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    David M

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    Everything posted by David M

    1. Hi Rick that is really a great addition!!! Any idea when the Lippe-D's will be available in print? David
    2. Hi Mike How would I do that? If someone could help me out by downloading it and mailing to my gmail account.....that would be veeeeeery helpfull
    3. Am I doing something wrong? I can only find fragments and not download the entire book.... probably just me... David
    4. Would anyone know about the Hannover rolls for their awards?Are they still out there or do we rely on the STB? David
    5. Hi Werner I can only imagine what a vast files you must have on your computer. Did you ever consider publishing? As far as the Anhalt Bear Order is concerned, I do hope that there will be a volunteer who will take the responsibility form the pre 1872 awards. Would they also be in the Staatshandb?cher? As I understand correctly, the Bear Order was established 1834 as a follow-up of a previous bear order. It would be really great to have all the data in one publication! Would anyone know when this bear order originally started? forgive me for getting all exited about this, I just love pre 1871 orders and would most certainly volunteer myself for doing the rest of the bear order (pre 1872) if a publications should not be hasted..... I would really love to see how my first project (HGL) turns out before I make any commitments to other pre 1871 orders David
    6. 1. Anhalt a.-1912 ? what, since when  Werner Nickel 2. Baden a.KFO/BZL: published, but incomplete -1914, what, since when  Werner Nickel 3. Bayern a.MMJO: published b.MVO/MVK: published, but incomplete foreign awards to Bavarian officers -1917  Werner Nickel The Bavarian MVO/MVK is done all civilian awards 1866 until the end. War decorations completely 1866 - 1914. Also all war decorations MVO third class upwards until the end. Fourth class with crown and swords all Bavarians. MVK 1. Cl with swords partly, crown and swords all. 4. Braunschweig: a.BrH/BrEAK: apparently not in archive -1914, what, since when  Werner Nickel 5. Bremen a.Hanseatenkreuz: exist in archive, not yet published 6. Hamburg a.Hanseatenkreuz: exist in archive, not yet published 7. Hessen-Darmstadt a.HPO/HT: destroyed in the war? 8. Hessen (Kurf?rstentum): a.House Order of the Golden Lion --> David M b.Order of William --> David M 9. Hohenzollern a.Ehrenkreuz all classes, with X, gold medals, done Silver medals x to non Prussians, done 10. Lippe-Detmold a.LDH: 1869-1939 down to silver merit cross: all grades are done Leopold order down to Bronze medals: done Rose order all classes: done Kriegervereinkreuz: done Merit medals, to be done Bertha Order: done Frauenverdienstkreuz: done Frauenverdienstmedals, done Silver Civil Merit Medal on Ribbon aka "Paulinen Medal," 1817-1918: done 11. L?beck a.Hanseatenkreuz: exist in archive, not yet published, though 30% done  Bernd D. 12. Mecklenburg-Schwerin a.exist in archive, not yet published 13. Mecklenburg-Strelitz a.found, but too chaotic to be useful, and fragmentary rolls far from complete 14. Oldenburg a.-1914, what, since when  Werner Nickel 15. Preu?en a.PLM/HHOX: published Verdienstkreuz f?r Frauen und Jungfrauen will be published online in may 2007 Milit?rehrenzeich 1867-1913  Werner Nickel 16. Reu? ?.L. und j.L. a.exist in archive, not yet published 17. Sachsen a.SH/SV: published b.SA: published, but rolls not complete Maria Anna no priority, Rick R. has the rolls 18. Sachsen-Altenburg a.HSH: Altenburg published published, being redone to match other two 19. Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha a.HSH: being published b.Carl Eduard War Cross: being published c.Carl Eduard Medals: being published 20. Sachsen-Meiningen a.HSH: being published, but incomplete b.War Merit Cross: being published 21. Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach a.WF: being published, but incomplete b.Wilhelm Ernst War Cros: being published c. General Decorations in Gold & Silver 1914-1919 with Xs: being published 22. Schaumburg-Lippe a.Ehrenkreuz down to silver merit cross from 1890 onwards, will be done 23. Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt und Schwarzburg-Sondershausen a.exist in archive, not yet published 24. Waldeck a.Merit Cross 1914-18: published The rest is a real mess, though rolls exist for: Merit Order 1 2 3 1857-1896 Officers grade 1912-1918 Merit Medal Gold 1891-1917 25. W?rttemberg a.WKO/MVO/WF: being published 26. Austria a.Iron Crown: ? b.?MK: ?
