I just got these two EKs in-The first one is strange! Magnetic,three piece constructed,but it seems the core was painted after the frame was soldered together.The marking at the ribbon ring says "L/58".Sowhat do you think? The 2nd one is a beautyful "Schinkel",three piece constructed and magnetic. Micha
Hi George-always the same suspects .Yes,you are right-the standart 20ies EK...so as long as no oher one with this marking appears I think it could be the seller's name(a shop or a jeweller). Micha
That's a strange one! It's a non magnetic one piece construction with a big washer and a little screw.I've never seen another one,but it could be a jeweller's stamp.....so what do you think? Micha
Well,as much I found out he was:Kapit?n zur See Walter Freiherr von Keyserlingk, 28/1/1916 - 1/6/1917.Later he must have been Admiral or Vizeadmiral.... This was the auction http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIt...6191104400&rd=1 There was also a ROA 2nd class with oakleave in the original case with the cardbox... Micha
Hello @all, I'm shure some of you have watched the "red eagle" auctions at the german ebay.Now my question-(this name was brought up in the other forum):if this guy was awarded with the ROA 3rd class with swords,why he got later the 2nd class without?If it is the right guy....And another thing,the bar went off for more than 3000?-what makes it so expensive? I did expected the 2nd class including the case and the cardbox higher than the bar.... Micha
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