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    About Bernd_W

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      Bernds Zuhause
    • Interests
      Collecting Federal, Imperial and Freikorps

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    1. Mit den Angaben der Regimenter, schaust du auf genwiki oder wiki, ob dort Digitalisate der Regimentschroniken für den passenden Zeitraum verlinkt sind. In den Regimentschroniken findest du vielleicht Bilder, sofern die Herrn herausragende Stellungen im Regiment eingenommen haben. Manche Regimentschroniken erhalten aber auch keine Bilder. Bei so was hast du eher gute Karten: Chef MG./Inf. R. 27 (Halberstadt) Kom. d. Feldart. R. 60 Chef 10./Inf. R. 115 (Darmstadt) Führ. 10./Inf. R. 44 Bei den anderen eher schlechte, wenn sie nicht eine Dienststellung wie Zahlmeister begleitet haben.
    2. Google Lens says "Kaukasus". I guess: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caucasus_campaign
    3. I had some mediocre results when using google Lens. You upload the picture here: I you combine it with your Brain and charts like this down below and take a little bit of time, you can read a lot of Stuff. Whats IMO hard, are signatures and some writings where they mixed Sütterlin and Kurrent. IMO mostly written like this by the generation who was <= 30 years at the end of WW1
    4. "Prussian Train Guard Detachement" is onto the back, if I spot it right. IMO thats a Garde-Train-Battalion. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garde-Train-Bataillon Train is this context is not railway, its supply train or baggage train. But thats just my opinion as a native, not an expert.
    5. Thanks for the clarification, then I will give it a try, whenever it shows up at genwiki.
    6. Are in "Erinnerungsblätter deutscher Regimenter" pictures at all? In all I have seen not, so I dont bother to search for them when looking for pictures. IMO "Erinnerungsblätter deutscher Regimenter" is mostly focusing on battles often with maps and some names are also in there.
    7. IMO the case is not so seldom. "Allgemeines Ehrenzeichen" implies, it was used for all these medals, not only "Tapferkeit".
    8. Ribbons: https://www.medals.pl/de/de3.htm Shoulder boards and so on: https://www.germandaggers.com/Gallery/CT0W.php
    9. In Germany stuff like Graf or Prinz and vom or von became part of the last name in 1919. While in Austria for example, these parts of the name were completely forbidden.
    10. As a European, first to my mind came the General Data Protection Regulation.
    11. Why they build Dacia and not only Bentley? High quality fakes like Blass are so-called manufacture when its comes to the making. While you can pump out a few hundred FEKs per hour with a die stamp and a press.
    12. https://www.warrelics.eu/forum/orders-decorations-third-reich/fake-1914-1918-ehrenkreuz-hindenburg-cross-422255/ Yes, I know, a collector would spot this easily. But it exists.
    13. Hello gents Anybody have the exact size of the left one? Maybe out of some official regulations? The question came up because the Landesjägerkorps / Freikorps Märker seem to have used a "blue award ribbon" for the 5. Abteilung at the sleeve. So, how do you differentiate them in pictures? While most award ribbons have ~30-35mm, the exact size of the early sleeve ranks could be valuable to solving this question. Kind regrets and thanks.
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