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    Everything posted by Motorhead

    1. This is also my favourite type of the "K.A.G." maker-Here is his brother with the more common type of pin.There are also 2 types of the 2nd class,unfortunately my wide crown 2nd is a little bit rusty.... Micha
    2. And another new piece in the collection-I've looked for this case a longer time and now I was able to purchase this one... Please notice the rough "structure" of the surface(I think it's from the later 20ies)-the white rim is simply paper that was glued on the case! Again nothing spectacular,but another whole in my collection is filled! Micha
    3. It's dead quite at the EK front....here's an untypical example of a K.A.G stamped EK. The 2nd core type with the wide crown with an unusual type of pin. Nothing special,but this core variation is much harder to find than the "usual" core type. Unfortunately the cross was cleaned and polished by the idiot who sold it to me...... Micha
    4. I would say the use of brass and zinc has got more a technical aspect-the weaker metal is easier to stamp! Not so much use on the tool.To the period they have used-just remember when the LDO came into the game.....L/19 EK1 are only made with a brass core! So you can say from the first o the last day....it looks like that some companies simply ignored the LDO rules,for exaple Steinhauer&L?ck,W?chtler&Lange ect...... Micha
    5. Hmmmm,I've bought one just to have it-but no,I really don't like it! But when I remember right Dietrich has a list with early EK2 makers-some of them are not listet....but don't nail me down on tis,I will ask him for details! Micha
    6. That's a good score,Steve! I call it "type 2"-directly stamped,not in a box! Micha
    7. I like it,too-but when it comes to Souval you cant be shure to be at the save side.....we all know that they produced "souveniers" shortly after the wars end! So bought this one when it was offered to me with the knowledge that it's maybe wasted money.... Micha
    8. He's back......nothing I would like to have in my collection! Micha http://search.ebay.de/_W0QQsassZcetra2003QQhtZ-1
    9. As long as I can't find the real special ones-this one dropped in last week! The cardbox is in a good condition( a postal stamp from Braunschweik at the top),the case is perfect(standard black one) and inside a nice CD 800......OK,just a CD800 the most of you will think-but this one is a nice addition for my collection-the maker mark is stamped in one line,not as usual in two! All in all nothing spectacular,but mybe interesting for the EK collector. Micha
    10. That's a killer,Jan Arne! The best L/10 I've ever seen......congratulations! Micha
    11. I always hate it to be the bringer of bad news....But anyway,I hope he can return it! @Heiko-of course I've noticed your answer at the SDA(and it confirmed my own feeling about this piece),but I've thought it would be a good idea to show it also to the collectors who cant read the german language. So a big thank you from the really dark side of collecting Micha
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