Dr Ali Kolahdooz
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Persia - Order of the Lion and the Sun
Dr Ali Kolahdooz replied to drclaw's topic in Middle East & Arab States
I am asking my GMIC friends who might be the maker of this medal? Does i'ts design look similar to any other medals? -
Persia - Order of the Lion and the Sun
Dr Ali Kolahdooz replied to drclaw's topic in Middle East & Arab States
There are several photos of him on internet with some of the medals that he wears on the above photo as well as L&S with crown!!! when he was in St Petersberg!!! -
Persia - Order of the Lion and the Sun
Dr Ali Kolahdooz replied to drclaw's topic in Middle East & Arab States
Hi Guys, I found a photo of an Persian official who was commissioned to Tbilisi with an amazing L&S medal we have never seen before. I guess it was custom made by a Russian jeweler. He wears a lot of medals with crown on them!!!! Mirza Reza Khan (1846-1939) was a Persian diplomat and first secretary at the consulate in Tiflis where he intervened as a mediator for the release of Turkish citizens. He was later appointed to the consulate in Russia where he attended the coronation of Tsar Alexander III, then ambassador to Saint Petersburg (1895), Persian delegate to the Hague Peace Conference in 1899, then appointed Minister Plenipotentiary in Constantinople where he remained for five years; later he moved to Monaco and was recalled to Persia in 1912-14 where he served as Minister of Justice and then of Education. He was friends with Pierre Loti and wrote various books, including Perles d'Orient (1904). -
Persia - Order of the Lion and the Sun
Dr Ali Kolahdooz replied to drclaw's topic in Middle East & Arab States
I also compared and come to conclusion of saniolamamalek. Could it be a forged Medal?Like a saniolmamalek made medal lately presented as zimmemran by adding his name? the other only photo I can get -
Persia - Order of the Lion and the Sun
Dr Ali Kolahdooz replied to drclaw's topic in Middle East & Arab States
I just don't understand why the owner of this medal insist this medal was made in Belgium by Zimmerman order!!!! Any idea gentlemen? -
Persia - Order of the Lion and the Sun
Dr Ali Kolahdooz replied to drclaw's topic in Middle East & Arab States
I don't have the book,If you do can you please share a photo of Zimmermann's bio please. -
Persia - Order of the Lion and the Sun
Dr Ali Kolahdooz replied to drclaw's topic in Middle East & Arab States
Persia - Order of the Lion and the Sun
Dr Ali Kolahdooz replied to drclaw's topic in Middle East & Arab States
As I said it's not the maker's name. it's just the name of an unknown person.Unfortunately it was and is very common for people to write their name on monuments, bank notes and important/popular places. There are 100s of names on the Persepolis stones sadly -
Persia - Order of the Lion and the Sun
Dr Ali Kolahdooz replied to drclaw's topic in Middle East & Arab States
Photograph of Doctor Inspector Lucien Marie Victor GEORGES. (1866 - 1924). He was appointed Inspector Doctor in 1919. He directed the Health Service of the 20th Army Corps. He is wearing the photograph of the 1915 model outfit with embroidered kepi. The kepi is made of acanthus leaves mixed with the epidermis snake, all embroidered on red velvet. The tunic has two silver stars at the bottom of the sleeves, as well as red velvet collar attributes representing the caduceus emblem of the Health Corps. Note the small buttons at the bottom of the sleeves to raise them during operations performed in military hospitals. The decorations present on the tunic are as follows: Officer of the Legion of Honor, War Cross 1914-1918, Colonial Medal, Commander of the Lion and the Sun of Persia -