    7. Hi Werner when you mention Anhalt until 1912, do you mean all Anhalt from the beginning (say 1834 for the Bear-order)? For Oldenburg, I know the guy from the oldenburg orders site is doing a list as well, did you cooperate with him? Did you do every class for the Red Eagle Order? from when? hope to hear from you again David
    8. Thanks wild card, that's the kind of info we need in this thread!! good to hear the MVO and MVKs are covered!! Will make a summary of the info we have so far when I have time, which will probably not be today. all the best David
    9. Well I just hope then that the Staatshandbuch from Baden kept lists with dates just like the Kurhessen and Grandducal Hessen did. Will contact them about that sometime in the future.
    10. Although replying to myself here, I would like your advice on a matter that has been bothering me. from what I know, Rick Research makes his lists as in this thread: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=14821 however, this is the way I am making the entries in the publication on the HGL. I take them word-by-word from th Staatshandbuch: 25.08.1777 Ihro Excellenz der Herr Ober-J?germeister von Spiegel, Date first, then function and name as last entry. In this way most of the context is preserved. What is the difference in value here for researchers? David M
    11. Regarding elder rolls which have already been published, would it not be an idea to just make a file in pdf-format and place it on a internetsite? This because we do know the rolls are there, it apperantly would not be to much of an effort typing them over (39 pages) and they are hard to come by these days I guess..... Should anyone have these, I would be most happy to put them on my site, which I m currently rescheduling. I am also working on the lists of some Frankfurt awards to be put online in that fashion. Thanks for any comments on this idea, David M
    12. Hi Red Eagle do you have the full bibliographical data forthis publication?
    13. @ Rick I am guessing that you are just doing the BZL for WWI. As the order was erected in 1812 according to Dave Danners site, do you know if the rest of the rolls is still there as well? If not, I will contact the Baden myself to find out. David
    14. One of us had the idea of setting up a fixed thread listing the existing rolls and the several projects we are working on. Why not start with each and every single one project listing and summarizing every once in a while, I think alphabeticlly on countryname would be a good idea? I just added from the top of my head, and added the name of the people working on them.... Bremen (Hanseatenstadt): Hanseatic Cross Hamburg (Hanseatenstadt): Hanseatic cross Hessen (Kurf?rstentum): House Order of the Golden Lion --> David M Hessen (Kurf?rstentum): Order of William --> David M L?beck (Hanseatenstadt): Hanseatic Cross Reuss ?.L. (F?rstentum): Honor Cross Reuss j.L. (F?rstentum): Honor Cross I?d see keep them coming David
    15. Hi Just to get you updated on my project on the Kurhessian House Order of the Golden Lion. This week I received the data concerning the reign of Landgraf Friedrich II. (1770-1785), who founded the order and I also completed the lists from the reign of his grandson, my favourite Kurf?rst, Wilhelm II. (1821-1831). In the mean time, I am trying to find publishers for my book. Any suggestions appreciated on that BTW. My project, planned as it has been now, will be completed latest in 2 years from now. After that, I will take up a description of the kurhessian Order of William (1851-1866). After that.....I think there still be enough pre 1866/pre 1871 german orders and decorations to describe!! David M
    16. I wass just curious!! f?r beide F?rstent?mer (Reu? ?.L. + Reu? j.L.) sind Verleihungslisten ?berliefert. F?r Reu? ?.L.: Geheimes Kabinett Greiz, VIII Nr. 74c + 97a (ca. 200 Aufnahmen). F?r Reu? j.L.: Ministerium Gera, Nr. 760, 762-764 (ca. 400 Aufnahmen). Das Scannen aller Listen d?rfte Kosten in H?he von ca. 450,-- Euro verursachen. Die Listen sind aber kompliziert aufgebaut - ohne pers?nliche Inaugenscheinnahme d?rfte eine zweifelsfreie Zuordnung der Digitalisate schwierig werden. Wir empfehlen Ihnen auf alle F?lle einen Besuch in unserem Archiv,
    17. Hi Rick Thanks for that (soory I did not have time to write sooner, as my wife is having her birthday today....) That's another date again!! About the other ones: I know that the Lippe-Detmold KVK does not have rolls. Does that go for more of the medals Louis is wearing? Regards David
    18. sorry about that, should habe been a edited version of the previous post.....
