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    About Bernd_W

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      Bernds Zuhause
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      Collecting Federal, Imperial and Freikorps

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    1. Well, a "minden cross" would be the "queens gold". https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mindener_Kreuz
    2. Nice picture, the more well versed gentlemen in this field might tell you his awards. I only can tell you this: Er war ein Offizier wie er im Buche stand.
    3. Its Grüße dich Gott, which is a long form for Grüß Gott, but I have to admit, I never heard of this, but wiki provided the answer: Grüß Gott ist eine Verkürzung aus grüß[e] dich Gott, https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grüß_Gott#Form_und_Herkunft Sturmbatterie seems to have been a WW1 word: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Kriegspressequartier_Alben_1914-1918_(Ausbildung)#/media/File:Sturmbatterie_bim_Angriff_(BildID_15651521).jpg Sturmbatterie wenn uns der For the other words I have no glue, sorry.
    4. Could be Post Oberreitnau, because there was no post office in Rickatshofen. but Im not sure. s is different form the one in Rickatshofen. But for Richt its also a different c when comparing with Rickatshofen, and the R is also different.
    5. This "Gott sei Dank geht es mir ganz gut." means him being well. This "Haben es bisher noch ganz gut." is IMO about he (and his unit) is not at the Frontline, but at the shooting range in Elsass, where life was much better. "Lass wieder was von dir hören." is not literally about to hear is voice, its: Send me a card.
    6. These are the patient files: https://www.apotheken.de/medikamente/lexikon/k0437-krankenblatt-patientenakte Most Lazarett pictures show patients, while there are more likely workers like Militärkrankenwärter or something similar IMO
    7. Lieber Bruder. Na du altes Haus ? das du dich gut amüsierst. Wie siehts denn in der Heimat aus (?)
    8. The one with the slip on over his shoulder board a Zahlmeister-Aspirant while the one with the (pay)book in the cuffs is a Zahlmeister? But Im not an expert.
    9. Then, IMO the seller excluded the locations. You should have tried to write him a PM at eBay and explain this. I guess he was not aware of this. You can exclude locations when starting the offer, and you can change it later.
    10. Fro the ear its clearly him. Compare the big part above the earlobe and especially the fold onto the earlobe.
    11. The belt buckle is the Hessian one. The Litzen at the cuffs are for the guard regiment. There were no other Hessian regiments with this Litzen at the Brandenburg cuffs. So its I.R. 115 Ok, then its likely for a WW2 wounding. Was confused by the almost two years in hospital, but perhaps the wounding was not so bad and he had to stay because of further infections resulting from bad hygienic habits. My great grandfather was several years in hospital and almost lost his leg w/o any wounding. Just a result of bad hygienic in the trenches.
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