Persia - Order of the Lion and the Sun
Dr Ali Kolahdooz replied to drclaw's topic in Middle East & Arab States
It's not the name of the maker.It's date 1339 not sure Hijri or Shamsi.Most likely the name of the owner of the Medal.Gholam Reza Khan -
Persia - Order of the Lion and the Sun
Dr Ali Kolahdooz replied to drclaw's topic in Middle East & Arab States
Any comment on this Nick? -
Persia - Order of the Lion and the Sun
Dr Ali Kolahdooz replied to drclaw's topic in Middle East & Arab States
Persia - Order of the Lion and the Sun
Dr Ali Kolahdooz replied to drclaw's topic in Middle East & Arab States
Any idea why there is no well known lion and sun on this medal??? Is it 2nd or 3rd Class?Authentic??Replica?? -
Persia - Order of the Lion and the Sun
Dr Ali Kolahdooz replied to drclaw's topic in Middle East & Arab States
Have you seen this medal in 1st class? Even without stones? I mean any 1st class with star between rays? If yes, please share a picture. -
Iranian Order of Zolfaqar star
Dr Ali Kolahdooz replied to Mitya Ivanov's topic in Middle East & Arab States
I doubt if it was a second class.Shah never wore a second class medal -
IRAN: Pahlavi Era Medals
Dr Ali Kolahdooz replied to Lukasz Gaszewski's topic in Middle East & Arab States
I have the book Megan,Can share any content you wish -
Persia - Order of the Lion and the Sun
Dr Ali Kolahdooz replied to drclaw's topic in Middle East & Arab States
your welcome -
Persia - Order of the Lion and the Sun
Dr Ali Kolahdooz replied to drclaw's topic in Middle East & Arab States
Please accept my apology for any mistakes or mistranslated contents. I have never done any translation like this before. It contains some words that no longer been used in current Farsi literature. Before starting I should add in translating from Farsi to English we should consider that for some English words there may not an exact Farsi synonym and vice versa. *In farsi Medal and Nishan means the same. *In Qajar written documents most of the times government and country meant the same. Also royal court and country and Government were also considered the same. The Qajar Shah called themselves the shadow of God so everything, government, country, royal courts all were the same ,the Shah. He was the God and the country and the government. In Qajar Shah’s Firman It always mention we ( a respectful calling of the king) ….. https://qajar.wordpress.com/2008/03/14/neshan/ آغاز و شروع اعطاي نشان را به زمان فتحعلي شاه قاجار نسبت مي دهند ، در حقيقت در زمان فتحعلي شاه براي قدرداني از خدمات مردان ايراني و هم ايجاد روابط نيكو با اروپائيان نشاني به نام شير و خورشيد ساختند وبه كساني كه خدمتي شايسته مي كردند ، مي دادند . شايد انگيزه پيدايش چنين نشاني آمد و رفت ميان ايران و اروپا و پيروي از وضع اروپائيان بوده است . گويا نخستين بار اين نشان به سرلشگر يرمولف روسي و همراهان كه از طرف الكساندر اول به ايران آمده بود داده شد . فتحعلي شاه قاجار مي گويد : » اراده راسخ و ميل ملوكانه ما فعلا بر آن است كه براي تامين ترقي و تعالي مملكت