    19. Hi Daniel, I have been working on that, but cant seem to get it really clear as I maginfie it. I dont have anything like photoshop or so :-S About the SA3aX, is there a date for that? I know he just had the Cent, REKj3 and SLH4 in his DOA 1908/1909 entry, so his KO4 is from a later date. When was an officer awarded the KO4 and when the RAO4? It seems to be that someone got either one of them by the time they reached the rank of Hauptmann. Am I correct there and what is the difference between the awarding of the RAO4 and the KO4? Thanks again David
    20. Hi Paul, not to my knowledge during WW2 Louis was in the Generalverwaltung of the royal house and Georg died in 1941, living in Berlin. To my knowlegde (although I am not sure) Georg did not see service in the Wehrmacht. The only M?ldner who held an active officer rank (Lt. d. R.) was a non-noble relative of mine (a cousin of my greatgrandfather). Regards David
    21. Hi Gents! What we have here is my personal project (one of the few at least). It is a picture of Louis M?ldner von M?lnheim. We could google his career on this forum, but why bother: Louis Alfred Carl Oscar M?ldner von M?lnheim 20.7.1897 Seconde-Leutenant im J?ger Bataillon (westf?lisches) Nr. 7 (Garnison: B?ckeburg), 11.9.1907 Oberleutnant im 4. Garde-Regiment zu Fu? (Ganison: Berlin), 20.7.1912 Hauptmann und Adjutant der 4. Garde-Infanterie-Brigade (Kaiser Franz Garde-Grenadier-Regiment Nr 2., K?nigin Augusta Garde-Grenadier-Regiment Nr 4, Garde Landwehr-Regiment 2 und 4), 1914-1918 erster Weltkrieg, 21.-22.8.1914 Schlacht bei Auvelais a.d. Sambre, 28.-31.8.1914 Schlacht bei St. Quentin, insbesondere bei La Val?e, 25.12.1914 Kompagnie-Chef in neuzubildende Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 261 (D?beritz), Winterschlacht in Masurien, Verfolgung bis zum Bobr, ?bernahme einer Bataillon, Stellungskampfen bei Augustowo und Kalwarja, Angriffsk?mpfen an der Schlawanta und um Kowno, 25.9.1915 Versetzung im Generalstab und gleichzeitige Kommandierung zum AOK 5, 27.3.1916 Versetzung im Generalstab der Armee, 4.5.1916 pers?nlicher Adjutant SKKH Wilhelm, Kronprinz von Preu?en und des Deutschen Reiches a.d. Westfront, 27.1.1917 Major, 1918-1923 (nach den Kriegsende) pers?nlicher Begleiter des deutschen Kronprinzen, 1924-1926 pers?nlicher Adjudant Seiner Kaiserliche Hoheit des Kronprinzen, 1926 bis 1945 Pers?nlicher Referent der Generalverwaltung des vormals regierenden preu?ischen K?nigshauses, ab 1941 Chef der Hofverwaltung Seiner Kaiserliche Hoheit des Kronprinzen und Kabinettchef SKH als Haupt des Hauses Brandenburg-Preu?en und Haupt der Hofhaltung Brandenburg-Preu?en. I would like to know more about his NCO career. Thanks to the research of quite a few members of this forum and the WAF, I do know quite a lot about the awards we see here already. However I am still looking for the awarddates (which I am sure with the upcoming work by Rick R, I could at least add a few of those in the future): Eiserne Kreuz I. Klasse (K?nigreich Preussen) (19.7.1915), On his medalbar, we can find: 1. Eisernes Kreuzes II. Klasse (K?nigreich Preussen) (13.9.1914), 2. Ritter der hohenzollnerischen Hausorden mit dem Schwertern (K?nigreich Preussen) (25.5.1918) 3. Kronenorden IV. Klasse (K?nigreich Preussen), 4. Zentenarmedaille 5. Ritter der Albrecht Orden I. Klasse mit dem Schwertern (K?nigreich Sachsen), not on the rolls, as Rick researched for me 6. Ritter der Orden vom Z?hringer L?wen II. Klasse mit Schwerten und Eichenlaub (Grossherzogtum Baden) (10.1.1918), 7. ?? 8. ?? 9. Lippe Detmold Kriegsverdienstkreuz 10. Hamburg hanseatic cross 11. Bremen hanseatic cross 12. ?? 