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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Christophe

    1. And the same Moskva, in May 2008, for the celebration of the Victory... Ch. Pic : Military. video.ru
    2. In December 2007... During the presidential electoral campaign... Ch. Pic : ? Christophe ? ChR Collection
    3. Still in October 2006. Ch. Pic : ? Christophe ? ChR Collection
    4. The Moskva in October 2006. Ch. Pic : ? Christophe ? ChR Collection
    5. Now, the Moskva before it has been dismantled and currently rebuilt... Ch. Pic : ? Christophe ? ChR Collection
    6. No pb, Marc let's the pictures talk... Here is the Rossia, as pictured in Oct. 2006. It is currently dismantling. I have more recent pictures (showing neartly nothing emerging from the ground) but can't put my hands on them... Maybe later... Cheers. Ch. Pic : ? Christophe ? ChR Collection
    7. Hi Marc, Are you sure ? Aren't you confusing with the Rossia (Rossiya) ? Cheers. Ch.
    8. In many news footage, you can see it... hidden by huge advertising panels. Ch.
    9. Hi Marc, In fact they are rebuilding the Moskva. And they are supposed to rebuild it identically (? l'identique), but I don't know how the inside will be, as the rebuilding might only concern the envelope, the outside... I have pics of the outside, as I usually stay in the Metropol when in Moscow. I'll post a few of them if you want. Cheers. Ch.
    10. Perfect answers, Marc !!!! Congratulations, you're the winner !!! The photograph is Evgueny Khaldei, and the pic has been taken in 1950. Your turn, now... Cheers. Ch.
    11. Hi Dan, I accept with pleasure. As I am myself between two sessions of work, I will propose an easy one, not having time enough to look for a cryptic one... Question #211 : Look at the following photo : 1. What are the buildings on the left and the right ? Please, name the two buildings. 2. Who is the photographer who took this pic ? Easy... The first Forum Member to answer correctly both questions is the winner. Good hunt and good luck !! Cheers. Ch. Pic : Foto Soyuz
    12. Marco is referring to the "traktir", the russian pub... Dan, in my opinion, you are the winner. Let's wait for Marco's judgement !!! Cheers. Ch.
    13. Marc, I like this, when the Quiz is live and running !!!! I normally plan to update the stats only once a month, but I can also speed this if the Quiz is really active!! Cheers. Ch.
    14. Congratulations Marco !!! Time for a few stats... Quiz 2008 : * 36 questions asked, * with 490 answers, * and viewed more than 4,050 times. Nb of good answers for the Quiz 2008 : * 8 : Marc (Lapa) * 5 : Christian (Zulus), Christophe & Frank (Knarf) * 4 : Dan (Hauptman) * 2 : Alex (RedMaestro) & Auke (Ferdinand) * 1 : Brendan (ANZAC), Jim (JimZ), Marco (marcotk) & Wild Card Complete statistics give since this Quiz has been launched (on 1 Nov. 2005) : * 207 questions asked, * with 2,635 answers, * This quiz has been viewed more than 27,650 times. * 42 Members of the Forum played, and 31 correctly answered at least 1 question : Nb of good answers : * 40 : Christian (Zulus) * 37 : Christophe * 17 : Frank (Knarf) * 13 : Jim (JimZ) * 11 : Bryan (Soviet) * 9 : Dan (Hauptman) * 8 : Auke (Ferdinand), Marc (Lapa) & Simon (Red Threat) * 6 : Belaruski, Carol I & Ed (Haynes) * 5 : Wild Card. * 3 : Andreas (Alfred), Ivan (Piramida) & Kim (Kimj). * 2 : Alex (RedMaestro), Chuck (in Oregon), Gerd (Becker), Jan (vatjan) & Order of Victory. * 1 : Brendan (ANZAC), Charles (Hunyadi), Darrell, Daredevil, Dave (Navy FCO), Dudeman, Filip (Drugo), Marco (marcotk), Rick (Stogieman) & Steen (Ammentorp). This is a great achievement. Thanks to all for your participation in this Quiz. Now, let's play for the 208th question, Marco's one !! Cheers. Ch.
    15. Hi again Marco, This sounds like you will soon celebrate your first victory!!! Let's see what Marc will say... Cheers. Ch.
    16. Hi Christian, Nice to see you back and active, here!!! And, Marco, welcome to the Quiz!!!! Cheers. Ch.
    17. There was a time I did not have so many books... Far far before the PMD was written... And Putnikov and Durov's books were my only sources... I know them by heart No merit in my case... Cheers. Ch.
    18. Hi Ed, A quick check in Durov's book (Order of Lenin State Museum) says : "Badge "To Hero of the January, 1918 events" at the Arsenal Works in Kiev, which was awrded to the workers who rose in arms against the nationalist government". (page 72). Hope this helps... Cheers. Ch. PS : very nice booklet BTW. :jumping:
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