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    Everything posted by Motorhead

    1. For the friends of the imperial iron-I'm shure some of you can remember the last overstamped EK2 I postet a while ago.That time I thought it's just a mistake or something unique.I was wrong-this one here that dropped in half an hour ago is the twin of the other one! For shure no "Z" core! Same EK than the last one,also the maker "S-W" overstamped with a "Z"......strange! Micha Obverse
    2. I've got the "fragments" of a 4 piece constructed 1914 2nd class here-both halfs of the frame are loose(hold together by the little ring),but the two halfs of the core have got the full paintig.And these two halfs are covered with the same stuff like your EK.So I belive it must be a kind of "protection" for the core.When I find it,I will post pics later! Micha
    3. After a reinstallation of my scanner's software....here's my "new" AWS screwback.It's just the brother of the one I wan't to sell(just a little better).IT's convex,has got a magnetic core,a "925" silverstamp at the backside and the hallmark is located at the little screw.It is a little dirty(but I won't touch it!) but has a great patina. Micha Obverse
    4. Oh my good........are you serious? Cooking water...Aceton.....what's next-hammer and chisle? Or maybe a gas flame?? If you want to ruin the patina use the silver dip-some of them don't detroy the painting of the core.If you just want to remove dirt(everything that is not looking like a propper EK) try some warm water with some neutral soap in it.Just a few minutes and then use a really weak brush! And of corse don't forget to dry the EK! But all this is just if you can't keep your fingers from an iron cross.In Steve's case you've ruined the coating of the core..... Or spend some money in a subsonic cleaner-they are not expensive! Micha
    5. Really a hard case-my own oppinion-I don't like it because of the size and shape of the swaz,but this is more a feeling from my stomach than a propper observation! Micha
    6. I would have payed the same....I tried to buy it but soemeone was quicker !! And....my L/54 wasn't cheaper........ Micha
    7. I'm speechless-just the 2nd of them I know in collectors hand! This is one of the extremely rare ones! Did you get it from Germany the last time? I was too late for the update........ .But anyway,this one is a killer EK! Well done,my friend! Micha
    8. I agree with you on Nr.2-that looks really like a "H".But Nr.1.........coud it be a"B"? Micha
    9. This one is an unmarked "flatback" AWS. Not the worst one to buy- not extremely rare but they don't grow on trees! Micha
    10. And here's the 2nd one-totally different core....
    11. I had some time and so I decided to make some new scans of my 2nd class "K.M"-The Nr.1 is the one we all know,but look at the 2nd one.......The frame is identical,but we have two totally different cores.So we are nearly shure that "KMST/KM" is the maker "K?nigliches M?nzamt Stuttgart"-could be the core of the 2nd one a "KO" core?And.....when we would have a closer look at our "KO"s-would we find some of them with the "KM" frame? Micha "K.M" standart variation obverse
    12. Well,nothing spectacular-but better than nothing! It seems to be that this one is the 1914 brother of my '39 Schinkel with the same pin. Micha
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