13. Ritter IV. Klasse der Hausorden des Ehrenkreuzes (F?rstentum Schaumburg-Lippe), 15.10.1907 14. Ehrenkreuz III. Klasse (F?rstentumer Reuss), (prewar) 15. After the war he is shown on another photo with a second neck-badge, which I believe due to his post-war career, to be the Comthurkreuz der hohenzollernischen Hausorden mit dem Schwertern (Nachkriegszeit), 1 of the ones unidentified could be the Kriegsverdienstkreuz (Herzogtum Braunschweig), I am really curious to find out what you can see (if anything) to add or to change on this list by looking on this picture. Hope you will give it a try..... Thanks and best regards David M?ldner The other project involves the brother of Louis, Georg Emil Theodor M?ldner von M?lnheim (1872-1941). His career dates so far are as follows: Nach abgelegten Abiturienten-Examen als Grenadier 18.9.1893 Diensteintritt als Avantegeur im Kaiser-Alexander-Grenadier-Garde Regiment Nr. 1 (Garnison: Berlin), 21.11.1893 Gefreiter, 27.1.1894 Unteroffizier, 21.4.1894 Portepeef?hnrich, 27.1.1895 Secondelieutenant, 22.3.1897 (Patent vom 27.1.1897) Leutnant 1. Kompagnie in das am 1. April neu zu bildende 3. Bataillon des Infanterie-Regiment Hamburg (2. hanseatisches) Nr. 76, 10.7.-5.8.1899 zur Gewehrfabrik Spandau, 15.09.1904 Oberleutnant Infanterie-Regiment Hamburg (2. hanseatisches) Nr. 76 (Garnison: Hamburg), 1905-1908 zur Kriegs-Akademie kommandirt, nach Beendigung des Commandos zur Kriegs-Akademie bis 30.9.1908 zur Dienstleistung beim 1. Garde-Dragoner-Regiment K?nigin Viktoria von Grossbritannien und Irland Commandirt, 1.4.1909 auf 1 Jahr zur Dienstleistung beim Grossen General-Stabe commandirt, 1.4.1910 auf ein ferneres Jahr zur Dienstleistung beim Grossen General-Stabe commandirt, 20.3.1911 unter Enthebung von dem Commando zur Dienstleistung beim Grossen-General-Stab und unter Bef?rderung zum Hauptmann als Compagniechef, 2. Kompagnie Niederrheinisches F?silier-Regiment Nr. 39 (Ganison: D?sseldorf), 1914-18 erster Weltkrieg, 8.1914 vor Maubeuge (Frankreich) leicht verwundet, 1.5.1915 F?hrer des III. Bataillons des F?silier-Regiments 39, Januar 1916 F?hrer des I. Bataillons Reserve-Infanterie-Regiments 220, 1.7-7.7.1916 Fort Vaux, 22.3.1917-Ende 12.1917 Major und Bataillonschef des II. Bataillons Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 220, K?mpfe in Russland, 15.5.1918 dem Kriegsministerium ?berwiesen, 17.5.1918 Milit?rkommission Kiew, 9.11.1918 Bevollm?chtigter des Kriegsministeriums f?r die Ukraine, Gesandter zu Kiew, 1.3.1919 demobilisiert, 24.7.1919 Versorgungsabteilung des Kriegsministerium, 9.4.1920 Abschied mit Pension und mit der Range als Oberstleutnant. The only thing I know for sure about his awards is that he received the HHOX. I am assuming however that an officer with this rank would also have had EKI and II, and because of his previous attachment to IR76 the Hamburg Hanseatic cross. Unfortunately his archives were lost during the WWII, I do have a picture of him, alas not in uniform. Would there be a possibility with the dates on his career to find him in any kind of Regimental history? I do already know his photo is not in the RH of FR 39.
    22. Hi! Although I am mostly interested in german imperial, I have a link to a russian General and hope to find out more here about his orders and decorations and early career. The data sofa"r: Wyneken, Baron Alexander Georgiewitsch/Johann Peter Alexander. * 20.3.1868, + 12.3.1917). Sein Vater war ein Finanzier, Kfm. 1. Gilde, Bankhausbesitzer Georg W. (geb. 1834). Barone Wyneken waren im V. Teil des Adelsgeschlechtsbuches des Gouvt. Nowgorod eingetragen (1893). Studierte im Petersburger Universitaet und hat im Nikolajewskoje Militaerhochschule Pruefungen bestanden (1893), Offz. d. Garde-Husaren-Regiments. Hat ein Kursus im Nikolajewskaja Generalstabs-Akademie abgeschlossen (1900). Nahm im Russisch-Japanischer Krieg teil. Diente im Generalstab, war zeitweilig dem Garde-Husaren-Regiment zugeteilt. Im Jahren 1914-1916 - Kommandeur des Grodnenskij Husarenregiments. Letzter Rang - Generalmajor. Stabschef des Garde-Kavalleriekorps. Erschiess sich, als ein Nachricht ueber Abdankung von Nikolaus II kam. War verheiratet mit Olga Nikolajewna Loginowa. Hatte Soehne: Georgij (geb. 3.4.1902) und Nikolaj (geb. 17.10.1904). Sein Bruder war Kammerjunker des Kaiserlichen Hofes, Bar. Georgij Georgiewitsch/Georg Leon Max v. W. (geb. 16.4.1871) Thanks a lot David
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