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    Everything posted by tyanacek

    1. Hello guys, Thanks to all for the comments. Sascha: I would agree that this bar belonged to at least an Oberst, if not a Generalmajor, by 1939. Best regards, Tom
    2. Hello to all, I bought this gem of a Customs Service medal bar at the recent MAX Show. I've wanted a medal bar with a Customs Service Decoration on it for a very long time. I never thought, though, that I would find what I consider to be the ultimate in a Customs Service medal bar. It not only has the elusive Customs Service Decoration on it, but it is also an all-Third Reich Period, six-place medal bar (seven-place if you count the Prague Castle Clasp as a separate award). A very very scarce, if not a rare find, in my opinion. Best regards, Tom
    3. Hello to all, I bought this six-place medal bar at the recent MAX Show. When I bought this bar, the Silver Hessen Bravery Medal was missing and a zinc Prussian Cross for War Aid was hanging in its place. I then searched the show for a long time before I finally found a loose Silver Hessen Bravery Medal to buy. You would think that it would be easy to find one at such a large show, but it took quite awhile. With the restoration complete, I think the bar looks great once again. Hope you like it too. Best regards, Tom
    4. Here is an unusual R.S.&S. clasp that I bought last weekend. Unlike most original Bomber Clasps by this maker, this one has a box hinge instead of the usual ball-hinge. Best regards, Tom
    5. Here is one that I picked up last weekend. Looks like this one was formerly of the Stogieman collection. Best regards, Tom
    6. Hello Detlef, That is a very nice medal bar. Very unusual to see both the First and Second Class Finnish Medals of Liberty mounted on the same bar. Congratulations! Best regards, Tom
    7. Hello Brian, Thanks for your comments. Yes, I was really drawn to that presentation date on the East Medal document: Seldom ever seen! Plus the location being Fortress Metz is very interesting too. I would agree with your assessment that he was either between units at this point or recovering from a second-time wounding in Northeastern France. Best regards, Tom
    8. Thanks again, Naxos! Does anyone have a list of the Regimental Commanders of I.R. 321 or can anyone assist with the Feldpostnummer on the East Medal document? Thanks & best regards, Tom
    9. His last document is for the Silver Wound Badge. He now has the rank of Leutnant and is assigned to Alarm-Bataillon-Platho. (15th Infantry Division?) The signature is that of Hauptmann Max Platho, the Battalion Leader and one of only thirteen holders of the Army Honor Role Clasp in the 15th Infantry Division.
    10. Here is a blowup of the eagle ink stamp on the East Medal document:
    11. The guy is a Feldwebel at the time he receives his East Medal document. Not sure what unit he is in at this time as I have yet to make out the Feldpostnummer on the eagle ink stamp. Of interest is that this document has a typed in notation at the lower left, indicating the place and date of the actual award presentation. In my opinion, this is not often seen on an East Medal document. Note that this date is almost a full year after the back-dated award date.
    12. The guy is an Unteroffizier when he receives his Silver Infantry Assault Badge and he is still in the same unit: the Infantry Howitzer Company of Infantry Regiment 321. The document is signed by the Regimental Commander, but a new one. Again, I have yet to identify this signature. Does anyone know this one?
    13. Here is his EK2 document: I really like the signature on the document: Generalmajor Hermann Meyer-Rabingen, the Commander of the 197th Infantry Division.
    14. He ended up in the Army and was assigned to the Infantry Howitzer Company of Infantry Regiment 321. His Black Wound Badge document is signed by the Regimental Commander, but I have yet to identify the signature. Does anyone know who the Regimental Commander was at this time?
    15. Hello to all, Here is a nice six document grouping that I picked up recently. The guy started out in the enlisted ranks and eventually became commissioned as a Leutnant. From his enlistment acceptance slip, it appears that he was supposedly going into the Navy:
    16. Hi Kevin, Actually, the 8-Year Police Medal was worn from a plain cornflower blue ribbon so it should not have an embroidered police insignia on the ribbon. Best regards, Tom
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