عقد اتحاد و يگانگي را با ساير ممالك منعقد سازيم ….. بدين لحاظ يك قطعه نشان شير و خورشيد الماس به او مرحمت فرموديم كه زيب پيكر خود نموده در آتيه نيز از هيچ گونه خدمت در تشييد روابط صميمانه و تحكيم مناسبات دوستانه بين دولتين فرو گزار نكند ….. سنه 1232 هجري ماه شوال المكرم «[1] The history of Bestowing Medals and Nishans in Iran It is said the beginning of Bestowing nishan goes back to Fath Ali Shah Qajar. In fact in his time, to appreciate Iranian men services and to develop good relations with Europeans, Lion and Sun nishan was introduced and were given to people with remarkable services. Maybe the reason for such a Nishan was to follow Europeans after traveling began between Iran and Europe officials. Perhaps the first Medal of Lion and Sun with diamonds was given to Major General Yermolov by Fath Ali Shah in Aug –Sep 1817. در زمان محمد شاه قاجار و به سال 1252 ه.ق تنظيم نظامنا مه اي در باره اعطاء امتياز و نشان به انجام مي رسد به نام : در مقدمه اين نظامنامه نوشته شده : » پس براي هر دولتي نشاني ترتيب داده اند و دولت عليه ايران را هم نشان شيرو خورشيد متداول بوده است كه قريب سه هزار سال ، بل متجاوز از عهد زرتشت اين علامت بوده و سبب انتشار آن شايد اين باشد كه در دين زرتشت آفتاب را مظهركل و مربي عالم مي دانسته اند و به اين سبب او را پرستش مي كرده اند و چون به تجربه و امتحان كه قرار علم نجوم بر آن است چنين يافته اند كه كواكب سبعه سياره در بعضي از بروج خوشحالند و در بعضي بد حال به اين معني كه در بعضي از بروج اثر خوب به ارض و ساكنين ارض مي رسانند و در برخي اثر بد ، پس هر كوكب در هر برج كه خوشحال بوده و اثر نيك به اهل عالم بخشيده آن برج را بيت آن كوكب يا شرف آن كوكب ناميده اند و به اين علت برج اسد را هم بيت و شرف شمس قرار داده و نشان دولت عليه ايران را شمس در اسد كه شير و خورشيد باشد قرار داده اند ….. و هر كدام از نوكران دولت و چاكران حضرت كه خدمت نمايان ميكرده به اعطاء نشان شير و خورشيد سر افراز ميشد تا خدمت او بر خلق معلوم شود و ديگران نيز شوق خدمت حاصل كنند ولي در سنوات سالفه تا اواخر عهد خاقان مغفور اعطاء نشان به اسباب ديگر منوط گشت . بنا عليهذا راي جهان آراي شا هنشاه قرار بر اين گرفت كه اين قاعده تجديد و تحديد يابد و قانوني در اين خصوص مرقوم و براي هر نوع از خدمت تركيب معيني ساخته شود .» [2] از اين گفتار چنين بر مي آيد كه همانگونه كه در پيشتر گفتيم نشان شيرو خورشيد در زمان فتحعليشاه هم معمول بوده است . ليكن در اين زمان خواسته اند آن را محدود و برايش شرايط و ضوابطي پيش بيني و درجات گوناگوني براي آن معين نمايند . ديگر بار براي بر قراري نظم در درجه بندي و اعطاي نشان شيرو و خورشيد و امتيازات دولتي آئين نامه اي بنام قانون نامه امتيازات دولتي تهيه مي شود چنين دريافت مي گردد كه نخست در سال 1277 ه.ق نشان شير و خورشيد در سه درجه پيش بيني و به نام هاي نشان اقدس ، نشان قدس ، نشان مقدس ناميده شده بود و سپس به ترتيب نشان هاي دولت هاي ديگر نشان شير و خورشيد به پنج درجه تقسيم و شرايط اشخاص دريافت كننده ايراني و نمايند گي هاي سياسي و ديگران در سال 1311 ه.ق تعيين گرديده است . In Mohammad Shah Qajar ear, in 1837 a manual was written to elaborate more details on Medals and Nishans. The Honory Iran Government’s Nishan Manual: In the introductory of this manual is written: There has been a Nishan (medal ) for every government and for Iran the lion and sun been common for nearly 3000 years even beyond Zarathustra and the reason for it’s widespread use might be related to the importance of Sun in Zaratrinism. Also in astronomy the Lion (leo) was considered a good month for Eastern people so Sun and Lion were popular and common.