Okay, you guys share the prize! .
My friend Hannes Taeger posted this elsewhere...
"O.k., I will follow your invitation - or is it a challenge? - and risk my way on the treacherous path of dealing with non-PC colonial ashtays.
Montirungskammer = Montierungskammer = Bekleidungskammer = chamber of military clothes and equipment.
What happens? We are anywhere in Africa or rather on a German Pacific Island before 1914. The white officer is looking at his black soldiers who just got their equipment. It looks like the officer had to get a seat under the palm trees for or after his observations. Indeed, it is hard to bring civilization or military order to natives - hard for both sides. One black man is too tall, another man too fett for the uniform, a third man makes exercises with the new pants, others are lacking pants but have boots. From the German military´s point of view a kind of nightmare if one want´s to turn the natives into real soldiers.
So, the ashtray tries to illustrate in a funny way imagined or real difficulties which the German colonial masters met when they tried to create troops of natives in their colonies."