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    Everything posted by Ed_Haynes

    1. And . . . . . . from a group that "happens" to be on my scanner just now . . . . . . http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=3222 . . . . . . the certificate. Cover.
    2. Now with me (too), though one medal "just coming" (though a restoration). A celebratory group-shot! (Loose, not mounted, so a bit ragged . . . but . . . still . . . )
    3. '"Just" an Order of Glory III!' But the tales, the tales! While the research may cost more than you paid for these medals (not this "thin" one, probably), the value can be great. See: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=2329
    4. Like these. In many ways they say more about Soviet society than a military gallantry award. The only ones I have are in teh group to Ekaterina Nicolarvna Dvornikova. See: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=7234
    5. One more living with me, to David Mironovich Sup'yan. Research on this almost-certainly partial group not yet in hand. T3 - # 22664 See also: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=3728
    6. We all rent them. No intent to move these lovelies on until I move on to . . . whatever 'tis that comes next. (Worm food seems most likely.) I am always acutely aware that I am only a transitional custodian of what comes to live with me. This means I have the duty to add to our knowledge, to the accompanying research, as I am only the temporary keeper of this person's memory and their medals. When it moves on in several decades or so (I hope), someone else will house Colonel Belykh's awards. No intent to let go of them any time soon, trust me.
    7. Another come to live with me. T3V2 - # 223,795 on 30 May 1945 (Deputy Regimental Commander for Political Matters, 1205th Self-propelled Artillery Regiment)-- recommended for Order of Lenin. See also: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=4150
    8. As the group has now found a new temporary (yet loving) home, a "group shot":
    9. DOCUMENT: Medal "80th Anniversary of Great October Socialist Revolution" / Медаль ?80 лет Великой Октябрьской социалистической революции? Outside.
    10. DOCUMENT: Order of Stalin / Орден Сталина Cover.
    11. DOCUMENT: Medal "Veteran-Internationalist" / Медаль ?Ветерану-интернационалисту? Outside.
    12. Really . . . you have me very confused now, Dave. See: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=2326 (Reminding me, of course, that I need to get together some scans for you . . . oops.)
    13. Thanks, but I am fully aware of the limitations that surround German groups as compared to those of most other nations. I am also aware -- and have been re-educated on an ongoing basis by the rich posts and top-quality research displayed on this forum -- that a great deal of history can be coaxed from these unnamed, unnumbered, usually undocumented, "unattributable" German groups. Alas, anything that is "just for display" purposes may, in the hands of the next collector or dealer, become an assertion of a completely fraudulent (yet quite profitable) history and a permanent cancerous growth on a small, elegant piece of history like the one you have posted here. We will not -- and I hate to break this to you -- own forever these things of which we have custody today. In a few decades, they will pass along down the chain of custody that began with the only legitimate owner, the recipient. Excuse me if I am over-sentimental, but I think we owe it to him (or her) to keep his material as unpolluted by our over-active fantasies as possible. We do not do him (or her) any favors) by "restoring" his group according to our wishes, our guesswork, or maybe even (and here it gets gray) our research. We may help our pockets, though. I shall shut up now. You're welcome.
    14. Certificates, as available, to follow. Though some of these certificates are unissued, some are "issued", and some may be really issued, these are fascinating awards, indicating that all is not as uniform and changed in Russia as some may sometimes like it to sound.
    15. Medal "Veteran-Internationalist" / Медаль ?Ветерану-интернационалисту? While associated with the Fourth Afghan War, thsi was in fact awarded for a much wider range of locations and services, as the reverse legend "SPAIN & NORTHERN KOREA & CUBA & the NEAR EAST & VIETNAM & AFGHANISTAN " indicates.
    16. Order of Stalin / Орден Сталина Discussed before, I think?
    17. Medal "80th Anniversary of VLKSM" / Медаль ?80 лет ВЛКСМ?
    18. Medal "80th Anniversary of Great October Socialist Revolution" / Медаль ?80 лет Великой Октябрьской социалистической революции?
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