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    graham last won the day on May 5

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    1. Some very nice pieces. Thanks for posting them.
    2. Bulgarian Order of Alexandra - 5th class, opinions and comments appreciated. Thanks:
    3. Thanks Stogieman. Another Order of the Zähringen Lion. This one is a 1st class with swords & Oak leaves:
    4. Always happy to have some fun. An Order of the Zähringen Lion, Knight 1st class & swords:
    5. I think it might be a 1780 Franz Joseph medal: https://www.ma-shops.com/koci/item.php?id=14910
    6. Thanks demir, very helpful.
    7. Open to getting some opinions on this TWM I have. It is marked '800':
    8. Ouch!!! Lesson learned indeed. I am sure you are glad it was not a PLM!!!!!!!!!!
    9. Thanks for the new picture. IMO it is not an original cross.
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