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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Christophe

    1. Good attempts... But this is not the right answer... Another hint in image : Ch.
    2. Good attempts... But this is not the right answer... Another hint in image : Ch.
    3. Can't believe it.... Just think about my latest hint; it should help... Ch.
    4. Many thanks, Taras, for these informations. Cheers. Ch.
    5. Thanks Taras for this update. Do you have more details about it ? Are the obverse and reverse of the medal the same ? Cheers. Ch.
    6. Another hint : My little brother is born because of the 1980 Olympic Games... Ch.
    7. Please, have a look at this thread (in french) : http://www.phaleristique.net/forum/viewtop...f=16&t=1934 Cheers. Ch.
    8. But, Joe, you were perfectly right about Dali : Spanish, but living so close to France... Cheers. Ch.
    9. Thanks Dan and Gordon for showing these plaques and their "history". Cheers. Ch.
    10. Dali is not the author of the second "portrait". It comes from a small magazine called "A la Ba?onnette!...", published in 1915-1919. Cheers. Ch.
    11. Hi Dan, Nice one. Do you have more detail about it ? Where it comes from ? Any writing some where ? etc... Cheers. Ch.
    12. All brains welcome (again) !!!!! There is a new easy question in the Soviet & Eastern Block Quiz - 2009... http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=33082&st=128 Please, exerce your brain and try to win this challenge!!!! Cheers. Ch.
    13. Question # 234 This is really an easy one... I am born in 1959. Less than one year later, I had already a strong link with Germany. My little brother arrived quite late; I was already 20 years old. But, we never have been able to communicate rightly together... My worst day, a terrible one, happened in 1982. Who am I ? The first member answering this question is the winner!! Good hunt and good luck... Cheers. Ch.
    14. Thanks Ilja. I think the panel says exactly : "I am a thief". So, my turn, now... Cheers. Ch.
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