( It’s a very technical piece with lots of astronomic phrases that I don’t understand). The Lion and Sun medal were given to anyone with remarkable service and loyalty to the King and his Court so people could know them and encouraged to do the same. At the end of fath Ali Shah the medal was given for some other reasons so Mohammad Shah decided to review and change the manual. Again the manual amended so it becomes more formal and structured and became a new code of conduct called “The code of Governmental Privileges”. In 1867, Lion and Sun categorized in 3 classes: Nishan e Aaghdas, Nishan e Ghods and Nishan e Moghadas. In 1894, like other countries the Lion and Sun medals named in 5 classes with more details on who to be bestowed. قواعد نشان شيرو خورشيد دولت عليه ايران ( مصوب 1277 ه.ق ) [3] نشان اقدس ، نشان قدس ، نشان مقدس § نشان اقدس مكلل به الماس ، مخصوص وجود سلاطين است و حمايل آن برنگ آبي روشن است به ضميمه صورت تاج و جيقه در صدر آن . § نشان قدس ، مخصوص كساني است كه تالي مرتبه وزارت باشند حمايل آن نشان عبارت از حرير سبز است كه خط باريك سرخي از طرفين آن قرار داده باشند . § نشان مقدس ، مخصوص به حكام ولايات و امير توان و كساني كه يك درجه از وزراء كمتر باشند ، و حمايل آن عبارت از حرير سرخي است كه طرفين آن به خط باريك سبز باشد . سپس در سال 1311 ه.ق براي نشان شير و خورشيد پنج درجه يا رتبه در نظر گرفتند . قانون نامه امتيازات دولتي نشان دولت عليه ايران منحصر به شير و خورشيد است به سه رتبت مختلف تا امروز معلوم و معين بوده است به شروط مشروحه خارج از اين شرط به احدي داده نمي شود . اول : § نشان اقدس كه مكلل به الماس وطرز و اندازه آن مستغني از وصف است با حمايل آبي روشن مخصوص سلاطين است و به ديگري جز پادشاهان داده نمي شود . § نشان قدس كه يك طوق از نشان اقدس كوچكتر و روي آن دو پر دارد و حمايل آن آبي روشن است و از دو طرف با خط سفيد است به شاهنشاه زادگان و همچنين به سلاطين و شاهزادگان بزرگ خارجه و وزراي كبار كه داراي رتبه و خطاب اشرف هستند داده مي شود .شرط اهداي آن به خارجه مناسبات موقعي است و در داخله به شرط خدمت بزرگ و مهم كه افتخار و فوايد آن به دولت و مملكت مسلم باشد با موافقت اراده و امضاء همايوني . § نشان مقدس كه يك طوق از نشان قدس كوچكتر است و تاج آن به كلي پر ندارد و در وسط حمايل آبي روشن يك خط سفيد است فقط به شاهزادگان بزرگ و اكابر و وزراء داده ميشود . آنچه به خارجه باشد مناسبات موقع و وقت و هر چه در داخله باشد مشروط به صدور يك خدمت عمده فوق العاده و استحقاق صريح مسلم كه از آن خدمت انتفاع و فايده آشكار به دولت و مملكت عايد شده باشد . با تصويب جناب مستطاب صدر اعظم و موافقت اراده عليه همايوني اعطاء مي شود . Rules of Lion and King Nishan of The Great Iran Government, approved in 1861 -Nishan e Aghdas decorated with diamonds: For Kings only and has a light Blue sash and the Crown on top. -Nishan e Ghods: for people who hold a ministerial position. Has a Silk green sash with a slim red lines on each side. It’s smaller than Nishan e aghdas and there are only 2 feathers on the crown. The sash is light blue with 2 slim white lines on sides and is given to Qajar Royal family and also to foreign kings and royal family and prime ministers who hold royal titles (sir,Lord,etc). It’s given to foreigner is on occasions but for domestic there should be a significant service to king or country that is very important and approved by the king. -Nishan e Moghaddas: for head of states and people who are just below ministers. It has a Silk red sash with a slim green lines in each side. It’s smaller than Nishan e Ghods and