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    David M

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    Everything posted by David M

    1. Thanks Glenn, that's great. However I do not see his CHHGL1 listed. I did expect him to be the Prinz Georg von Preussen who got it in 1853, as there are no other prussian princes with first name Georg around that time as far as I can see... regards David
    2. Hi I am looking for the career and decorations of: Friedrich Wilhelm Georg Ernst Prinz von Preussen, geboren D?sseldorf 12.02.1826, gestorben Berlin 02.05.1902. Hope you can help me out! regards David
    3. During their stay in exile, the German Crownprince and his aide, M?ldner von M?lnheim, were visited by: Lindeiner genannt von Wildau, Friedrich Wilhelm Franz Max Erdmann Gustav von, b. Glatz 12.12.1880, kgl. preu?. Major und pers?nlicher Adjutant SKH Joachim Prinz von Preu?en d. Frankfurth a.M. 22.5.1963 , m. Den Haag 25.3.1909 Henriette Baronesse van der Goes van Dirxland, b. Utrecht 23.12.1878, d. Oberh?chstadt, Taunus 30.12.1973 d.o. Henri Baron v.d.G. v. D. and Jkvr. Cornelia Junius van Hemert. Don't know how helpfull this is to you, but at least it confirms the deathin 63. Regards David
    4. Hi Gents I would be really interested in a scan of: Orden und Ehrenzeichen (Publication of the BDOS) von Helmuth W. D?pke: Fragen an ein altes Portr?t (Ludewig Johann Freiherr von Schlicher) 1999 Band 2 S. 15. I hope you can help me out, regards David
    5. HI I am looking for the rolls of the spanish order of Carl III. I am researching te date of receipt of the Knightscross of this order to an austrian civil servant by the name of Rudolph Freiherr von Siber. The award took place before 1861. Hope anyone cn help me out here Regards David
    6. Would anyone know about the Nassau Civil Order of Adolph? It lived on in Luxembourg, but I am especially interested in the 1858-1866 periode of its existence. Does this come up in any kind of literature? I contacted the Archives in Wiesbaden today to find out if the rolls are in the Staatshandb?cher of these periodes. Regards David
    7. Hi Glenn Would your 4. GRzF would be the very rare one I have been trying to find so hard in any German library I could think of? Does it contain the NCO career of Louis M?ldner von M?lnheim who entered the 4th Guards in September 1907? Regards David
    8. I have a question about Roderichs father, August. Was he a Major in 1849/1850? Should he have held that rank at these dates, I would be extremely interested in his careerdetails including ODM, because I suspect him of having received CHHGL3 (Knights Cross Churhessian House Order of the Golden Lion) probably mentioned as CHW3 (renamed in the Wilhelmsorden in 1851. Hope one of you can help me out here! Regards David
    9. Thanks gentlemen!! Now I not only know heb is who I thought he was, but also why he received the order, he was aide-de-camp to the Regimental proprietor of the kurhessian 2nd Regiment Husars Bernard II. Erich Freund Herzog von SM&A. David
    10. Hi Gents I have a 1850 sachson Major von Reitzenstein and was wondering if it could be this later general. Any idea on his careerdates or awards? Hope you can help me out once again! David
    11. Thank tou all to bad he is not wearing his foreign decorations, he must have had a few others next to the churhessian. regards David
    12. Would you know any possible source for a picture of the good doctor?
    13. Again Great info Glenn, what was the source you used? I would like to mention that at Heinrich Grimm's entry in my publication! Thanks again David
    14. Would anyone have details on the career or a picture of Heinrich Grimm? He received the CHGL3 in 1838, but as he lived through 1884, he might be in one of 'the more recent' (if available) books on prussian militairy doctor Hope you can help me out David M
    15. Thanks for you replies @Ulsterman: Sorry for your dislike to the Buddenbrock family! BTW: @Dave: the ADB was were I found the initiall data on Gustav. From this data I could not conclude if he was a Major in 1850 or ot. However there are many more in Soldatisches F?hrertum, So I will just check them all when I get to the Royal Library in one of the comming months. Thanks again David
    16. So I guess he was not a Major in 1850? Would it be possible to find out which Buddenbrock was?
    17. That sure is an interesting puzzle!!! I dont't think it is really undoable though. It would however take studying of genealogies and photo's to find out which Archdukes and Princes were involved. That would be a project in which we could all step in, or just a select roup if you like. A reall nice thread that would be!! Regards David
    18. Hi Gents I am looking for career details on Gustav Freiherr von Buddenbrock. Although he was a prussian General (b. 1810-d.1895) I could not find him in the index of Priedorff Soldatisches F?hrertum and I am hoping to find out some more about his career here. I am especially interested in if he could have received th CHGL4 (Knights Cross Churhessian House Order of the Golden Lion) as a Major. I have him as a Major in 1850. Hope to hear from you David
    19. Hi Dave That is very interesting! I guess he did not get the rest during the last 8 months, so I have no idea why the other awards are not there. Would the brother of Major Louis be in this volume (what is the title of the source?) as well? His career is to be found in the first post. His last post before March 1918 was in the 220 Regt., so maybe he is z.D. somewhere. I would really be interested in an account of his awards as well, as I only know his HHOX for sure now Thanks again David
    20. Hi Dave That is great, I would say KEEP THEM COMING :-)) David
    21. Hi Werner do you also do the pre 1870? That would be really interesting for me!! David
    22. Just back after a week of absence Another addition to the rolls which are allready out there: the Hessen-Darmstadt (Grossherzogtum Hessen) rolls. I contacted the archives at Darmstadt and got the following result: Einen vollst?ndigen ?berblick ?ber die Ernannten, ihren Rang und das Verleihungsdatum des Ordens erhalten Sie durch die Gro?herzoglich Hessischen Ordenslisten, die im Druck in Darmstadt erschienen sind. Die letzte publizierte Ordensliste (Ordensliste 1914) wurde am 10. September 1913 abgeschlossen und enth?lt s?mtliche Namen der zwischen 1870 und 1913 Geehrten (S. 21-194). Die vor 1870 Ausgezeichneten sind in der Ordensliste von 1898 enthalten. Wenn wir diese Seiten f?r Sie digitalisieren sollen k?men Kosten in H?he von 5 ? f?r die CD und rund 90 ? f?r die Aufnahmen des 1914er-Bandes auf Sie zu. Bei dem Band von 1898 m?sste man die einzelnen Seiten heraussuchen, die nur die Verleihungen vor 1870 betreffen. Hier d?rften die Kosten um mindestens die H?lfte niedriger liegen. anyone who wants to jump in just kidding David M
    23. Hi Megan that is a great photo, where did you find this? David
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