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    Everything posted by FOR VALOUR

    1. Hello I would be grateful for help to identify SWB A 74123. my thanks again. David (H)
    2. Hello Could anyone identify this shoulder title please thank you. (H)
    3. Goom Morning, I am trying to trace a recipient of SWB No NZ27608 could you point me in the right direction please, any help would be appreciated. Kind Regards David (H)
    4. Hello, I would be grateful for any information on the following Gentlemen Pte 26964 Alexander Hill Notts and Derby ww1 Pte 4494 George William Hill Notts and Derby ww1 my thanks for any help you may be able to give especially battalions served with. Regards David (H)
    5. Hello, I am looking for any information on sgt charles miller rga who had the following service No's 26729 & 1403241 and awarded msm gv1, would be very grateful for any help. Regards David
    6. Gentlemen, My thanks for all your help anf kind remarks about the tunic, could anyone point me in the right direction for the best way to sell the tunic, i am down sizing my collection and selling all my items other than my medals which is my main collecting field. Again my thanks for all your help. Regards David (H
    7. Hello, Can you help with any information on the tunic in the attached pictures please, thank you again. Regards David (H) http://i276.photobuc...57/DSC03971.jpg
    8. Hello, It is my intension to sell the sword in the pictures attached i would like to know it,s value and any information that may help me, thank you for loooking. Regards David (H) http://i276.photobuc...57/DSC03953.jpg http://i276.photobuc.../DSC03952-1.jpg http://i276.photobuc...57/DSC03951.jpg http://i276.photobuc...57/DSC03950.jpg http://i276.photobuc...57/DSC03955.jpg http://i276.photobuc...57/DSC03956.jpg http://i276.photobuc...57/DSC03957.jpg http://i276.photobuc...57/DSC03958.jpg http://i276.photobuc...57/DSC03959.jpg
    9. Hello All, Not sure mine is worth viewing but i thought you may have some opinions, thank you for looking. (H)
    10. Sir, My thank's indeed i wanted to be fair to my friend as he was offering me a WW1 trio to the lovat scouts as a straight swap, again my thank's all the very best to you. Regards David (H)
    11. Hello, My thanks again for the help in idenfying my previous medal, i have this cross which i am about to trade with a friend for war medals which is what i collect however i have no idea as to it's value i would be grateful for your help please.The star is hallmarked at the rear b'ham 1936 and made by kenning. Regards David
    12. Hello, Could anyone help identify this masonic medal please,thank you. Regards David
    13. Hello, My thanks to you for all your help in identifying these items and my apolagies for not replying sooner this was due to illness,all the best to you and again this site proves to be the best. Regards David (H)
    14. Good Evening , I have tried without any success to find qsa/ksa records for 6342 W Mead 2/scots fus QSA 6342 W Mead 2/royal scots fusiliers KSA could anyone help please i would be most grateful. Regards David (H)
    15. Good Evening, These items came to me today but i have no idea as to thier meaning please could anyone advise many thanks they came in the leather pouch pictured. Regards Davis (H)
    16. Richard, My thanks indeed as i had no idea what it was, i have attached a picture of the other medals that came with the seal. David (H)
    17. Good Evening, I have today purchased a collection of medals ect which came with the chap's masonic medals most of which i already know, however i cannot identify the one in the picture attached and i was hoping someone could help. Regards David (H)
    18. Tony Good Morning, Thank you very much for your reply much appreciated,they are both british chaps and i will wait for your return and contact you again if thats ok, again my thanks. David (H)
    19. Good Morning, I would like to get the entries for 2 SWB please could anyone help,i am prepared to pay thank you. David
    20. Hello Dan, Thank you for your reply,i am a bit of a purist and i only have things repaired with original items if possible my thanks again. David
    21. Good Morning, I have a swb which is numbered 211000 could anyone help identify the recipient please, also i need the pin replacing tried chris dixon but he could not help. Regards David
    22. Hello Again, As i believe it was in the officers mess in the entrance hall, i got it today with some raf pow items thank you again for your interest. David
    23. Hello, Thought you might like to see this 1st Battalion the Scots Guards wall plaque solid brass 20 inches across weighs 8.5kg. Regards David
    24. Uwe, My thanks they are part of a number of foriegn medals i am disposing of, would you have an idea of value please? David
    25. Good Evening, I have these 2 medals i believe are bulgarian could anyone help identify please. David
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