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    Chris S

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    1. I have one of these it is a massive piece of 935 silver. I will dig it out and post it.
    2. Typical Partisan Gp (a couple of Uncle Joe's)..1st Class with Victory over Germany
    3. A nice low number to the Bravery Medal...for a T1 V3...ring is intact as well...quite lucky to find this one. Chris
    4. Early Para Badge 1935ish...very neglected in my view these early Soviet Para as they were amougst the first..
    5. An unusual designed Bayonet for a Mosan Nagant, Leningrad circa 41-44...
    6. These are the main medals awarded to a Guards Major who I think was probably wounded and discharged as he also has the Victory over Germany in the military and civilian versions. The medals are mounted with a well worn Guards badge...this group came mounted as such. Chris
    7. Paul The armoured car is very well made of light alloy material...not sure of when but it is not recent. Thought it complemented my collection and just liked its look... Regards Chris
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