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Greeting Greg! For this special medal there is a special flannel box. And I think they are usually awarded to recipients who are not from European socialist countries. Yours Steve To support my argument, I have chosen to cite two photographs from an exhibition of orders and medals received by Lieutenant General Paul Kielenberg of the German Democratic Republic.You can see that the "foreigner" received an orange velvet box and a pentagonal medal.
Got Some Additions To My Bulgarian Collection
steveBobby replied to gjw's topic in Southern European & Balkan States
Congratulations Greg! These medals are rare enough in the entire Bulgarian People's Republic system. Very nice collection,I hope you can continue to obtain their certificates. Yours Steve -
Hungarian Public Security Medals
steveBobby replied to gjw's topic in Central & Eastern European States
Greeting Philip.S This medal(Közbiztonsági Érem alapításáról) was established in 1951, so I think you may be confusing it with an earlier medal(Közbiztonsági Szolgálati Jel).The latter does have 1947 engraved on the back.According to the 1951 decree, although the old medal was cancelled, the new medal could be conditionally awarded instead based on the recipient's performance or years of service. I will attach the original text of the 1951 Act below: 76/1951. (III. 17.) MT rendelet Közbiztonsági Érem alapításáról (Közigazgatási rendszám: 0.720.) 1. § (1) A Magyar Népköztársaság minisztertanácsa a közbiztonság fejlesztése körül szerzett érdemek elismerésére "Közbiztonsági Érem" alapítását határozta el. (2) A Közbiztonsági Éremnek hárem fokozata van: arany, ezüst és bronz. 2. § A Közbiztonsági Érmet a belügyminiszter adományozza. 3. § A Közbiztonsági Érem alapszabályait a belügyminiszter előterjesztésére a minisztertanács hagyja jóvá. 4. § (1) A Közbiztonsági Érem egyes fokozatainak viselési sorrendjére a Közbiztonsági Szolgálati Jelre megállapított rendelkezések irányadók. (2) A büntető és egyéb jogszabályoknak a rendjelekre vonatkozó rendelkezéseit a Közbiztonsági Éremre is alkalmazni kell. 5. § (1) A "Közbiztonsági Szolgálati Jel" alapítására vonatkozó rendelkezések hatályukat vesztik; e jelvény adományozásával szerzett jogok a jelen rendelet hatálybalépésének napjával megszűnnek. (2) Az előző bekezdésben megszüntetett "Közbiztonsági Szolgálati Jel" helyett a volt tulajdonosok részére az 1951. évi június hó 30. napjáig a jelen rendelet 1. §-ának (1) bekezdésében alapított Közbiztonsági Érem megfelelő fokozatát lehet adományozni. (This clause stipulates the replacement relationship between the new medal and the old medal) Dobi István s. k., a minisztertanács elnöke Regarding the specific differences between the medals of the Laksi era and the Kadar era, I think it is reflected in the specific manufacturing process of the medals and the external appearance caused by the manufacturing process.To better illustrate this statement, I quote a picture made by a Hungarian collector. Finally, I thought it would be useful to add to this theme some portraits of the gentlemen who received the award. Yours Steve -
Hungarian 40th Anniversary Medal
steveBobby replied to gjw's topic in Central & Eastern European States
Hi Greg! Very good medal, I like it too. As for the small groove in the box, there is no doubt that the Hungarians prepared a miniature version for their medals. I'll include an image of the 50th anniversary medallion showing a similar mini. By the way,I added a certificate I scanned for this subject. Yours Steve Let's add photos of the celebration and winners of that time -
Added Some More P.R of Bulgaria Medals
steveBobby replied to gjw's topic in Southern European & Balkan States
Hi Greg! I noticed some relatively rare medals in your new collection, what a nice collection! Looking forward to seeing more of your new collections about the People's Republic of Bulgaria. Yours Steve -
Hungarian Socialist Medal Printed Sources
steveBobby replied to gjw's topic in Central & Eastern European States
Hi Greg! So far, I have not found a better information book describing the orders and medals of the Hungarian socialist period. Most of the books describe orders and medals from the Austro-Hungarian Empire or the Horthy regime. These are two posters published during the socialist period of Hungary that I saw during the process of collecting information. They may be helpful to you. If I were to recommend it, I would choose this book, in Hungarian it is called “Nagy magyar kitüntetéskönyv”,It systematically describes the rewards of Hungarian socialism from the time of President Tildy to the time of Kadar. But he doesn't have an English version, only a Hungarian version. And it will not involve version changes of a single medal throughout the process. Hope this information is helpful to you! Yours Steve -
