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    1. Dear Gentlemen, His book, a must! "Le Grand Cirque" de Pierre Clostermann: "The Big Show" Pierre Clostermann: Yours sincerely, No one
    2. Dear Wat05, You are welcome, The second one is the "Order of the National Flag 3rd class". Yours sincerely, No one
    3. Dear Gentlemen, Another heirloom, this one "France / Libération": The miniatures: And the miniature "Atlantique": Yours sincerely, No one
    4. Dear Gentlemen, If I may, this decoration has nothing to do with the Palmes Academiques. Palmes Academiques : an olive branch and a laurel branch intertwined, not an olive branch and an oack branch with acorns. Yours sincerely, No one
    5. Dear Gentlemen, Here is an "ATLANTIQUE" clasp (English: ATLANTIC) for naval operations between 3 September 1939 and 8 May 1945: Yours sincerely, No one
    6. Dear Wat05, Yours sincerely, No one
    7. Dear Gentlemen, Family heirloom 『Médaille Commémorative Française de la Guerre 1939-1945, clasp "France" / "Afrique" / "Liberation" / "Allemagne"』: Yours sincerely, No one
    8. Dear Gentlemen, From a French forum: agrafes de la com 39/45 Picture courtesy matloup: Yours sincerely, No one
    9. Dear Jin Yehe, You're welcome, I'm glad to have been of assistance. This is a very nice and interesting medal. Yours sincerely, No one
    10. Dear Gentlemen, On December 1, 1958, the 8th Colonial Parachute Regiment (8e Bataillon de Parachutistes Coloniaux - 8e B.P.C.) changed its name to become the 8th Marine Infantry Parachute Regiment (8e Régiment de Parachutistes d'Infanterie de Marine - 8e R.P.I.Ma.), stationed in Castres since 1963. The insignia of the 8th Marine Infantry Parachute Regiment (8e R.P.I.Ma.) homologué G 836, the homologuation dates from July 14, 1951, that of the insignia of the 8th RPC, Drago Paris: 8th Marine Infantry Parachute Regiment - Wikipedia Yours sincerely, No one
    11. Dear Bill Harris, There are numerous makers, all of whom have their own designs. Here are the official clasp: Twelve operational theatre clasps can be worn on the ribbon: FRANCE (English: FRANCE) for operations between 3 September 1939 and 25 June 1940; NORVÈGE (English: NORWAY) for operations between 12 April 1940 and 17 June 1940; AFRIQUE (English: AFRICA) for operations between 25 June 1940 and 13 May 1943; LIBÉRATION (English: LIBERATION) for operations in Corsica or in the French Campaign between 25 June 1940 and 8 May 1945; ALLEMAGNE (English: GERMANY) for operations between 14 September 1944 and 8 May 1945; EXTRÊME-ORIENT (English: FAR EAST) for operations (including in the Indian and Pacific oceans) between 7 December 1941 and 15 August 1945; GRANDE-BRETAGNE (English: GREAT BRITAIN) for operations between 25 June 1940 and 8 May 1945; URSS (English: USSR) for operations in the Normandie-Niemen fighter wing between 28 November 1942 and 8 May 1945; ATLANTIQUE (English: ATLANTIC) for naval operations between 3 September 1939 and 8 May 1945; MANCHE (English: ENGLISH CHANNEL) for naval operations between 3 September 1939 and 8 May 1945; MER DU NORD (English: NORTH SEA) for naval operations between 3 September 1939 and 8 May 1945; MÉDITERRANÉE (English: MEDITERRANEAN) for naval operations between 3 September 1939 and 8 May 1945. The clasp "ITALIE" (English: ITALY) was repealed in 1953 following the establishment of the 1943-1944 Italian campaign medal. Seven other clasps bearing the years "1939", "1940", "1941", "1942", "1943", "1944" and "1945" were available when the deed to commemorate took part outside the theatre and/or dates cited above. Two further clasps were authorised for wear on the 1939–1945 commemorative war medal: DÉFENSE PASSIVE (English: PASSIVE DEFENCE) for those receiving an invalid's pension following injury from work aimed at the protection of the civilian population (decree of 2 August 1949). ENGAGÉ VOLONTAIRE (English: VOLUNTEER ENLISTEE) for those able to prove they voluntarily enlisted for service in the 1939-1945 war. Note: There are also unofficial bars such as "Italie 1943", "Ile d'Elbe", or "Autriche" (non-exhaustive list) certainly made at the request of soldiers who wanted to mark their participation in certain specific phases of the conflict. Médaille commémorative française de la guerre 1939-1945 — Wikipédia Yours sincerely, No one
    12. Dear DRB 1643, Nice one! Yours sincerely, No one
    13. Dear TracA, As DRB 1643 wrote "stunningly beautiful piece"! Yours sincerely, No one
    14. Dear Gentlemen, Read Y Delsart 89100 Sens, not Y Delsart 89011 Sens. Yours sincerely, No one
    15. Dear Gentlemen, On December 1, 1958, the 6th Colonial Parachute Regiment (6e Bataillon de Parachutistes Coloniaux - 6e B.P.C.) changed its name to become the 6th Marine Infantry Parachute Regiment (6e Régiment de Parachutistes d'Infanterie de Marine - 6e R.P.I.Ma.), stationed in Mont-de-Marsan since January 1963. The insignia of the 6th Marine Infantry Parachute Regiment (6e R.P.I.Ma.) homologué H 721, the homologuation dates from April 8, 1949, that of the insignia of the 6th RPC, Y Delsart 89100 Sens: 6th Marine Infantry Parachute Regiment - Wikipedia Yours sincerely, No one
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