there is no feather on the crown. It’s sash is Light blue with only one white line. Only given to royal members and head of states and ministers domestically. It’s given to foreigner is on occasions but for domestic there should be a significant service to king or country that is very important. The supreme minister (prime minister) to nominate the receiver and approved by the king. دويم : نشان شير و خورشيد با حمايل كه به ترتيب نشان هاي ساير دول به پنج مرتبه تقسيم و اشكال مواضع آن مرتب ومعلوم است . § رتبه اولي با حمايل است مخصوص اكابر و و زراء خارجه و سفرا و وزراء مختار و اشخاصي خواهد بود كه نايل مقام رفيع وزارت باشند . § رتبه ثانيه كه يك ستاره براي سينه و يك آويز براي گردن با بند سبز است ، به اشخاص محترم كه مقام وزارت مقيم و شارژ دافري و مراتب تاليه اين مقام را داشته باشند به اين معني كه يك درجه از پايه وزارت كمتر . § رتبه ثالثه كه آويزه گردن است به اشخاصي كه نايب اول سفارت و آنها كه مقام شارژ دافر باشند . همچنين ژنرال قونسول ها و بستگان نظامي يك سفارتخانه كه شخصا صاحب لياقت ياشند و كساني كه در اين خط باشند داده مي شود . § رتبه را بعه كه شبيه به رتبه سيم و با بند و تكمه سبز به سينه آويخته ميشود ، به كساني كه يك درجه از طبقات سابقين پائين باشند . § رتبه خامسه كه ستاره كوچك حلقه دار و با بند سبز به سينه مي آويزند و به طبقه آخرين سفارتخانه ها و تجار و مخترعين و ارباب صنعت داده ميشود . شرط اعطاي اين نشان ها به خارجه استحقاق اشخاص و مناسبات وقت است و جز به سفرا و وزراي مختار كه در دربار دولت عليه به ماموريت مي آيند و به اراده همايوني به آنها بلا شرط نشان داده مي شود و ديگران را از خارجه نشان داده خواهد شد با دقت در لياقت و دانستن كه از چه نشان خارجه و به چه رتبه دارند . از اين نشان ها دو رتبه آن را ميتوان لدي الاقتضاء مكلل به الماس داد : درجه اولي و درجه ثالثه به اين طور كه در حق دارندگان آنها مرحمتي از جانب دولت لازم ميشود و فوق مقامي كه دارند نشان ديگر مناسب نيست . در اين صورت نشان اول و سيم را مكلل به الماس مي دهند . ****Lion and Sun Medal with Sash/Ribbon/Rope: Like other countries consists in 5 classes: Frist Class: comes with Sash and only for Foreign Ministers, High commissioners, Ambassadors and ministers Second Class: is chest star and a neck pendant with green band, given to people just one step below the ministerial title and resident minister and Charge d'affaires title. Third Class: Class: Is a Neck Pendant, given to 1st secretory of Embassy and who hold the Charge d'affaires title. Also military attaché and Consul General who considered to be of remarkable service. Also anyone at the same level of title. Forth Class: is similar to 3rd class but is hang off chest with a small green buttons/ribbon/rope ,given to all with one degree title lower that 3rd class. Fifth Class: is a small star hanging off a ring and to be attached to chest with a small green ribbon/rope. Is given to rest of Embassy officers whom not mentioned above (lower title), businessmen and inventors and craftsmen of high importance. The condition of this medal to foreigner is to be proved of their worthiness and depending on the current relations between both countries. It’s not only given to ministers or high commissioners who attend the Qajar court but also any foreign delegates who attend the Qajar court knowing their official titles and importance. Of these Medals only 2 of them can be given decorated with diamonds, the First and the Third Class. To whom the Shah want to bestow a medal but don’t deserve the higher medals ( like Nishan e Moghaddas). سيم : نشان هاي شير و خورشيد كه به ترتيب مناصب نظامي از امير توماني الي ياوري با حمايل هاي مختلفه الوان و ضع و معمول بوده است ، با اين كه در ترتيبات عموميه نظاير ندارد و مرتبه نشان را به درجه منصب هيچگونه مناسبتي نيست چون سلفا در دولت عليه متداول شده است منسوخ نمي شود ، ليكن شرط نيل به اين نشان ها آنچه اهالي نظامند در قوانين نظامي معين شده است و آنها كه خارج از صف قشوني هستند بايد استحقاق آنها و مناسبت اعطاي نشان در مجلس وزراء معلوم و دلائل و موجبات آن يعني ضرورت دادن نشان به آن شخص با تصويب جناب مستطاب اشرف صدر اعظم و تصديق مجلس وزراء به عرض حضور همايون برسد و اراده عليه به امضاي آن صادر گردد . ****Lion and Sun Medal Are given to military personals. Like Major generals to Officers with different types of sash/Rope/ribbon. Although in general should not be awarded to civilians but as it was done by previous Shahs, can be given on exceptional circumstance that the cabinet or minister in chief consider and to be approved by Shah. The medals can be given to any military ranks and is not dependant to the receivers’ military rank. Only the importance of their services to be considered. چهارم : نشان تمثال همايون كه از عمليات جليله سلطنتي و به تفاوت قطع و اندازه سه درجه مرتب شده است . از اينكه علامت مرحمت شخص همايوني است مطلقا اعطاي آن به اراده ملوكانه موقوف است ، فقط درجه اهليت و استحقاق نيل اين عطيت را از صدارت عظمي و مجلس وزرا سوال خواهد شد . انفيه دان موشح بصورت همايون نيز در حكم تمثال همايون است . جز اينكه به اشخاصي داده ميشود كه نشان نمي آويزند . مثل علما ء يا وزراء و بزرگان انگليس و امريكاي شمالي يا كساني كه لياقت تمثال همايون ندارند مثل تجار بزرگ و معارف اهل قلم و صنعت خارجه كه نخواهند نشان دولتي بد هند . ****The Medal Temssaal-e Homaayooni (Imperial Portrait) is given in 3 sizes and classes. It’s a personal gift from Shah and only he decides to award it. Shah may ask the cabinet or chief minister about the importance of the receiver. Snuff box decorated with his majesty’s picture is considered the same. It’s not only given to people who don’t hang medals like religious clerics but also people who do not deserve the pendant like artists, Craftsmen, businessmen and who don’t deserve an official medal. شمسه مرصع كه از البسه خاص و تن پوش همايون و خلاع ديگر داده ميشود از امتيازات دولت است و فقط به اشخاصي داده ميشود كه به رتبه وزارت يا تالي اين مقام نايل شده باشند و در مورد ظهور خدمتي در داخله و خارجه به تصديق صدارت عظمي و مجلس وزراء مستوجب شوند . درجات آن چهاراست : § اول شمسه بزرگ با شرابه مرواريد . § دويم شمسه بزرگ بي شرابه . § سيم شمسه متوسط بي شرابه . § چهارم شمسه كوچك بي شرابه . **** Embroidery decorated with precious stones. Is a garment given by cabinet to ministers or similar title holders for a distinctive service inside or outside the country. To be approved by cabinet or chief minister. It comes in 4 forms: 1-Big Embroidery with Pearl fringe 2-Big embroidery with no fringe 3-Medium embroidery 4-Small embroidery **** Pen case or tassel (like to hold a paper or firman) decorated with precious stones only given by Shah’s will and only given to chief ministers. **** Swords, Sticks,Rings, Militry signs and ranks,Khanjar,gold,silver and copper medals....... (Didn't translate this part) اختراع لفظ جديد بكلي موقوف است . Inventing any new medals,nishan,titles is forbidden. . قدر مسلم اين است كه اين نشان آفتاب از ابداعات زمان ناصري است ، اين نكته را از روزنامه خاطرات سفر اول فرنگستان ناصرالدين شاه قاجار باز مي شناسيم ، ناصرالدين شاه در سفر اول فرنگ خود در روز دوشنبه 21 ربيع الثاني 1290 ه.