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    Everything posted by 91-old-inf-reg

    1. Going off of that, I think that #8 might be the Oldenburg merit cross 1870 https://www.ehrenzeichen-orden.de/deutsche-staaten/verdienstkreuz-des-oldenburger-kriegervereins.html
    2. For a while now I have been searching information regarding the Grand Dukes medal bar. I was able to recognize some of the medals on his medal bars, however, there are a few of the medals that I have had trouble recognizing and identifying. 1: EK ii 1870, (all photos) 25 anv. spange. ( Photos 1,2,5) 2: Crown orden? XV year service cross? Oldenburg house order with out crown or swords? ( photos 1,2,5) 3: 1870-71 victory medal with 3 unknown spanges ( all photos ) 4: 1897 centenary medal ( photos 1,2,5) 5: unknown - my thoughts are, possible Saxon-Altenburg bravery medal ( mother being from aforementioned royal house) , Prussian Red eagle order iv class, an Austrian medal ( has crown at the top ), my best guess, an early Belgian military medal ( king of Belgium attended wedding ) 6: 1870 Mecklenburg-Schwerin military bravery cross ii class (based on photos 6,4) 7: unknown - I am at a complete loss for identification of this medal. At first I thought it was ottoman due to the sabers, but this is extremely unlikely due to Peter II of Oldenburg having the same medal, and doing further research, Peter ii’s medal had, at least from one illustration, 3 lines of text on the reverse of the medal, which led me to think either Austrian or a Hessian medals reverse, but both led to dead ends. 8: unknown - possible crow-less-reign-less order of Dannebrog? Crown-less Greek Greek Cross of Valor? 9/8: Mecklenburg-Schwerin Friedrich-Franz iii memorial medal? If anyone would mind helping me identify these it would be greatly appreciated. Furthermore, when researching I had also come across pictures of the the Grand Dukes Funeral with all of his awards and orders laid out; However, due to the poor resolution, angle, distance etc. I was led to a dead end. If anyone knows what his other awards where that would be greatly appreciated. Finally, If their topic had already been made , would you mind linking it? I hope that with a little help we’ll be able to figure this out, thanks, Dan My bad, Forgot to add last image:
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