my sympathies, that just ruines the fun of collection isn't it? I like looking at my objects, smelling them(I know I'm a freak!) etc. What's the fun if you have to put them in a bank nowadays. I think these items are to recognisable for selling or showing (easy traced because most medal combinations can be traced to a certain person, escpecially these from high ranking military men). I suspect someone has orderd someone(or did it himself) for his own collection.I can remember some cases where knights orders(with values of many thousands of euro's) etc. where stolen for a collector, if sold in the market, they will be found. I can only recommend everyone with rare items to secure their house.I myself have alarm systems on the doors, windows and movement alarms and even camera's in the display rooms. Put items behind glass, just make it a hard job to get it and they might loose interest. Insurance companies will insure you're items(at least in my counrty) if you have adequate locks on you're doors (about 500 euro a piece), and believe me, all worth the expenses if you have a rare collection, or even for emotional damage. I once had a break in at my shop, lucky for me they needed the Neighbours (a casino), they broke in at my place and went trough the wall(like in the movies),they where disturbed by the other Neighbours and they ran of, however I had a few items I was selling on my desk and they took it, not much value but it still sucks.You can't stop the pro's but at least make it tough and scare the ''normal'' burglars of. If you ask me what to do with thieves: line them up and use some Imperial weapons on them! Very sad and a dark day in collection history.