Hello Guys, I'd like to take a few moments to share a, I think, remarkable grouping that I recently had the pleasure of acquiring for my collection. This grouping belongs to one of the first documented Parachutists of the Third Reich, one Johann Heitkamp, of the 4./Regiment General G?ring, later serving with 4./Fallschirmj?ger Regiment 2 and Wachbataillon der Luftwaffe. Berlin. He was awarded one of the first known Juncker Parachutist Badges, a superb 1st pattern which he had engraved with his name and original unit. His Para Document carries the date 14 Dezember 1936, roughly a month after the Parachutists Badge was instituted! Please pay particular attention to the number on the Para Badge Document (43!) Okay, enough of the rambling - I'll let the the rest of his docs tell the story! I hope you enjoy looking at it! ERIC Para Badge Doc signed by Generalmajor Hans J?rgen Stumpff, Chef des Luftwaffe Personalamts/RLM '33 - '37 [attachmentid=31989]