Hi,Greg! A very nice collection. It would be great if all these medals could be found with corresponding certificates. Yours Steve
Bulgarian Military Order of the Red Banner
steveBobby replied to gjw's topic in Southern European & Balkan States
Hi gjw! very nice collection! The Order of the Red Banner is also one of my favorite orders established by the Bulgarian People’s Republic in terms of shape. I will show mine. Yours Steve -
Bulgarian Order of Alexandra (5th Class)
steveBobby replied to graham's topic in Southern European & Balkan States
I may have a different opinion on this, I don't think it's made from Scheid, Because the last letter of the Order of Alexander produced by the manufacturer Scheid takes on the typical shape of the number "8". But the last letter shown in this topic does not have such characteristics. But in terms of manufacturing time, I think it may have come from the First World War, but it was not made by Scheid but from other manufacturers, possibly Bulgaria’s own manufacturers. Yours Setve -
Who Collects Communist Hungarian ODM's
steveBobby replied to gjw's topic in Central & Eastern European States
My collection of communist Hungary is not extensive at the moment, but I maintain a lot of interest in the subject. I will show mine. Yours Steve -
Interesting photographs of decorated people
steveBobby replied to ilieff's topic in Central & Eastern European States
Hi Graf! Maybe what you're talking about is a possibility,But I saw in some materials that some men can also get the Mother's Medal by adopting war orphans. Yours Steve -
Let's See Some Royal Bulgarian Orders In Wear
steveBobby replied to gjw's topic in Central & Eastern European States
Interesting photographs of decorated people
steveBobby replied to ilieff's topic in Central & Eastern European States
I wanted to add this interesting photo to this thread, it's the only photo I've found so far of the Mother's Medal being worn by a man. -
Хайдуков, Тодор(Теодор) Димитров Роден: 27.07.1893 във Варна. Образование: Военното училище в София (1914). Военната академия в София (1930). Военна служба: ? - 37-ми пехотен полк; ? - 39-ти пехотен полк; ? - 1-ви пограничен участък; 1928 - Помощник-началник на Орханийското бюро за доброволци; 1929 - 2-ра интендантска дружина; 1930 - Преподавател във Военното училище; 1933 - Командир на рота в Пехотната школа; 1934 - Началник на секция в Щаба на армията; 1935 - Пехотната школа; 1935 - Началник на Оперативния отдел в Щаба на армията; 1936 - Комисията по Гражданската мобилизация; 1936 - Помощник-началник на Пехотната школа; 1938 - Началник на отделение в Щаба на армията; 1938 - Помощник-началник на Държавната военна фабрика; 1939 - Началник на Снабдителното отделение в Щаба на войската; 1939 - Временен началник на учебния отдел в Щаба на войската; 1940 - Началник на отдел ДГПМ към Пехотната школа; 1941 - Началник на социално правния отдел; 1942 - Артилерийската школа; 1942 - Щабът на 1-ва армия; 1943 - Пехотната инспекция; 1944 - В запас. Офицерски звания: 22.11.1914 - Подпоручик; 05.12.1916 - Поручик; 01.04.1919 - Капитан; 31.10.1930 - Майор; 01.11.1934 - Подполковник; 03.10.1938 - Полковник. Here are some details I found about him, I have not translated it into English for accuracy
Greeting! I currently speculate that there are two candidates,one is Todor Dimitrov Haidukov(Тодор Димитров Хайдуков),He was promoted to colonel in 1938 and served at the First Army Headquarters ans Infantry inspection in 1942-1943. another one is Mikhail Stoyanov Mihaylov(Михаил Стоянов Михайлов),But he might just be a military school instructor. Sincerely Steve
Estonia Estonian Pilots Badge
steveBobby replied to Chris S's topic in Northern European & Baltic States
Maybe not. In the early days of the Soviet Union’s annexation of the three Baltic countries, former Wehrmacht officers from the three countries should have been allowed to wear their own badges. I've found some examples of this on photos of Red Army officers from Estonia and Latvia. Sincerely Steve Add more photos of people wearing Estonian pilot badges under this topic. -
Greeting Graf and all members! Wish all members have a happy holiday. Sincerely Setve