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    Everything posted by Ed_Haynes

    1. Sort of, sort of, the Medal for Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War. I assume this is for whatever he did from his wheelchair. Need someone skilled (where's Rick?) to take a good close squing at the stamp on that one? (Detyailed scans available as requested . . . .)
    2. Thanks, Christian. Yes, it is loose, never mounted, and I just added it at the end for scanning purposes.
    3. It is also useful, I think, to overlay these with history and realise the chronology of their creation: 1930 - Order of Lenin 1945 - Order of Sukhbaatar 1950 - Order of George Dimitrov 1953 - Order of Clement Gottwald 1953 - Order of Karl Marx post-1967? - Order of Che Guvara post-1969? - Order of Ho Chi Minh 1970 - Friendirch Engels Prize (as a "prize" does it belong?) 1972 - Order of Kim Il Sung Others might be added, but they're a "reach"? Uncompleted projects like the Order of Stalin or the Order of Muhammad Tarzi don't belong?
    4. Be afraid, Paul. Be very afraid. Especially with these campaign medals and such sexy recommendations.
    5. All proving why an online translation is better than no translation at all, almost, but barely. You need a helpful human mind. 2- Interamente dimostrando perch? una traduzione in linea ? migliore di traduzione affatto, quasi, ma a mala pena. Avete bisogno di una mente umana utile. 3- Entire demonstrating because a translation online is better than translation at all, nearly, but to mala pain. You have need of one useful human mind. 4- Demonstrar inteiro porque uma tradu??o em linha ? melhor do que a tradu??o em tudo, quase, mas ? dor do mala. Voc? tem uma necessidade de uma mente humana ?til. 5- To demonstrate whole number because an on-line translation is better of what the translation in everything, almost, but to the pain of the luggage. You have a necessity of a mind useful human being. 6- Vollst?ndige Zahl demonstrieren, weil eine on-line-?bersetzung besser ist von, was die ?bersetzung in alles fast aber zu den Schmerz des Gep?cks. Du hast eine Notwendigkeit eines Sinnesn?tzlichen menschlichen Wesens. 7- D?montrer un nombre complet, parce que de traduction on-line-?bersetzung est mieux que la traduction vers tout presque toutefois la douleur des bagages. Tu as une n?cessit? d'un utile d'?tre humain. 8- To show a complete number, because of translation one-line-?bersetzung is better than the translation into all almost however the pain of the luggage. You have a need for useful a human being. Thanks, Google.
    6. Thanks, Paul. This was an upgrade, as the Nakhimov was lower. So often we see downgrades, an upgrade is nice to see. Well, at least a Victory over Germany, but Ferdinand's reading of the messy documents raises other questions. I remain very confused on this "group".
    7. Working on the earlier ("Sukhbaatar") photo, I suggest her additional badges (beyond the Obvious Three) as: 1- The Outstanding Herder (B # J22/23) 2- One of the aimag badges -- Z99, Z108 -- so where was she from -- Bayangol or Umnugobi -- or some similar NIB aimag badge -- possibly a school badge (R39, R44) or I44 or ??? Your guesses?? Need to contact the family (when my "source" gets back from Khalkin Gol -- the lucky dog -- lucky marmot?). May these be clues to the "Who was she?" question?
    8. Thanks, Ferdinand. Once again, you are a thread-, research-, and life-saver. Next time I am in the Netherlands, I owe you several rounds!
    9. I am unfamiliar with Naval documents, but I think these are something like an award record card? Any translation of information harvesting from these ugly images would be appreciated.
    10. A frustrating, incomplete, undocumented, researched but not fully translated group -- I don't even have his rank or full name, but I am sure some kind person will take pity on the illiterate крепостной крестьянин and help out. Still, for all the limitations, I think this is an interesting group, one worth sharing.
    11. And, while I'm sure there is much more to be learned by a careful reading and translation, here (thank the gods) is a translation of the core of the recommendation. (You haven't mislaid those tissues, have you?)
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