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    Everything posted by Komtur

    1. Identification realized with the help of the famous research community. With special thanks to Daniel, Paul, Rick and Sascha. Regards, Komtur.
    2. I am looking for more information about the shown Greek cross. I only know it is from about 1830, the time of fight for freedom in Greece. It must be short after 1830, when the connection to Bavaria began by the Wittelsbacher prince Otto becoming the Greek King. Regards, Komtur.
    3. It documented the "award" of the Kaisers pottery bust, shown below, to this Mr. Weiß. Best regards, Komtur.
    4. Is there any evidence, that the Reserve-Officer on these pictures could be a "Direktor der Reußengrube Herr Weiß" from Kretschwitz bei Gera?
    5. I am searching for a picture of Josef Graf Stürgkh, in the beginning of WW1 for about 10 month as Feldmarschalleutnant the Austrian representative in the German headquarters. Regards, Komtur.
    6. 3. Nachtrag der Königlich Preußischen Ordensliste 1905 (Verleihungen 1.2.1907-31.1.1908): AEZ 18th January 1908 - Bachmann, Oberbootsmannsmaat bei der II. Matrosendivision Not sure if the rank in 1908 fits to the Bachmann above Regards, Komtur.
    7. I am afraid it is not him. See his entry from "Stammliste des Marine-Sanitätskorps 1919":
    8. Sorry, there is a Gustav Dresler with KO4 in the DOA 1908/9, but without the KDM 1870 and the CM. He is a Polizeiinspektor. Could it be him?
    9. This picture of a Beamter shows on the back Gustav Dresler. Can anybody confirm this name by his decorations? Can´t find one in the DOA 1908/9, State and Court 1900 and Siekmann 1883. Regards, Komtur.
    10. Königlich Preußische Ordensliste 1905, 3. Nachtrag: Stechow, Adalbert, Oberstleutnant, Kommandeur des Garde-Pionier-Bataillons - KO3 am 2. September 1907 Regards, Komtur.
    11. Who are besides Moriz von Lyncker the few of suspects? Daniel? PS: Oh, sorry, as I understand your numbers in the Hohenzollern-thread there are some more: 27?
    12. No. See post #7 From 1871-1873 there were about 1.500 awards of the KO4 with Red Cross and about 450 awards of this order without the Red Cross on the "Erinnerungsband". May be I am a bit wrong with the numbers, can´t find the source. But I get my "Ludvigsen" in a few weeks Kind regards, Komtur.
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