Focusing on just one issue: There is, at present, simply no logically coherent place to post such information. It fits in no existing category. None. Like Mongolia (before Battushig and our forum -- dating the first Mongolian post in September 2005 and a forum in January 2006), information is thin on the ground. Fran?ois has done some important work in moving us all (himself included) toward some understanding is significant. This is a chance for this foprum to (again) be on the cutting edge. But, for some, their mothers told them never to be on the cutting edge? To up-end Rick's metaphor: Give us a place to play and watch the information flow. Waiting for that information to be scattered abouty in the several fora that could host it seems to be guaranteed to bring incoherence and, frankly, to keep the emerging Russian Federation information off this forum and only over at the OMSA forum (where it isn't entirely welcomed). I see that as unfortunate. If the activity over at the OMSA sub-forum (which I'm sure all of you visit) is any guide, I think Rick's worries can be put to rest: 35 threads and 368 posts since inception in November 2008. Plus, there are also just over 200 relevant items shown in the database. By the chatty standards or some of our fora that may not seem like much, but the OMSA forum is not as active as this one. Even the Soviet awards forum has their section (79 threads, 1273 posts), but their approach differs from ours. As you might guess, I think such a sub-forum would be a positive thing for the GMIC forum. But if the management says "No", so be it. Maybe if we gave Rick a modern Russian ribbon bar . . . ???