ق ( ص 137 از سفرنامه اول ) در ديداري كه با همسر پادشاه بلژيك داشته اينگونه آورده : » … آهسته با كالسكه رفتيم تا رسيديم به عمارت . ملكه آنجا بود، استقبال كرد ، نشان اختراعي (آفتاب ) زنانه را به ملكه داديم ، با حمايل بسيار مشعوف شد ، به خود زد .» وي همچنين در ديداري كه به تاريخ جمعه 25 ربيع الثاني 1290 ه.ق با ملكه ويكتوريا داشته از دادن نشان و حمايل اختراعي آفتاب مكلل به الماس به ملكه ياد كرده است . ( ص 147 تا 150 از سفر نامه اول ) مظفرالدين شاه در خاطرات روز پنج شنبه 13 صفر 1320 ه.ق در رم : » صبح از خواب بيدار شديم نماز و تعقيبات را خوانده و ثناي خدا را بجاي آورديم بعد از صرف چائي جناب اشرف اتابك اعظم شرفياب شده مطالبي كه داشت بعرض رسانيد و قدري صحبت فرموديم لباس نظامي پوشيده حاضر شديم كه بايد امروز قبل از نهار دو ساعت بظهر مانده بميدان مشق براي سان قشون برويم اول پادشاه بمنزل ما آمده قدري نشسته با هم صحبت كرديم جناب اشرف اتابك اعظم هم بود نشان اقدس بايشان داده جلوتر از ما پادشاه بميدان مشق رفتند قدري كه گذشت ملكه آمده بايشان هم قدري صحبت نموده نشان آفتاب هم بايشان داديم .» For Sure Nishan e Aftab is one of Nasir Aldin Shah’s creations. In his first travel diary to Europe he mentioned: on 18 June 1873 he wrote: Very slowly by a carriage went to the castle where the Queen welcomed us. Gave her an Aftab Nishan which she liked a lot and hung on herself. Also in a meeting with Queen Victoria on 22 June 1873, he mentioned of given her the Nishan and Sash of Aftab decorated with diamonds. Muzaffar Aldin Shah wrote in his memoir dated 22 may 1902: Woke up in the morning, did my prayers(namaz/salat).After morning tea, His excellency “Atabak Aazam-Amin al Alsotan” (Iran’s chief minister/) attended and discussed some matters…Wore my Military garment as should attend a military parade two hours before midday. King came to our residence and we sat together and had a little talk.”Atabak Aazam” was there too. Gave king the Nishan e Aghdas who left earlier to attend the parade. After a while queen also came and after a short talk gave her a Nishan e Aftab. -
please send me a better picture so I can translate
Nawab means:a price or princess who is successor the the throne, also it means 2nd in charge 100 % correct translation. In Firman, the "princess de Gal" was written as a single name.So Princess was part of her name. In Farsi wr dont' have Princess, instead we have shah-dokht which means daughter of shah.
There is a date:"Mohrarram 1323 Hijri" which is a month. from 08/03/1905 to 06/04/1905
Persia - Order of the Lion and the Sun
Dr Ali Kolahdooz replied to drclaw's topic in Middle East & Arab States
This medal belongs to Pahlavi Dynasty It says: The Celebrated Royal Goldsmith in Tehran work By Ibrahim Zargar khaneh Mobarake Shahanshahi Dar tehran amale ebrahim -
Persia - Order of the Lion and the Sun
Dr Ali Kolahdooz replied to drclaw's topic in Middle East & Arab States
It says: Royal Goldsmith in Tehran made by Ibrahim -
Persia - Order of the Lion and the Sun
Dr Ali Kolahdooz replied to drclaw's topic in Middle East & Arab States
he is Samad Khan Momtaz os-Saltaneh, or Momtaz ol Saltaneh ( He is Sardar As'ad Bakhtiari (1856–1917) , also known as Haj Ali-Gholi Khan, Sardar Asad II https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Sardar_Assad https://www.bakhtiarifamily.com/constitutionphotos.php