, for which there is basically automatic approval for members who receive it after the authorisation - MFO, UN, NATO and others. More information can be found at following location: http://www.defence.gov.au/Medals/ This policy is much relaxed on the policy in the past, for the Korea/Malaya/Vietnam era where foreign awards were generally not accepted. There have been quite a number of Australian military personnel, long since retired, who are now being allowed to accept and wear awards that they were offered decades ago and at the time were refused permission to accept. Attached pic is of the medal group of a RAAF member who served during that era, as a fixed wing pilot in Korea and then as a helicopter pilot in Vietnam. He was offered the US Air Medal for I believe rescuing some US Marines who were under fire in Vietnam, but was not allowed to accept the medal. Then 40+ years later when the policy was relaxed he was authorised to accept and now wears the medal.
    5. Hi Nick, I'm a new member on the forum, was wondering if you could help with some information. I have a medal mounting business in South Australia which caters mainly to Australian Military and Emergency Service personnel. I have recently been asked by a client if I can get ribbon for a Slovakian medal which you have posted a photograph on this topic - "11..Commemorative Medal for participation in Military Operation." Are you able to give me any contact details for any person or business I can contact to ask about getting a couple of metres of that ribbon? I'd appreciate any help you can give, thanks. Craig
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